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How times change eh?.. Schools.


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  • How times change eh?.. Schools.

    Ive got 3 kids and the last two are about 3 years apart.

    The youngest one is always bad as she has a weak immune stytem and bad heart..

    So what ever she gets the middle kid gets usually, which is something every other week.

    The youngest is always bad, runn6 nose, chest infection, tonsilitis, eye infections you name it! And she eats the healthiest out the lot of us.

    So when they are bad I make sure I email both day care and school tell them whats going on and will usually be off for the week, belive me I dont want to keep em off haha!

    Yet every day the middle child school calls me wanting to know the ins and out of what is going on! The last this I can be bothered with is the third degree and a threatening letter about her absents, yet last time when I sent her in with a head ache and she puked all over the teacher said I should of kept her off?!

    When I was at school (it wasnt that long ago ) I dolled for months (secondry school) and my mother was only contacted cos I was seen walking bout town!

    What is wrong with these schools?! Sometimes I reall6 feel like loosing my rag with them as I just say manage to get through with 3 kids, one ill all the time and work. How Im not bald I dunno!!!!

    sorry for the rant, just needed to vent
    If you want to view paradise
    Simply look around and view it.

  • #2
    You rant away, where children and other people are involved is a nigthmare - oh and people that involve themselves for no reason


    • #3
      Ive always kept people out of my kids lives and went mental enough when people do try to get involed for them to be scared away... But now with having the little one and how poorly she is I have to see tom, dick, or harry every week on top of doctors when she is bad, and more doctors when the other on is bad. Everyone has an opinion on my kids and this is what I have fought agains since havin my first child 13 years ago, but the seem to think that just because the docs say my youngest is "needing some help" they can have a go at the rest of them or at leat try to. The school is just the tip of the iceberg. Our Flo (my middle kid) will be off today again as she is still unwell as well as our nora on top of this I am ill and I have to drag them both to the pediactrics for an appointment I have waited 4 months for.

      I love my kids but I do think children are to highly thought of in society in comparison to when I was younger, and I also feel the children who are looked after most are the ones who authorities target.

      I see kids going into the school ill, or riving at their head and I wonder why they are never pulled up?

      Or kids that never go on school outings because their mam cant afford it, yet she stands with a fag hanging out of her mouth decked in gold!

      I know outings are no big dead, my mam didnt sent me on any (and she was the type decked in gold) and I try not to judge but come on . Most mothers are trying their best :/
      If you want to view paradise
      Simply look around and view it.


      • #4
        Thankfully I have hit a turning point in the last month or so and don't fuss so much about people involved with the girls. Some of them are just people justifying there own jobs so I let them get on with it.

        As for the supposedly poor but fag in gob Mums - I can't believe since taking my oldest to preschool just how many Mums light up as soon as they get out school grounds. There is one women that sits in her car with the window open and every time me and the girls walk past my oldest always slows down and look. I hate it - I want to explain to my oldest that it is horrible and bad but can't say it out loud. Don't get me wrong I smoked for absolutely years and heavily at one point but it amazes me that people don't try harder for the sake of their children, knowing just how harmful it is.

        Ok, my rant over


        • #5
          How do you know the other mothers (and while we're at can we include fathers too please)aren't being spoken to about things too? You never know anybody else's life unless ou live it so concentrate on your own and try not to get wond up by comparisons.

          Re the school, the fact that your school didn't contact your parents when you were at school is plain wrong. OK, your daughters school might seem over the top but at least they care. Mid be far more worried if they didn't notice a kid was missing out on their education. I imagine it's not an easy balance and if something bad was happening in your household (they don't know if they don't check) and it was discovered that nobody did anything it would be far, far worse.

          Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

          Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


          • #6
            I agree with Alison, I would much rather have a phone call from School than a child not turn up & the school "assume" they are ill.
            sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
            Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
            Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
            KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


            • #7
              So today is Wednesday and I emailed them at abot 4am on monday morning to say she would be off for the week, at around 10am they rang asking where she was I told them she is very poorly decribed symptoms etc and said I am keeping her off all week as the doc suggested 10 days on the sat morning prev when I took her to be seen to.

              Yesterday they rang 6 times. The first 2 my partner answered and said the same things, the last 4 they left mgs on the phone? I am expecting the same today, ecen though I emailed them at 5am.

              The other mothers who I see at the school dont get hassled as they are rough as he!! and you can see the teachers want them away from the doors asap.

              One of the mothers who is decked out in gold had told the school she was so poor she could afford to send her child on a �15 trip so the school paid for it as they have some kind of charity pot for poverty struck kids!

              I try to get away from the school asap when I take the bairn in as I dont want to interact with the parents or the teachers tbh! This has only started in the past 3 years since having Nora. I dunno if I notice it more now as I am being pulled from pillar to post with her and having to fight with everyone involving her situation as I think they are all over reacting and trying to put a lable on her that is unjustified..

              If they ring again today I think I'll pop haha.....
              If you want to view paradise
              Simply look around and view it.


              • #8
                Schools are required by government to inform parents if a child's attendance falls below 90%. Register checks are carried out each morning after registration, taking a huge amount of time, after a high profile murder case (sorry can't remember the name at the moment) when a girl was abducted on the way to school and no-one realised she was missing until after school.


                • #9
                  Whilst I agree that schools should keep an eye on pupils attendance and it is better to care than not, this seems well over the top.

                  The schools has been e-mailed and yet they still ring 6 times in one day!!!!!!!!!!! Some one needs a good dose of common sense oh I forgot they are ...................teachers.............
                  Potty by name Potty by nature.

                  By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                  We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                  Aesop 620BC-560BC



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 4390evans View Post

                    What is wrong with these schools?! Sometimes I reall6 feel like loosing my rag with them as I just say manage to get through with 3 kids, one ill all the time and work. How Im not bald I dunno!!!!

                    sorry for the rant, just needed to vent
                    The answer is to send the kids to school no matter how ill they are. Let school send them home.

                    It's a bit rubbish for the kids but keeps school happy when everyone catches the lurgy and they have to wipe vomit up.


                    • #11
                      Who's to say anyone is reading emails that are sent? Many non-urgent emails can be ignored for days by many types of company or organisations, if their business is not email dependent.
                      It's probably better to wait until you can be sure the receptionist or secretary is there, and phone them.

                      (And how about asking to speak to the teacher personally - just so they get an idea how annoying it can be when they are busy.....)
                      Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                      Endless wonder.


                      • #12
                        If my boys are off sick I have to call in every morning to say so. I've never questioned it, just call at 8.30 every morning and be done with it.


                        • #13
                          they rang six times???
                          Did you answer six times and tell them why the child was off six times?
                          If so, I think you are very patient....I'd have been screaming like a banshee by the third call.

                          I too call in if my child is off school but in a school of 1200 pupils, especially when a bug is going round, it can be impossible to get through.

                          On these occasions my daughter's school send text messages and when you receive one you are supposed to text back 'stop'.
                          Unfortunately, I don't have a mobile phone.
                          So I get an annoying, automated robotic voice calling my landline to inform me of my daughter's absence and since I am unable to text back, the calls just keep on coming.

                          Infuriating I agree but still better than being unaware your child is missing for hours on end.


                          • #14
                            I would think if their preferred method of outgoing communication is by phone, logic would dictate that the same method should be used to notify them.
                            He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                            Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                            • #15
                              This reminds me of Moss...

                              My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                              Chrysanthemum notes page here.


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