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  • Evening we've had sunshine today as well Marie but it was only warm in the GH so i stayed there a while doing not sure what.

    Originally posted by Lisasbolt View Post
    We have the same problem with fresh bread, it is delicious but only the 2 of us do not eat a whole stick, must say the ladies love a little as a treat now and again
    Lisa I slice and freeze my sourdough loaves could you do the same with a stick or don't they freeze well enough.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
      NS....Any left over bread I have ( French bread may be delish but goes stale v v quickly!) I chop up into dice sized cubes and freeze.
      A quick fry in hot oil with a sprinkling of salt/ chilli/ herbs and bobs yr auntie...instant croutons for soup!
      Or freeze it more finely crumbled and sprinkle it on top of cauliflower cheese before it's final bake in the oven.
      Or make bread and butter pudding?...any selection of flavours of fruit/ nuts/ chocolate
      Or just freeze the 1/3 you know you won't be using now for another day.
      Or cut into thick slices, put in the bottom of a bowl & cover with onion soup
      He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

      Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


      • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
        Rary, would you like a Log parcel? You pay P&P upfront of course
        VC, that would be very nice, but dont bother posting it, bring it up yourself, if I am out leave it at the back door, I will leave a barrow out for you.(no I will make a point to be in so that I can give you a cup of tea) Scarlet, the stuff you burn outside is material I burn in my fire I should not be lifting heavy weights, if I bring in heavy logs you have no idea the roasting I get, and I dont mean from the fire, but the small stuff gives you a good heat just the same. One other point, I have been told that burning rhododendron wood gives of a poisonous gas, but if you let it dry for two years it is a very good wood for the fire, I take it when its dry its safe, could anyone let me know if this is correct. Well off to get my supper, I might go throught to the kitchen and bring it through, saves OH any bother after all she makes it. Goodnight
        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


        • Been out for a delicious curry with hubby tonight. I always have a biryani, plenty left over for tomorrow's tea.
          Reference to the bread suggestions, I think I worded it wrong. What I meant was any ideas on making a loaf that keeps its freshness.
          All the suggestions were great and will bear them in mind.
          Have a lovely evening all
          Nannys make memories


          • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
            Evening we've had sunshine today as well Marie but it was only warm in the GH so i stayed there a while doing not sure what.

            Lisa I slice and freeze my sourdough loaves could you do the same with a stick or don't they freeze well enough.
            They freeze ok, but when it only cost 34c (1/2 a metre stick) for a new one that is ten times better........well i use them for breadcrumbs etc, never goes to waste but does put me off buying it in the first place. I have started making my own bread but sometimes does not seem worth it when it is so cheap from the bakery.
            I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



            • Well that was an interesting evening. I had 2 meetings tonight and my son had been caught in traffic so turned up just as I was going out. Because of this I went out in a hurry and left my house keys on the coffee table. Realised my error half way through the second meeting. He doesn't live with me but had asked me to wash some clothes for him (he doesn't usually do this). I had to ring him and ask him to come back and let me in. I really need to leave some keys somewhere else. My previous next door neighbour and my self held copies of each others keys for emergencies. This isn't going to happen with the new one.

              It occurred to me when I eventually got back in and put the washing machine on that they have different drum sizes. The amount of washing liquid I've been putting in doesn't seem to be doing the job. There is nothing on the bottle that says how much I need to put in for the different sized loads. Presumably I need to put more in for an 8kg drum as for a 3 1/2 kg drum. So the rubric on the bottle saying it will do x number of washes depends on the drum size.

              Just surmising.

              I'm of to bed. Night, night.
              "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
              "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


              • Originally posted by bramble View Post
                Will you be away Trip, and the usual, how do you manage with the wayering and caring for your crops?
                Definitely abroad Bramble...and my good old reliable Mam and Dad..what would I do without them
                I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                ...utterly nutterly


                • Good morning,

                  Is everyone still in bed? I've been awake for a bit. Woke up with stomach pains(now gone) and now I have tooth ache. Need to phone the dentist. It's my tooth what I broke a few years ago on a boiled sweet. Been fine up to now. May have to fork out for them to sort it. They told me it would cost just over �200.

                  I am going to put the kettle on now, if anyone is up would you like a brew?

                  Have a good day


                  • Morning Carrie n all Icy here today. Have a good day
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Morning all. Hope you manage to get your tooth sorted Carrie. Have been there so you have my sympathy.
                      Cracking frost here last night. Will try and get down to the allotment later on today when it has warmed up a bit.
                      Have a good day everyone


                      • morning all, i was under the impression that we were having two dry days here ( appart from maybe the odd shower this afternoon) so carried on with the greenhouse and did quite a bit of siliconing.
                        It is good as low as-20 odd untill it sets but doesnt like rain, so not happy to wake up to torrential downpours, where did they come from Derek ?,
                        Last edited by jackarmy; 11-02-2016, 08:15 AM.


                        • Morning/Bore da
                          No rain here Jack, but a heavy-ish frost. That's the 3rd this winter.
                          I've been for a mooch round the garden and its noticeable how the frost is on the wood chipped paths and low foliage but the bare earth beds are frost free (or its melted).
                          The dogs raced around, throwing themselves into the mounds of conifer chippings from yesterday and rolling around in it, picking it up in their fur and coming out like scarecrows. They smell a lot better though- like pine disinfectant
                          Hope your toothache has gone now, Carrie. Not nice.
                          Have a great day everyone, whatever you're doing


                          • Morning dry but cold here need to go out shopping but after that the days mine.

                            Had to laugh at your doggy air fresheners VC
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • Morning all,

                              Tooth ache is horrible, hope you get it sorted soon, i really should go to the dentist its been far too long.

                              The winds have stopped quite a lot, but it is a very overcast day, i think it is what we are expecting for the next week.

                              Have nothing planned so a day of pottering, cleaning and cooking i think

                              Have a good day whatever your plans x
                              I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



                              • Good morning all,hope you get that tooth sorted ASP Carrie,pine fresh dogs eh VC,they new what they needed hehehe,we got a heavy frost,AND the sun is out for now,Now what would young men do Trip, without good old mum and dad
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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