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  • Evening all.

    Been lovely weather in Aberdeenshire today although it turned chilly late in the afternoon. New house taking shape nicely. Today I formed a stud partition in the loft and clad it with plasterboard. Tricky stuff with lie ins on both sides but I managed it much to my surprise and astonishment. A wee rub down tomorrow and a coat of finishing plaster and I'll get some paint on. Sounds a bit mundane but the loft is going to be a very important storage place taking the place of our existing third bedroom/junk room and once we get some stuff cleared, the room will look like a bedroom again .

    Been a long haul but new paint on walls, bathroom going in either Friday or Monday, Log burner on way and by the way, I'm well knackered. Satisfying tired though


    • Well done AP, you do know of coarse that working like that gets some of us into bother
      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


      • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
        Its the way I tell 'em, Susie
        Brachycome iberidifolia Mix Seeds
        Aaah, VC, Australian daisies!!!
        ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
        a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
        - Author Unknown ~~~


        • At last the repointing on the rear elevation is finished can get me bean supports in tomorrow.
          Potty by name Potty by nature.

          By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

          We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

          Aesop 620BC-560BC



          • It's happened. I've gone allotment-crazy. Went for a walk with the 2yo today, and came back with the buggy weighed down with pea sticks and hazel sticks.... I even had an 8 foot hazel pole.

            Which made it look as if the buggy was going jousting.


            • How is it the forecast said 1� and it's actually 8�?

              Either way, Thursday morning is squash plant-out time!


              • A very good (grey)morning, all
                Been awake since 5am - the ruddy power went off, then back on again and now all the alarms throughout the village are wailing!!!
                (This should be on the minor rant thread, perhaps...,,?????)
                ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
                a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
                - Author Unknown ~~~


                • Morning all Grey here too. Have a good day
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • Morning
                    Grey and cool here today, have been up ages and already walked dog and breakfasted
                    OH away all day so I'm sure il keep occupied in the greenhouse, house or garden.
                    Have a good day.
                    Northern England.


                    • Mornin all n'all!
                      5am wake up call Susie?.....that's a tad early- even for me!

                      Had a good time at IKEA ...brassica netting candles, meatballs and fries duely noshed ( as one does)
                      Even managed to pop into a nearby haberdashery and get some embroidery thread for my craftwork!
                      my friends bought everything they went for a very successful day was had by all

                      OH needs to syphon petrol from my car for the mowers and strimmer, so I'm going to have to go on a petrol hunt today...and as I have to take my car into the garage in the town 15 miles away so they can order the correct part for it's service next week , it looks like I might as well do a food shop and a quick swim at the same time as trying to find a garage which has petrol!

                      Yup...there are strikes and blockades over here and petrol and deisel are getting very scarce.
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Morning! Woke up at 5.30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. I think I officially have 'old folk timing' now. It's a thing you know.

                        Got Dr's with son this morning then I need to go meet the ex to chat about *something*, no idea what that *something* actually is. Scared. Wish me luck.

                        After all that, I might just get an hour in the garden if the weather holds. I need to weed again. You'd think they would just take the hint after being pulled out so many times and give up but no, they are determined little twerps.

                        Have a good one!


                        • Bee ..the stick lady
                          Oh Susie alarms can be so annoying
                          Morning FF
                          Good day shopping there nicos , hope you find some fuel today
                          I now have a dog snuggled by me sleeping, too early a start for her.

                          Going to get bigger toms into final pots , whether they remain in greenhouse I'm not sure. I'd like to do cucs too but is it bit too cool in GH at night yet. Eek.
                          Just watching a mummy thrush feeding her babies

                          Morning GG good luck with the ex , maybe won lotto and wants to share the winnings
                          Last edited by Containergardener; 25-05-2016, 07:07 AM.
                          Northern England.


                          • Popped out yesterday, just to get a packet of 'crunchy chicken feet' for dog ( nice!), Came back with boot full of plants for front garden! How did that happen, oh, and they were out of 'chicken feet' , so he got 'chicken and chips' instead.


                            • Chicken n chips
                              Northern England.


                              • Morning we've got rain the very fine sort that you can feel but not really see falling. plan for to day is to plant the last nasturtiums and sunflowers but thats it for gardening. I think.
                                Location....East Midlands.


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