I have spent the morning sitting on my bum looking through some GYO mags from 2013.
I now regret giving away my older ones but I spotted a few articles in them that I would love to see either updated or expanded into a series.
I was fascinated to find out that Cuba was in No1 position for it's use of urban growing spaces and almost 100% self sufficient.......I would like to know more about other counries and their growing ideas.
It would be nice to see a series of comparisons between places in the UK. Maybe 2 towns in Northern Scotland then 2 from Southern Scotland then on to everywhere else in the UK.
The history of carrots was brilliant............more histories would be nice.
A 'how to' make various homemade teas etc. How do I use seaweed if I acquire some?
A mention was made about Vine Weevils invading containers..........more container bug info would be nice.
I am now off to hunt for info on Tiger Nuts as the mag mentioned, very briefly that they are easy to grow - what the ell is a tiger nut anyway.
So, what else would you lot like to see either updated, expanded, serialized or included.
I now regret giving away my older ones but I spotted a few articles in them that I would love to see either updated or expanded into a series.
I was fascinated to find out that Cuba was in No1 position for it's use of urban growing spaces and almost 100% self sufficient.......I would like to know more about other counries and their growing ideas.
It would be nice to see a series of comparisons between places in the UK. Maybe 2 towns in Northern Scotland then 2 from Southern Scotland then on to everywhere else in the UK.
The history of carrots was brilliant............more histories would be nice.
A 'how to' make various homemade teas etc. How do I use seaweed if I acquire some?
A mention was made about Vine Weevils invading containers..........more container bug info would be nice.
I am now off to hunt for info on Tiger Nuts as the mag mentioned, very briefly that they are easy to grow - what the ell is a tiger nut anyway.
So, what else would you lot like to see either updated, expanded, serialized or included.