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Don't mend it if it isn't broken


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  • Don't mend it if it isn't broken

    Kicking myself here this morning. You'll all have seen I've been busy of late sprucing the house up. yesterday morning her ladyship pointed out a small paint run on the small door of the cupboard in the bathroom. vertical surfaces are a nightmare for me so I decided to take the door off, take it down to the greenhouse and rub down the run and repaint the door down there where I could lay it horizontally.

    A list of disasters ensued.

    1. The hinge screws were steel and painted over and also rusted in. I always use brass screws where there could be moisture around. Anyway, after much faffing, scraping and hammering I got them out.

    2. A small piece of wood broke out of the doorpost when the top hinge was taken out.

    3.when the door was replaced today, the replacement screws I used were marginally too big in the head and the door wouldn't open and close properly. Doors taken off again and holes countersunk to accommodate screws. Doors refitted.

    4. Went to glue in piece of wood which had broken out but couldn't because the hinge was in the way. Door taken off again.

    5. Piece of wood glued in. Door refitted. and I stood back to admire my handiwork.
    B*gg*r me, the door stands out like a beacon beside the surrounding paint, I'm going to have to repaint the door surrounds, skirtings, window surrounds and the main door.

    Should just have lived with the paint run.

    Anyone else got similar tales of woe?

    I'm a glass half full person (unless Rary is on the bell and I sup it quick in case he decides I have enough) so I've decided it will brighten the room up but what a faff.

    All the fault of Dulux who'se brilliand white paint discolours at a rate of knots.

  • #2
    A house we once lived in had a raised floor board on the landing. It was not raised too much but ever the perfectionist OH decided it needed hammering back in place so.........

    Carpet rolled back, piggin great hammer and a smallish nail to go into the little hole that was already there. Carpet rolled out again and crammed into door bars - done and dusted!

    Then there's a dripping noise.

    Happily dripping from the hall light fitting are tiny blobs of water.................called out council plumber.

    Carpet tugged out of rails and re rolled, board prized up to see the water pipe that the nail had gone through.

    Plumber fixed the pipe and said don't use the light until it had dried out. But.......

    Board still a bit proud so OH gets new nail, same piggin great hammer and puts nail nicely away from the first one. Carpet back, rails back. Done and dusted.

    Then we could hear water dripping.........

    Carpet absolutely yanked out of rails and just dumped away from the offending nails.

    Phoned council a 2nd time to find out that there were 2 pipes running under the boards and OH had hammered both of them.

    �80 council bill and he still can't play darts.
    Last edited by Lumpy; 27-03-2016, 12:57 PM.
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

    Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


    • #3
      HAHAHAHAHA! Lumpy you crack me up!
      I can hear dripping too....where I've just spat my coffee all over my new computer screen!

      My daughter has come running downstairs to see what I'm laughing at and she doesn't get it at all!
      sorry....I'll compose myself....its just that really tickled me!
      "and he still can't play darts!"

      AP....I feel your pain, at least I did untill Lumpy gave me the giggles
      Last edited by muddled; 27-03-2016, 01:40 PM.


      • #4
        Giggling away here ......
        Nannys make memories


        • #5
          Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
          A list of disasters ensued....

          Should just have lived with the paint run....
          I shall say nothing....except that's why I always use a roller on my doors. Life's too short......
          Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
          Endless wonder.


          • #6
            AP it was always thing always leads to another.

            Poor old Lumpy, we must 20 calls a year to nailed pipes, even the pros do it. Having said that, two, one after the other is a new one................
            Potty by name Potty by nature.

            By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

            We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

            Aesop 620BC-560BC



            • #7
              Originally posted by Potstubsdustbins View Post
              AP it was always thing always leads to another.
              Tell me about it matey. I left a tin of paint without its lid on when I went out for lunch earlier. Took the tin up to the shed, took lid, Held in place over tin and gave it a belt with the handle of a screwdriver. Tin launched itself at me and ended on the floor with me leaping out of the way,paint running on to shed floor. Still can't find the lid and I got some paint on the sleeve of my favourite cardigan. Thankfully, it's water based paint so it washed out ok. But I've had an eventful day and a very enjoyable lunch


              • #8
                ah AP I have many of these stories!! I painted part of our skirting board yesterday and once dry realised I now really need to do all the skirting boards. Hopefully it wont be noticeable enough to stop us selling the house!


                • #9
                  AP, Lumpy - your days exploits could've been used as a rippingly good sitcom script - even better than Frank Spencer!!!!
                  ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
                  a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
                  - Author Unknown ~~~


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lumpy View Post
                    A house we once lived in had a raised floor board on the landing. It was not raised too much but ever the perfectionist OH decided it needed hammering back in place so.........

                    Carpet rolled back, piggin great hammer and a smallish nail to go into the little hole that was already there. Carpet rolled out again and crammed into door bars - done and dusted!

                    Then there's a dripping noise.

                    Happily dripping from the hall light fitting are tiny blobs of water................

                    �80 council bill and he still can't play darts.
                    I empathise very much with your OH. I did exactly the same when we bought our house. I stupidly thought I'd be safe in the middle of the plank end (the existing holes were too worn to hold a fresh nail). How I got away with keeping the living room ceiling I don't know, as I went through both sides of the pipe!

                    Recently went with a friend to Laura Ashley, as she'd just bought a flat. Now, LA is a bit pricey for me, but there was a sale on and some lovely wallpaper. I don't 'do' wallpaper, but caught in a sale frenzy I ordered rolls and arranged for a friend to do the deed . I now have a feature wall that matches nothing, so I've had to buy new paint and still need to get new curtains and paint for the ceiling. After all that, my furniture won't even remotely match. I'm a frugal sort, so the idea of replacing everything when it is still functional is completely against my principles. Much angst!


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