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  • We got home 3ish this afternoon and 2yo is doing fine. You'll all be glad to know two things: I got a shower; and Husband had a sudden convulsion of hitherto unsuspected horticultural brain cells and opened my grow house.

    No crispy-fried seedlings.


    • Good to hear little one doing good bee. Well done OH ..there's hope for him yet
      Northern England.


      • Oi Hazel, where's this one gonna lead you gal ? .......

        He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

        Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


        • Mornin n'all n'all!

          Woken up in very positive spirits today.
          Great BBQ here last night.
          Got rained off for about 10 mins just as we were nibbling the nibbles ( no rude comments please!)
          Brill thunderstorm, flashes,crashes and bouncy wet stuff.
          Then it was all over and the sun came out!
          Wiped down the tables and chairs and carried on in true British style!
          Nice to use the fire pit for the first time this year too!

          Trip...have a great day ( can't get over the �5 though!!!)
          Deano...sounds like it's going to be a lovely send off for him.

 I shall get my geraniums...yes I know. Pelargoniums!
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • A beautiful, sunny Saturday morning to you all

            Got up to check my 'darlings' that were planted out yesterday were still, well, there!! And , phew, they are .... Was expecting them to vanish overnight by roaming hoardes of slugs/snails, flocks of pigeons and bunny families ..... (not tempting fate BUT, shhh, so far, so good..!! )

            Deano, at my dear old Dad's funeral, my young brother (he's a nutter .....) stood up and said some words, and we were all sobbing tears of laughter/sorrow at the same time .... Dad loved his poetry, limericks, sayings, jokes - and little bro recited Dad's oft told limmerick that Mum would say 'Oh, Ifor, not in front of the grandkids..!' But he would anyway: There was an old man from Leeds ...... (I'll leave it there as I can feel VC's pointy stick hovering in my direction........!!!!!!!!)

            Everybody loved Dad, literally - he used to be in a Male Voice Choir (can't call it Welsh as they are based in Brum, called Canoldir) and it was awesome when a group of choir members spontaneously started singing at the end of the funeral - oh my word, what a hair-on-the-back-of-the-neck-moment that was!

            So, anyway, Deano - chin up, remember your brother and happy times

            Whatever you are doing today, hope it goes as you all plan !!!
            ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
            a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
            - Author Unknown ~~~


            • Deano, sounds like you've got the right minister. Hope it all goes as well as these things can.

              Things almost tickety-boo here. Hope you're all doing well there.


              • Morning all. it looks like perfect gardening weather again though Son #2 is playing piano and clarinet at a local arts festival so I'm off out this afternoon to watch. I really need to get all my toms in the ground now though, things are getting crammed and leggy on my GH trays.


                • Morning all
                  I have too work again today and I'm running late
                  Have a good day everyone


                  • Good morning all. Hope it goes well Deano. High cloud here and warm. Off to the plot shortly for a good session. Long weekend and I have done the shopping and will flick a feather duster in the morning if I feel like it! Much raking, planting and weeding to be done. Then 'early doors' at the pub - got to go and earn my pint. Have a good day.


                    • Morning
                      I plan to be doing garden related things today so best crack on, want to get runners planted next week but I need to leave them outside to toughen up first so il have to find somewhere safe to sit them (slug free).
                      Northern England.


                      • Morning all

                        Washing up done, laundry hanging on the line, cat fed, time to turn the radio on & start refitting skirting boards
                        He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                        Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                        • Morning all, don't know where all the rain went in the night, but it didn't happen here. Shame cause I asked hubby not to water last night ......
                          Lovely day out there today.
                          Hubby is feeling the pain of shifting loads of soil from our HUGE raised bed at the back of the garden. He did too much as usual, but the local football club are gratefully receiving the top soil for filling in holes on their pitch.
                          Work this afternoon, so I will be occupied.
                          Crop inspection this morning, and some of my onions are going to be 'proper' ones that I can hang up and use in the winter, some are going to fail , that's life. No more onions next year for us
                          The new strawberry bed is going really well, and the newly moved rhubarb is getting bigger every day.
                          Bean frame strings still to go, but I darent mention it to hubby, he feels so rough...
                          Anyway, have a good Saturday everyone
                          Last edited by Nannysally99; 28-05-2016, 10:53 AM.
                          Nannys make memories


                          • Originally posted by Nannysally99 View Post
                            Morning all, don't know where all the rain went in the night, but it didn't happen here. Shame cause I asked hubby not to water last night ......
                            Lovely day out there today.
                            It's here if you want it. Thunder and lightning too. Forecasts all showing dry. Hmm.


                            • Well , I put my flowers out on blowaway staging for first time last night (without tent) sunflowers on the top ..and one has been gobbled already. Found the culprit snail

                              But on the plus, I've noticed loads of blackbirds and babies , saw one fly from ivy on fence around side of house(neighbours ivy and honeysuckle I've been spread over it) , a nest
                              Northern England.


                              • Following bad start to morning, 5.30, dog decided time to go out, then coffee accident, so I went off to the garden centre, to cheer myself up! Trouble is spent lots of pennies! Oops!


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