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  • Picture size

    I really enjoy looking at people's photo's on here. I do my best to help when I can with identifying plants and pests and problems. However, please can I ask that pictures are reduced a little in size, down to say 600 pixels wide at the most, before potsting. We are in an area where Boadband is a distant future hope. We are too far from the Exchange and the lines are so frequently cut by hedgecutting, ditching, ploughing workmen that there are more joins now than clear lengths. The bigger the picture the longer it takes to come up on my screen. The last lot I tried to look at took over 8 minutes and still had not finished before I had to go and do some gardening!

  • #2
    Hi Halustris
    I live in avery rural location as well about 3 miles from the exchange on the end of a thin bit of wire i get a 1meg service sometimes it go's down to about a third of that but you may live a lot further from exchange i presume you have tried the speed check before i changed from dial up to broadband i bought a little flash drive and used to go and torment my mate who has broad band and down load allsorts of things and then come back and transfer
    on to my comutor no help to you but hope you get sorted outjacob
    What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
    Ralph Waide Emmerson


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