Rary, this is just for you 
My garden is quite large and rambling (like me really). A few years ago it was completely overrun with raspberries, brambles and other stuff. Gradually, I've been clawing it back and trying to knock it into shape. The fruit and flower beds were too big though and a bit daunting. Too big to weed in one go, so, I have been splitting them into smaller beds. The plan was to make 30 beds, and work on one a day for a month, then start again. I'm up to 27 beds now and there need to be several more, so it may become the 40 day plan
Each bed will be a mini-garden and have a fruit tree or bush, a herb, something edible and flowers. They are different shapes and sizes and will have different combinations of plants. Most of them have been created around existing fruit trees. For example there's a pear and lovage bed, plum and mint, jostaberry and feverfew, apple and chives and so on.
Its great fun doing this. Still a lot of clearing to do but I can see it all coming together.
When its finished I'll put some photos up

My garden is quite large and rambling (like me really). A few years ago it was completely overrun with raspberries, brambles and other stuff. Gradually, I've been clawing it back and trying to knock it into shape. The fruit and flower beds were too big though and a bit daunting. Too big to weed in one go, so, I have been splitting them into smaller beds. The plan was to make 30 beds, and work on one a day for a month, then start again. I'm up to 27 beds now and there need to be several more, so it may become the 40 day plan

Each bed will be a mini-garden and have a fruit tree or bush, a herb, something edible and flowers. They are different shapes and sizes and will have different combinations of plants. Most of them have been created around existing fruit trees. For example there's a pear and lovage bed, plum and mint, jostaberry and feverfew, apple and chives and so on.
Its great fun doing this. Still a lot of clearing to do but I can see it all coming together.
When its finished I'll put some photos up
