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  • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
    I've just found out something very interesting!
    We had an earthquake on Friday. There was a very loud bang and the house shook ( it scared the cr@p out of me ). I had no idea what it was, so carried on making my chilli sauce. This has just been posted on f@ceb@@k

    SP I felt the same way when we had a quake they're very rare in our area so i thought ours was probably a aeroplane going over instead.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Afternoon all - weather has turned dry although not yet bright - just finished a bowl of leek and potato soup with onion and cream added - all but the cream grown on the allotment - delicious. :-)

      Whilsts I was typing above the postman popped a really nice letter through the box from our local Councillor thanking us for the warm welcome and the nice time had at the allotment show by herself and her 2 Ukranian guests who advised her that the jewllery gift, (silver chain and heart shape with a Thistle), we gave to them was very precious to them and asked her to give their thanks - In Russian 'cnacn6o' - I hope the 2nd last is 6 unless it is a typo? The letter is full of praise for our efforts on the day which I will pass in full to the rest of our members

      Attended Craigie Presentation Show yesterday along with my fellow judge and our Chairman - a great time was had by one and all - live music, good food and drink - (non alcoholic)
      Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

      Nutter by Nature


      • Evening all. Been school shoe shopping today. Quite painless this time was in and out in about 30 minutes. Usually Will is sorted in 5 mins but Han takes forever. My mom lets her mess about and gives her a choice of about 6 pairs. I use to be told this pair fits so your having these.
        My SiL is coming to visit tomorrow and possibly stop over night at a local hotel. Haven't told the OH as it will be a nice surprise for him.
        Looks as if its going to be a nice few days.
        Have a good evening everyone


        • Good morning Dull but warm here. Have a good day
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • A good morning from me..!
            It feels mild again this morning ~ windows are all a bit steamed up where they were left open overnight!

            Work, shopping, cooking for me today....

            See you later, have a good day .......
            ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
            a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
            - Author Unknown ~~~


            • Morning Flo and all Up early, feels humid already. Predicted to go up to 29 degrees today - yikes! I shall hibernate if so. Hope everyone keeps cool
              LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


              • And it is so warm already ~ Toby dog's pink tongue is lolling out after his morning exertions...!!! It was full on sun, already at this hour ...... Heat wave............????!!!!!
                ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
                a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
                - Author Unknown ~~~


                • Morning all
                  It may be another day in the kitchen but then again I may just say ***** It and go play in my garden in the rain.
                  Have a good day everyone
                  Last edited by Nicos; 23-08-2016, 07:43 AM. Reason: More polite! :D :D


                  • Mornin n'all n'all!

                    Rain SP?...we could do with a darn good splash.
                    Not complaining, but it's supposed to get up to 34C here today
                    Glad I did the 6 hrs of ironing yesterday!

                    Garden pottering, tidying up, sewing , and perhaps a bit of preserving today....just see which way the wind blows!

                    Have a great un peeps....I'll try and send a few Ray's up your way SP!
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Morning ladies, it's lovely here this morning.
                      Slugs have had a field day in my new flower beds. Took my eye off them just for a couple of days ......
                      Lost two plants now.
                      Quick question, is it too late to sow more carrots in a bucket? Coming to the end of ours
                      Ginger cake went down well at work and will be finished up today I expect.
                      I am on a no sugar kick, so make it but don't eat it lol
                      Anyway, off to work yet again, I am still Spanish on Tuesday's - this lady has a long holiday
                      Have a lovely day and don't forget the sun cream
                      Nannys make memories


                      • Morning Girls from a pleasantly sunny Nestland..............may be a day for playing in't garden. Have a good one.
                        sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                        Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                        Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                        KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                        • Another stint of bringing up water from the well this morning. Daytime temps not quite so high and it wasn't quite so windy yesterday, so there was still a bit of damp in the ground from yesterday's watering session. Roll on the days of only watering every other day and eventually not at all.

                          Have started lifting the Figueres onions, which are an early onion. Some not that great but others a good size. My favouritest cooking onion, so am very pleased.

                          Also started lifting the Charlottes for real. Full of insect holes... Better get eating lots of pots. The Red Emmalies, Picassos, Pink Fir Apples and the French potatoes will be exactly the same. I can see me throwing masses out.

                          On the positive side, a great lunch ahead: gazpacho followed by potato salad (no surprise there), a carrot salad and.... big fanfare... sweetcorn. Melon for pud I imagine, too. All homegrown apart from the cucumber in the gazpacho.

                          Edited to add: Sorry, I was being so smug about the sweetcorn I forgot to wish you all a happy day. So... have a great day everyone.
                          Last edited by Snoop Puss; 23-08-2016, 08:54 AM.


                          • Morning everyone! Haven't posted for a while as things have been full on since I got back from holiday. We are now in a position to put Mum's house on the market, so my sister and I spent the weekend packing and cleaning the house. Two very long days but we did it. I feel a bit shell shocked now. The legal action concerning her Will continues. I just wish my step father had been willing to have a sensible conversation with us before rushing off to appoint a solicitor.
                            Consequently the garden and allotment have been a bit neglected but both are beginning to have that end of summer feel. Soon be time for the 50p seed sale!


                            • Stay positive Wendy! My garden looks neglected and ive been in it most days !
                              its a hot one here today..and one of my boys is rugby training, he is very fair skinned/blond hair and has taken the sun cream lotion but guaranteed he will get home like a beetroot cos he forgot he took it

                              Off to water me toms!


                              • I know what you mean, Wendy, about the end of summer feell. Just been chopping off the old leaves on the toms and there's not many tomato flowers on their way now
                                RE the 50p sale, I went to Wye**** yesterday and looked at the halfprice seeds and there was very little there that I fancied, even at 50p. I think I've reached seed saturation point Must make a dent in the mountain that I have first

                                Really sunshiny here - luvly jubly. Hope you're all having a shiny day too!


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