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Looking Back At Some Of The Older Mags........


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  • Looking Back At Some Of The Older Mags........

    I have spent the morning sitting on my bum looking through some GYO mags from 2013.

    I now regret giving away my older ones but I spotted a few articles in them that I would love to see either updated or expanded into a series.

    I was fascinated to find out that Cuba was in No1 position for it's use of urban growing spaces and almost 100% self sufficient.......I would like to know more about other counries and their growing ideas.

    It would be nice to see a series of comparisons between places in the UK. Maybe 2 towns in Northern Scotland then 2 from Southern Scotland then on to everywhere else in the UK.

    The history of carrots was brilliant............more histories would be nice.

    A 'how to' make various homemade teas etc. How do I use seaweed if I acquire some?

    A mention was made about Vine Weevils invading containers..........more container bug info would be nice.

    I am now off to hunt for info on Tiger Nuts as the mag mentioned, very briefly that they are easy to grow - what the ell is a tiger nut anyway.

    So, what else would you lot like to see either updated, expanded, serialized or included.
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

    Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.

  • #2
    Used to get tiger nuts by the ounce from the sweetshop as a child.

    Don't think my teeth are up to eating them now though...hard little devils they were!

    I feel the need to go look up about Cuba's urban growing now....agree it would be fascinating to read about other countries methods. I love learning from foreign neighbours on my allotment site we have quite a mix and I often feel that in England we have lost so much knowlege that other cultures have retained!


    • #3
      Last year i had a shopping spree on fleebay, and bought about 30 old issues of GYO, i still have them in a pile and slowly making my way through them, sadly i got none of the freebies.
      I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



      • #4
        I have most (maybe all) of the mags including the first edition. I keep offering them to visitors but nobody wants them! Just can't bring myself to chuck them in recycling!

        Re Tigernuts -


        • #5
          I'm busy reading a book about Che Guevara and Fidel Castro now. Heavy going but interesting stuff about Cuba!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • #6
            Originally posted by Lumpy View Post
            I was fascinated to find out that Cuba was in No1 position for it's use of urban growing spaces and almost 100% self sufficient.
            There is an element of needs must in Cuba as there is so little available in the shops. We were there last year and we saw quite a few large shared organic gardens with a lot of companion planting. Here's a typical photo.
            Attached Files

            Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

            Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


            • #7
              I wont mind having a look at the first addition VC

              I am thinking of getting the GYO binders to store all mine. At the moment they are in a pile. I like things looking neat and tidy(I am a neat freak!)


              • #8
                Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                I have most (maybe all) of the mags including the first edition. I keep offering them to visitors but nobody wants them! Just can't bring myself to chuck them in recycling!

                Re Tigernuts -
                I'm curious to know VC when the mag first started - and also this forum.
                .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                My Youtube Channel -


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KevinM67 View Post
                  I'm curious to know VC when the mag first started - and also this forum.
                  I subscribe to GYO and another unrelated magazine. The other one has its issue number on it, so it's easy to work out when it started. Not that I have to as I have issue 1. I hadn't realised that GYO didn't put the issue number on it.
                  "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                  "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                  • #10
                    ^^^^^ Yep, I've just checked the March issue of GYO - no issue number on it.
                    .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                    My Youtube Channel -


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by KevinM67 View Post
                      I'm curious to know VC when the mag first started - and also this forum.
                      VC never replied

                      Although I imagine her having to go down into some ancient vault beneath her house. Where archaeologists might find one of the original copies of the Magna Carta, a few undiscovered biblical scripts, a signed copy of the Act of Union, and maybe shoved in a far corner, beneath Hitler's actual diaries is the first edition of GYO.

                      Maybe that's the reason (or else she can't be @rsed )
                      .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                      My Youtube Channel -


                      • #12
                        I like the above Kev although it does sound like it makes VC either ancient, a time traveller or a hoarder.

                        I would love to see some of the original copies so maybe this modern mag could include a series on pages from the past.

                        As more and more people start to see the benefits of getting their hands dirty for the sake of a crunchy carrot ideas, techniques and product ranges are forever being developed. Let alone urban, small space, container, vertical growing.

                        Ere Kev do you think VC might have Shergar stabled in the vault as well?
                        I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                        Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                        • #13
                          ^^^^^ great idea Lumpy about a retrospective section in the current mag.

                          With regards to Shergar - probably made into various pies and shared around the other mods, without them knowing - in a sort of Sweeney Todd way.

                          She'll probably find the first edition hidden under her bubble-wrap hat that she mislaid after a gin fuelled afternoon session.
                          .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                          My Youtube Channel -


                          • #14
                            Yer all stark raving bonkers!!
                            The mag's been going over 10 years 'cos there was a celebration about it - last year of the year before.
                            Have to see if I can find it.................and No 1


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                              Yer all stark raving bonkers!!
                              The mag's been going over 10 years 'cos there was a celebration about it - last year of the year before.
                              Have to see if I can find it.................and No 1
                              Have yer No. 1 first - we'll wait.....
                              .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                              My Youtube Channel -


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