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Seed swap set up advice


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  • Seed swap set up advice

    I know several vine members run or are part of seed swaps on their allotment sites so I would like some advice please.
    I have agreed, some how, to start and run one at the site I'm at.
    I was wondering, bit of a stupid question I know, but how many seeds do you put into or suggest people put into packets for the swap?
    I have some packets I am going to split and package up to help start it off.
    Also just thought when is the best time to start it/ finish it or keep it going all year round?

    Oh mods if this is in the wrong place feel free to move

  • #2
    I am no expert apart from owning a million and two packets of seeds, but i would start it off within the next couple of months ready for spring and planting time, sooner the better especially for tom�s, pepper etc.

    Good luck seems like fun
    I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



    • #3

      since you doing it at your site, where you can talk to people directly..just check how many seeds on average they are sowing of each type. check if they would be happy if 3 different beans of small quantity will do.

      also you can ask them to offer the quantity of seeds they can share in one pouch. and then you need to sort it out based on the group count. but its lot easier for members share the seeds.


      • #4
        NVG, look at the guidelines VC has for the VSP. Theres amounts for each group/veg. I think just 8 for toms is enough, though for lettuce around 30, chillies 4/5, beans I like at least a dozen etc
        Last edited by Scarlet; 20-01-2016, 12:01 PM.


        • #5
          Don't know if this helps Run your own | Seedy Sunday
          Doesn't have advice on how many seeds to package!
          Maybe it depends on how big your site is, how many members are likely to join in? Are you going to invite outsiders to join in too?
          My local seedswap is very easy going. People bring unopened packets, part packs, jars of seeds, bags of seed heads.........anything really. There'll be a stack of empty envelopes and people help themselves to the seeds in jars/bags.
          If you bring 10 packets, you can take 10 packets - or make a donation if you didn't bring seeds.
          If you're on a friendly, easy going site, I wouldn't make too many "rules". If it doesn't work this year, tweak it for next year.


          • #6
            I go to my local seedy sunday in Bradford on Avon and the set up is the same as VC. The seeds are set out in individual boxes, toms, beans, peas etc. you just chuck in what youve saved in the correct boxes and take out what you want. Again donations are given if you havent got anything to swap. I dont take huge amounts. Most peeps are really generous. Though i wish they would clear out the old seed, they had parsnip seed still in the box last year that i'd saved several years before!
            Last edited by Scarlet; 20-01-2016, 04:36 PM.


            • #7
              Thanks for the advice everyone. I have spoken to the guy who mainly runs the site. He has said he will do some notices to put round the site to inform people about where and when.
              I already have some ice cream tubs all ready labelled up for different seed groups. Think there will be quite a few interested. They are quite a variety down there from the young families to the more senior people who stop all day and potter about.


              • #8
                I knew I had this somewhere...this is what the lovely people from SeedySunday Brighton sent me:

                As for the seed quantities, I advise the following to the volunteers seed packers: For large seeds, eg beans, peas, enough to grow either a raised bed row, say 2.50m long, or enough to sow in modules to fit a tray. Roughly 15 to 30 seeds per pack, plus maybe a few for luck (or the mice!). Curcubits: say about 10 seeds per pack, to allow for a few losses, and still getting enough courgettes/marrows! Tomatoes/peppers/aubergines, 6 to 12 seeds per pack, as long as they are good quality. All other small seeds (brassicas, radishes, carrots, salads...) a teaspoon of seeds, again, enough to sow in a seed tray for transplanting later.

                Please remember that we want to avoid F1 hybrids, and the seeds should be from the 2015 crop.

                Hope it helps. If you haven't resolved it already...
       - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


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