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Chatback #11


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  • Good evening,

    I've done absolutely nothing today. Me and OH are not feeling to good. So we have just been relaxing. Feel like my head is going to explode, tried having a sleep to see if it would shift but it's only made it worse.

    Going to chill out for rest of the night and maybe have a early night.


    • I've finally pruned my raspberries....I not doing to well on the gardening this year. I'm not liking the cold weather we've been having but today was glorious feel shattered now though and I'm more than ready for a glass of fizz - well it is Saturday
      Last edited by Scarlet; 12-03-2016, 07:59 PM.


      • Originally posted by Lumpy View Post
        VC could'nt you leave it where it is and turn it into a little fairy tree house - hours of fun gouging out bits for a door and windows etc and make it a focal point for your next link road?
        Nope It would mean hours of pain gouging thorns out of my flesh - forget it. Those fairies can go and live elsewhere!
        Its not quite spaghetti junction yet - its more A-maze-ing than that

        Weather permitting, there'll be another side road cleared and chipped tomorrow
        Attached Files


        • DD decided we would have a long walk to Africa today, but it has poured all day so it has been postponed until tomorrow. Some flower seeds arrived today that is as close to gardening as I got.


          • Evening all. Been quite busy today. OH managed to cut both lawns this morning. He is hoping to cut them again tomorrow morning before he goes to work .
            Have had two kids parties this afternoon, survived them thankfully. So the kids have crashed out fast asleep. Just hope they sleep through the night.
            Been so busy I have even managed to tidy my potting table. Amazing how much rubbish was actually dumped on there.
            Anyway have a good evening everyone


            • mam and baby got home today , 2 days after a c section, she and we are chuffed .
              gutted Wales lost but did loads in the gh, good day.


              • Rugby aside that sounds like a very good weekend Jack!


                • Best for a while Scarlet


                  • There was me thinking the rugby result was good
                    He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                    Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                    • Good evening Folks, I am being kept busy all the time now, lots of seedlings to pot on, and one of my grandsons wants to sow some veg. and sunflower seeds so need to make time for him to do this, as he wants to do it at his own house, and usualy when I am free he is at school or judo or cubs. Could have done it today but was dragged to Glasgow shopping as its coming up for our anniversary, and she would like something special, she should realize she has got that, she has ME. Still I cant complain we were out last night at a bothy night as I wanted to go, and it was most enjoyable.Well I wish You all a good night, as its time to head off to bed, hope its a good day for everyone tomorrow, and that you enjoy whatever you are doing, just thinking I said I cant complain, it should have been no use complaining, no one listens. Goodnight
                      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                      • Morning everyone, and another clear day! Now what of the many things that need to be done, shall I do! A visit to allotment shop for chicken manure pellets will do as a start! Oh, better get up first.

                        Have a good day everyone


                        • Quick thought, I have a few spaces where Autumn planted onions have 'disappeared' or died during the winter, if I plant some more in those spaces will they catch up? Do you think? Or what about little clumps of spring onions ? Just thinking!


                          • Mornin n'all!

                            Frosty, sunny start to the day.
                            Going to be nice for the seed and plant swap! Yey!

                            Fresh fruit salad and live yog for breakfast....anyone got some gaffa tape....I need to start dieting pronto or I'll undo all my effort of last year
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • Morning the suns out and soon i will be hope everyone else is sharing the sunshine

                              Originally posted by bearded bloke View Post
                              Was that another to protest about the proposed 'bike parking charge in Matlock Bren ?
                              No just a camping meet lots of bikes with bed rolls and tents fastened to the back. looks like thye picked a good weekend.
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Good morning grapey poo�s

                                i have not been on much lately as we have family here and been really disappointed with my gardening and lost a bit this year all ready. I bought this GH and it came without all the nuts and screws but by the time i got around to assembling it, it had gone outside a 2 week window i did not know about, having bad customer service who do not want to help you. So will have to spend hours in the local building merchants finding things that will work in there replacement.
                                Got to get a load more potatoes in today and then off to a Americano motor racing truck rally thing, which i am quite looking forward to

                                Have a nice day x
                                I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



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