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  • Right! Had a brilliant day!

    Got loads done!

    Best away with the "Fairies" as be in no fit state to run the troops in the morning!

    Sleep tight all!
    "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


    • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
      I thought of Scarlet's OH and Trip when I saw all these lycra clad bodies whizzing past. How do they get into those outfits and, more importantly, get out again when they need the loo?
      There's a big line up for the toilets just before they start they sweat so much during a race that they don't need one at the end.
      Those suits are easy to put on as they are stretchy, sometimes they long sleeved ones get in a mess, pinning their numbers on their bums is difficult
      OH zip broke once., it was the national 50 he had trained for months for it! He had no time to fix it so I pinned him into it.


      • Originally posted by Containergardener View Post
        Where are you snoop , in the hills ?

        Well , weird weather here. Left home in full sun , OH dropped me with my parents where I gardened in full sun (am now red and frazzled,too, dog who played with cousin dog Ernie ..mental day !, OH had torrential rain half hour away and called on friends another 10min away to pile of hail .
        Your weather sounds like the kind of weather we get. We're in a valley at about 500 m. There's a big chain of hills between us and the Mediterranean that has a very odd effect on the weather here. Our valley has a strange micro-climate. We get a lot of frosts, a friend higher up but not 3 km from us hardly ever sees frost. And I've given up telling the old boys in town how much rain we get. They think I can't measure mm because we regularly get so much more than they do. Only the local shepherds understand!


        • I know someone in the Sierra hills and in area nr Valencia that's why I ask.
          We are mid west east but higher in frost pocket , we can get zero snow ..3min walk away can be foot of snow. Been caught out few times .
          Last edited by Containergardener; 22-05-2016, 10:33 PM.
          Northern England.


          • Morning all. Beautiful start today really sunny Pity I have to go to work, but another short week for me Have a good day
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Morning Fl, Nicos - Morning all
              A sunny start here, just guzzling first cuppa of the day with Toby dog (as always) urging me to "hurry up"!!!
              ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
              a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
              - Author Unknown ~~~


              • Morning all drove past my alotment on the way to work and was wondering if there was any tropical desease I could ring my boss and say I had .
                Then thought of the mortgage and kept driving.
                When you have a hammer in your hand everything around you starts looking like a nail.


                • Looked out the bedroom window this morning and realised I can see the courgettes and cabbages, not just weeds! The onions are still invisible though.

                  Sun trying to bust through a hazy sky here. Very cold in the night but daytime temps look hot. Have just checked the weather forecast. Due for something around 6 or 7 �C tonight. The toms, peppers and just visible courgette won't like that. Let's hope there's enough heat in the ground to sustain them.

                  Here's wishing you all a good day.


                  • Morning all
                    House work today, getting the spare room ready for visitors among other things. If I pull my finger out, I might manage to get in the garden.
                    Have a good day everyone


                    • I don't mind waking up to sunshine. Not sure how long it will last but enjoying it while it is here. Some netting arrived yesterday so will be battling with hoops and getting the netting securely on them over the onions. The netting currently laid over them is damaging tops of shoots. That will take me an age just doing that.

                      Seems like slugs are just getting wise to the fact that there is loads to munch on in the PT. I picked off several yesterday hiding at the base of pots. They weren't near the floor either but all the way up the staging. Put them in the wild area where they can munch and get fat on bramble instead.

                      Got masses of seed sowing done yesterday and sowed my first flowers of the year as well. Be nice to get more colour in garden. First yellow roses are out in bloom.

                      Anyway sun is out so don't want to delay. Have good day all
                      LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


                      • It's looking gorgeous out there really lovely blue sky, there's a nip in the air but the sun is starting to dazzle the cars, it's gonna be a lovely day!

                        Son no2 has just gone off to do his AS Music Exam, both have have their second Maths paper on Wednesday. I hope it's not as hard as last weeks

                        Quick coffee before we start? mines black, no sugar if anyone has the kettle on


                        • Good morning all,sun here,here you go Scarlet and anyone else,help yourself,all the best to the boys,
                          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                          • Morning
                            Very misty here, can't see much yet. Greenhouse was down to just 2deg last night is it ever going to warm up.
                            Want to clean in there today, was going to do last of potato bags but have left my food at mums also like to do flower seeds if I get a chance.
                            Better walk this dog..have a good day.
                            Northern England.


                            • Morning all'n'all from a beautiful sunny Nestland. Think I may keep on top of the strimming then potter down in the beds............have a good one & enjoy the sun while it lasts.
                              sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                              Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                              Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                              KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                              • Morning everyone, beautiful start to the day here. Blue skies and sunshine
                                Crops are taking over the garden now, it's lovely and green everywhere
                                Just going to put the sweetcorn seedlings out for a sunbathe and check that nothing has eaten anything they shouldn't
                                Have a good day. Still debating whether to go to work today.......
                                Nannys make memories


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