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  • Please VC can you start a thread called Organise Like A Chicken.
    It’s looking brilliant you old duck you.
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

    Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


    • "Organise like a chicken" would involve digging holes in the wrong places, eating all the seedlings before they're ready and eating worms - and they are off the menu these days.

      Whilst I can talk like a chicken, walk like a chicken and, even think like a chicken, Organise like a chicken is beyond my powers, Sorry.


      • BED 1A update

        Sowed some:-
        Aquadulce Broad Beans
        All Year Round Caulis
        Amsterdam 2 carrots

        and squeaked with delight when I spotted lots of Bijou Mangetout had germinated under their cover of broken corrugated plastic, put there to keep the chooks away.

        Tomorrow its the 2B Bed - aka the Berry Bed.


        • Bed 2b

          To whet your whistles for tomorrow

          Bed 2B (the Berry Bed) contains, as you might guess, a lot of fruit bushes - Blackcurrants, Redcurrants, Jostaberries, Raspberries and a very old Pear Tree and a Medlar planted last year.
          The Herbs are Lovage (lots of it) and Lemon Balm
          Flowers included Bluebells

          Sown last year but failed to make an appearance -
          Beetroot (3 sorts)
          Buckler leaf Sorrel
          Brachycombe Daisy.

          Looking east
          Click image for larger version

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          Looking West
          Click image for larger version

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          • Hope you're bed 2B is big VC

            Fruit blue berry & blackberry
            Herbs basil mint & bay
            Flowers black eyed Susan & buddleia
            Veg broccoli
            Brassicas Brussels sprouts Brest,
            Squash butternut squash & baby bear pumpkin
            Root radish bright lights
            Beans broad beans bunyards & climbing beans blue lake.

            Dew to your very well known seed habit, I just instantly assume you have all of these in your collection all ready . I maybe wrong


            • Not very big, SP, about 23' x 10'.

              In between sun and hail, I managed to sow
              Radish Bacchus
              Mixed up Beetroot
              Broad Bean Bunyard's Exhibition

              Thanks for your inspired suggestion about the Mint., I'll dig up some Basil Mint to plant there and I've planted some Apple Mint into yesterday's Bed 1A

              Need a C Mint for tomorrow


              • Tomorrow we move to Bed 3C, small but packed with plants and weeds. Quite small at 10' x 12'.

                Click image for larger version

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                Four fruit trees - Apple, Persimmon, Quince and Mirabelle plum, one in each corner.
                Herbs - Chives
                Successes from last year - Cosmos, Calendula and Carrots (which I'm still picking), Land Cress, Chenopodium/Tree Spinach.
                Failures - Coriander, caraway, Chervil and Celery.

                Thinking of sowing Curly Kale, Crimson Flowered Broad bean, more Carrots tomorrow.


                • Chocolate mint

                  Is catnip a type of mint?


                  • Don't have chocolate mint but I do have Curly. Its a bit teeny at the mo though and I'd probably think it was a weedling.


                    • I can send you some chocolate if you like


                      • I lurve Chocolate. Yes please but no hurry.
                        I'll send you some of my new mint babies when they're big enough to take cuttings. Sadly, I think the After Eight mint isn't going to pull through.


                        • Yeah it won't be for a few weeks. It's only just started to wake up after its winter rest.
                          Thank you, another new variety of mint would be lovely .
                          Shame about after eight not playing nice, it would of been good to compare it to the chocolate.


                          • Day 3C did not go well and I blame the weather. Its not pleasant weeding in a hailstorm so I didn't last for long. A couple of buckets of weeds and a small bunch of random carrots as a reward. Nothing sown but hoping for a better day tomorrow.

                            Bed 4D is a bed of 2 halves, divided by some shrubs that were planted as a hedge when this was the furthest point of the garden. Forsythia, buddleia and a couple of hazels.
                            The old half has an almond that hasn't even flowered yet, never mind gone nuts. Also raspberries and the inevitable lemon balm.

                            Click image for larger version

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                            On the far side of the "hedge" the bed was covered by woodchip last year. Now it has 2 pear trees, 2 Stanley plums and a Hungarian Apricot. Its also been planted with some leftover elephant garlic.

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                            Last year, I scattered Dill, Delphiniums, Didiscus and Dragon's Tongue Rocket - they Disappeared.

                            Must do better this year.


                            • I can't find a mint beginning with D

                              But I have thought of delicata squash, docks, dandelion, daisy & daila


                              • I forgot to mention the docks, dandies and daisies that are there already.....and some daffodils that should be.


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