I'm busy tidying up/ hiding the warts our house has got as it will be going on the market shortly. Little things like the gas meter box was reversed into years ago and now would spoil the kerb appeal.
It's not that I'm lazy, the property has been kept in pretty good order, but I walk past that box every time I enter or leave the house and now have decided it's unsightly.
I pride myself in being proactive and it is because I'm doing something before I have to but it should have been done years ago.
What have you turned a blind eye to?
It's not that I'm lazy, the property has been kept in pretty good order, but I walk past that box every time I enter or leave the house and now have decided it's unsightly.
I pride myself in being proactive and it is because I'm doing something before I have to but it should have been done years ago.
What have you turned a blind eye to?