Afternoon all. Setting off to see occupational health nurse at work to find out if I will be allowed back to work yet. Shoulder is still not right, but better than it was and physio thinks it would help if I get back into a working routine - albeit doing lighter work.
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Afternoon all...
Feels like I have wandered into a doctor's surgery
Hope everyone feels better, (wo)man and beast......
Been very busy in work and have a wedding on Friday, so lots to clear up before then...I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....
...utterly nutterly
Such an exciting day, just been out in the car and came home with 2 olive trees, another blueberry and a redcurrant, then i heard on the radio that simply red is playing in Fuengirola, next door to the area we park up in our motorhome (for free!) so i have rushed home and i have now got tickets to watch them next to the sea, so excited i love this band.I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them
Originally posted by Bren In Pots View PostMorning its wet and windy here but we've got a parcel coming today so that's my excuse for staying indoorsI went for a stroll around the charity shops, picked up a couple of books but that was about it.
Location....East Midlands.
Been given the go ahead to return to work next week on reduced hours and light duties, so feel like I'm moving forward at last.
Went to see the beached whales being moved from the beach - so sad.What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
Pumpkin pi.
Another easy day for me, this head cold has floored me.
After the 8.30 phone call, got a very respectable 11.10 appointment ...... Got out of there just before 12, no prescription, it wings it's way to the chemist magically.
Couldn't see my eardrum as its narrowed even more, then tried to tell me I would have been born with it.
I don't think so Mr Dr, this is a newish thing.
On the down side, I can't have a hearing aid in the ear that I'm getting deaf in
Haven't worked out the plus side yet
Have a lovely evening folksNannys make memories
Got very good results from the eye specialist this morning. Last time wasn't so good but I have been using new drops for the last three months and the pressure in my eyes has gone down. Very pleased with this as there is no cure for glaucoma but just to try to keep it under control and to stop it getting any worse.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
It's all very 'medical' in here at the mo, grapeys! Get well soon all you who are under the weather.
I'm kicking my heels for half an hour before going to the track for Wednesday night speedwork. It's a toughie tonight - 1km repeats, and plenty of 'em.
The idea is to run each repeat in the same time. I am rubbish at this, and the first one is always zinging fast, then I get progessively more purple in the face as I try to keep to that time for the subsequent ones.
Hey ho! Going to the pub later, so that's to look forward to!
Just have to tell you all this one about the dogs. I now have a car with a big boot and 3 dog tethers fitted to restraints - so I can now take my two and my neighbour's springer out for a run in the afternoons. They all adore each other, but they get a bit excited on the way to the park. It starts off with the boy giving a sort of whine saxophone riff, with Petal immediately coming in by beating the back window with her paws - so that is Petal on drums - then Rosie will follow with the tin whistle of a whine. The band in the back of the car!
They are the funniest.Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?
Evening,said to MR,i feel more like me this afternoon,reply was,AND you look it,so much better having had some pressure's released,at least my mini hospital is happier,MR still in pain{ex shingles}and worry, also is our offspring,bruising is coming out well,and from today things are in others hands to sort the mess out,all i can say just now is,an RTA,and grateful thanks for a video camera,someone was watching over him good and proper
Sending those that are still unwell good vibes,hang in there and keep strong,sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
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