This is a Virtual Seedy Secret Santa - not a real one 
The idea is that you choose any Grape and "send" them a packet of seeds that you think they would enjoy. You can match the seeds to their names, hobbies, skills or in fun.
For example :
Big Mallly - Monkey nuts
Nicos - French beans
Scarlet - Scarlet Runner beans.
Be as imaginative as you can
So, Name your Grape and your "Seedy Gift" and why you've chosen it

The idea is that you choose any Grape and "send" them a packet of seeds that you think they would enjoy. You can match the seeds to their names, hobbies, skills or in fun.
For example :
Big Mallly - Monkey nuts
Nicos - French beans
Scarlet - Scarlet Runner beans.
Be as imaginative as you can

So, Name your Grape and your "Seedy Gift" and why you've chosen it
