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Thieving toerags!


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  • Thieving toerags!

    Hello fellow allotmenteeers, hope your news is better than ours here in Hull, we thought it was bad enough being flooded out and everything ruined but no, our latest catastrophy has to be the lowest of the low! On two seperate occasions some thieving toerags sneaked onto the allotments, broke into sheds, stole all of our seeds, lots of tools, gardening books and just to top the cake, they sat in our presidents shed and had a party, of course they left thier beer cans and bottles to be cleared up.

    Down but not out, we will all keep going. Many of the chaps on the allotment had collections of seeds worth many pennies, some had expensive tools taken. It is very disheartening and many of us would love to get hold of whoever did this, there are enough spades left to dig a whacking great hole and guess who would be going into it!

    Of course. being the good gardeners that we are, we would put lime on top to help with the composting, unless any of you have any better ideas......

    Off later to repot some sprouts that have 'sprouted' up overnight - thank heavens for little murphies!

    PS - All of our potatoes are rotten due to the flooding, but on a good note strawbs look yummy.
    Derbyshire born Derbyshire bred & I'm not thick int'arm ort'ead!

  • #2
    Oh dear, what a shame. If I can send you some seeds to help out let me know. I don't have a very wide selection but could post on some part-used packets. Let me know.
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      Sorry to hear your news littleweed. There are some b******s around, and that on top of everything else you guys have had to put up with! I hope things improve for you, my thoughts are with you. Bernie Sorry I can't do more.
      Bernie aka DDL

      Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


      • #4
        That's awful littleweed. I hope you find out who did it...if you need help with hole digging just shout..
        I have loads of leftover seeds, some unopened, some part used. If they can be any use to anyone, PM me your address and I'll send em.


        • #5
          I'm so sorry Littleweed. What horrible people. I do hope they catch them. I'm glad to see you're not letting it get you down. You just have to carry on with business as usual. Every good wish to you and your fellow allotment holders.

          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


          • #6
            Sorry to hear your bad news. I wouldn't hold out any hope of the police being helpful or useful though. We had lots of greenhouses smashed up last summer by stone-throwing boys from the local high school's football teams...they didn't want to know, neither did the school. However, when a cat-owner received an anonymous letter threatening her cat, the police were up in force!
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #7
              Thankyou for all your kind messages, I feel much better for just getting it all off my chest. You are right about the lack of help but in Hull it's general, as in:- mention Hull and most people glaze over! Today in between showers(?) I've been re-potting swedes, turnips, beetroots and sprouts. Would that the Big Fellow Upstairs would let the weather clear up long enough to allow me to at least weed my "lake" I would feel even better! As to the very kind offer of seeds I will let my fellow allotmenteers know and on their behalf I thankyou for proving there are still decent people out there.
              Derbyshire born Derbyshire bred & I'm not thick int'arm ort'ead!


              • #8
                Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
                That's awful littleweed. I hope you find out who did it...if you need help with hole digging just shout..
                I have loads of leftover seeds, some unopened, some part used. If they can be any use to anyone, PM me your address and I'll send em.
                I also have a biscuit tin full of seeds.Due to a dreary Spring /early summer they didnt get sown.
                Let me know if you need them.


                • #9
                  Thankyou Polly, I have just replied to the other messages so you will get the gist from there, but it is really uplifting how supportive everyone is being.
                  Derbyshire born Derbyshire bred & I'm not thick int'arm ort'ead!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by littleweed View Post
                    Hello fellow allotmenteeers, hope your news is better than ours here in Hull, we thought it was bad enough being flooded out and everything ruined but no, our latest catastrophy has to be the lowest of the low! On two seperate occasions some thieving toerags sneaked onto the allotments, broke into sheds, stole all of our seeds, lots of tools, gardening books and just to top the cake, they sat in our presidents shed and had a party, of course they left thier beer cans and bottles to be cleared up.

                    Down but not out, we will all keep going. Many of the chaps on the allotment had collections of seeds worth many pennies, some had expensive tools taken. It is very disheartening and many of us would love to get hold of whoever did this, there are enough spades left to dig a whacking great hole and guess who would be going into it!

                    Of course. being the good gardeners that we are, we would put lime on top to help with the composting, unless any of you have any better ideas......

                    Off later to repot some sprouts that have 'sprouted' up overnight - thank heavens for little murphies!

                    PS - All of our potatoes are rotten due to the flooding, but on a good note strawbs look yummy.
                    Very sorry to hear about this! This sort of thing makes my blood boil. Just this weekend some vandals got onto our site, and wrecked strawberry cages, and someones shed, kicked down a fence, knifed open some bags. How pointless is it, eh?

                    "Raised to a state of heavenly lunacy where I just can't be touched!"


                    • #11
                      If it cheers you up at all to think about it - there was a tie-in novel to the TV series "Torchwood" where an old man had trouble with yobs on his allotment, till a stray alien-battle-robot moved in with him and murdered the perpetrators in a horrible gory manner! I'm sure all the blood and bonemeal would help condition the soil....


                      • #12
                        Aye, it's been grim up north, littleweed. Our village, just outside Hull, was spared the worst of the flooding but I have friends who will be months, possibly up to a year before they can return to their homes. As if that isn't bad enough, to have mindless chumps destroying your stuff - it's happened in homes as well as allotments, is just sickening. Sometimes a rant does help but you really wonder about the mindset of the little (row of asterisks) that do these things.
                        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

               Updated March 9th - Spring


                        • #13
                          I'm afraid we may see more vandalisum / stealing in the near future as farmers are reporting there crops are failing due to the rain and a possible shortage of veg later on in the year.
                          so far on the news there has been reports of potatoes , peas and corn / wheat losses on fairly large scale , so as prices rise the veg we grow will look even more tempting to the little br**s .
                          so how do you sharpen a peastick?
                          ---) CARL (----
                          NORTH DEVON

                          a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!



                          now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


                          • #14
                            This makes me soooo angry. What are parents teaching their offspring these days? I'm so sorry Littleweed - and being new myself can't offer to help this year, don't have anything worth sending except lots of good positive vibes down the airways and hopes that those responsible get their comeupance. Hrumphhh!
                            Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


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