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  • Good evening
    Today didn't quite go to plan. I did manage to finish sorting my wood piles. I have one less now . Then had a play with a big bonfire. About 3 O'clock other half turned up with this.......

    So I spent the afternoon swinging an axe

    I was going to take before & after. It was to dark to take photos when I gave up for the evening.
    Everything now hurts!
    Attached Files


    • I hurt too SP, wish someone would draw me a bath. Think i will take myself off to bed soonish.
      Walking my boys this evening i saw a car go by with their dog tied to the back, a Spanish Galgo (greyhound) it is hunting season and it is brutal seeing some of their horrible practices, the only plus is that it did not seem as skinny as most, they normally starve them, get them ready for the hunt
      I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



      • Evening all. Not been on for awhile - I've been shattered since going back to work.
        Hoping to get something done on the plot at last this weekend.
        What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
        Pumpkin pi.


        • Had a lovely day with my grandaughter. Brought her into town, treated her to lunch and bought her birthday gifts.
          Came home with my pockets very much lighter but her birthday only comes once a year.

          And when your back stops aching,
          And your hands begin to harden.
          You will find yourself a partner,
          In the glory of the garden.

          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


          • good evening Folks, dry, dull and cold here today, finished filling a raised bed,front half had been filled in several weeks ago, empted a couple of compost bins, about three barrow loads, into back half, some of the contents still to rot down so broke it up a bit with a sharp shovel, a long handled shovel from lidles, great for that type of job, covered the bed with cardboard, then covered that with about 4ins. of old compost and course sand, I will leave the back end to settle down for a time before planting fruit trees, I am thinking of some blackcurrents, raspberries, summer and autumn, rubarb and a small apple tree,and if I have space some strawberries, also got some wood cut up, so all in all a good day. Well I wish you all a good night and as its the weekend, I hope those people who need a rest get one, for those doing painting etc. if you need some practice I could let you practice on several walls in my house, and, I will let you do it free of charge, just let me know and I will tell you what colour of paint to bring. Goodnight
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Evening all, just in from a quiz night with my Age Uk friends.
              We came second, and won �11
              I would have said that it was fairly easy, but it just suited the knowledge of all of us. Even if you answer only one question that no one else knows, you've done your bit.
              Me? I did about 5 I think
              Off to my bed, but will be awake reading for ages. Been drinking the diet stuff all evening .......
              Nannys make memories


              • Originally posted by Tripmeup View Post
                I did manage to force myself to run 5.5k today to see if that would shake me up
                Hope it did - although for you, that was hardly worth putting your running shoes on for.

                I'm not stopping (except to wind Trip up ) - LSR with big brother in the morning, but just because it has been zinging round my brain all day...

                Nos da, folks - sleep well.


                • Mornin n'all!
                  Yup...early start to the day.

                  Gardening and domestic chores got me today ( why does the gardening always get priority? )

                  I must pot on my espelette seedlings, they are germinating well.
                  Just a reminder please?.....Can I repot them deeper to just below the first 'leaves' like you can with tomatoes? They've suddenly grown to 1" !
                  Suppose that's always the problem with having a dark but warm house and no windowsills .

                  What's everyone's plans for the weekend?

                  We need to keep an eye on the hunting too Lisa...last day is Monday, til 9pm and you can bet yr sox the guys will be out there as much as poss over the next 3 days picking off what they can.
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Morning its a nice dry, frost free start to the day what more could you want for February
                    Congrats on the quiz win Sally
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Morning All

                      Sorry Nicos can't help with the potting on.

                      Rather grey this morning but dry.....not to mention cold! Hoping to get over the plot today to start spring cleaning the greenhouse over there but got a strange feeling the OH has plans for me.

                      I am sure she will get fed up with me being under her feet all week and soon send me off out

                      Have a super Saturday All


                      • Morning boys & girls'n'all from a cold dull looking Nestland, hope to get a few more paths chipped on the plot so can't stand here chattin' all day, need to get my jobs done before the big match this aft............have a good Saturday.
                        sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                        Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                        Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                        KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                        • Morning all, chilly and dull looking out of the window.
                          Up early and ready for the weekend, unlike my fellow quizzers who were 2 over the 8 when I left them lol
                          Work this afternoon for me and I am sure our Daughter has invited herself for Sunday dinner.
                          Best be looking in the freezer then.
                          Have a great day
                          Nannys make memories


                          • my edible garden show tickets have arrived


                            • Didn't get round to posting anything yesterday. More painting done in the bottom hall. Door facings and surrounds but then had to do a door as it looked dull.. still to do around outside door but that will be Monday morning I think. I'm getting there. Bathroom ceiling to do and maybe even the walls but small beer compared to the other jobs I've done. Then it's the kitchen and the final job will be freshening up the walls in our bedroom but will do that after the furniture is out. Looking forward to getting to that stage.

                              Lovely and shiney out.


                              • Morning everyone, not sure why I'm not getting on here as often as I used to! Hope everyone is happy.

                                Haven't sown/ done a thing really this year, apart from potatoes chitting away happily!

                                So I'm thinking a need to check on here to get myself in a panic to 'do something ', but it's icy!


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