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  • Bed 8H

    Today's Bed - a small one, about 8'x8'. Gave me some time to catch up a bit on the beds I missed last week.

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    All the bare soil was full of Honesty last year, and I pulled it up when it started to seed. Still lots of little babies everywhere.
    The tree is an apple and there's a Jostaberry and some raspberries.
    This bed was G a couple of years back, so there's a row of Garlic Chives on the right.
    H flowers are Honesty and Hesperis/Sweet Rocket sown last year. Also Cerinthe, Nigella and Calendula and a couple of Lilies that I don't remember planting.

    Today I sowed some Robin Hood Broad beans and I will be sowing Hamburg Parsley and Holland White Turnip. Couldn't do it today as the chickens were "helping" me clear the bed and they would have eaten anything I sowed.
    Tomorrow maybe.


    • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
      I'm not ignoring your suggestions, SP, I'm sorting my seed stash alphabetically.
      Last night it was the Roots - radish, carrot, parsnip, swede, turnip and beetroot.
      Simple method, piece of paper, alphabet down the side, a column for each root and a X in the column for each letter I found.
      Then I pulled out 2 packets for each letter (where possible). The usual missing letters - I,J,O,Q,X,Z.
      Their places will be filled with mystery seeds - Illegible, Junk, Old, Questionable, X rated and Zzzzzzzz.

      Tonight its brassicas - mainly kale with some cabbages to fill the gaps.
      That sounds like fun

      I'm not sure which one of us, is in most need of getting a life

      Think it's me !!!!


      • You don't need a life - you need a house to build. Any news?


        • You may not get any suggestions for a couple of days . Got visitors turning up tomorrow morning. I'm going to have to be sociable


          • Are they the ones who are visiting Mull that Bob invited for a cuppa?


            • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
              You don't need a life - you need a house to build. Any news?
              No not yet. Because the architect only comes to the island once a month it all takes a bit longer. We see him again Wednesday . To go over very final tweaks before it goes to planning. The man is obsessed by windows! We keep taking them out & he puts them in somewhere else .

              Sorry hijacked your you were


              • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                Are they the ones who are visiting Mull that Bob invited for a cuppa?
                No that's someone else! I have no idea who they are
                Lucky as friends are coming the house is tidy so it's fine


                • Fingers crossed for the Final tweaks

                  I'll muddle along without you. I know tomorrow 9I will involve Imperial Green Longpod Broad beans but that's my limit at the moment.


                  • I, that would be a challenge, may go have a little search now.......
                    Back in a bit


                    • Flower , iris &
                      Fruit ?
                      Herb , Italian giant parsley
                      Veg, incredible sweet corn
                      Bean, the one you've got
                      Root, radish icicle
                      Brassica, cauliflower igloo
                      Squash ?


                      • Bed 9I

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                        This is Bed 9I - the one with the daffs and a tree stump with a pot on top.
                        Its quite a biggy - 36' x 8'. It was originally 2 beds but I had to combine some to reduce the numbers. I've never really got to grips with this one.

                        There are 2 Apple trees, one an Irish Peach and something that was sold as an apricot but I'm still waiting for fruit to prove it. There's a spiky Worcesterberry and some raspberries (which are everywhere).
                        Lots of "ugly" and not so ugly daffs , montbretia, bluebells, vinca and a couple of oak tree saplings that need to go before they take over.
                        Last year I sowed some Iceland poppies and Emilia "Irish Poet". They disappeared without trace.

                        I'm going to sow Imperial green Longpod broad beans and who knows what else.


                        • Bed 10J

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                          Yesterday, a tiddly little bed, a plum tree, tulips and primroses, wild strawberries and an attempt at a lavender border.
                          Gave me some time to catch up with a bit more of bed 9I.


                          • Bed 11K

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                            A jumbled bed with an apple tree, the inevitable lemon balm, a fuchsia and some wild flower, including Knapweed. Bit of a struggle with K (apart from kale which isn't in it.).


                            • Bed 12L

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ID:	2383043

                              Tomorrow its Bed 12L - from the apple tree on the left to the path on the right. Lots of Babington Leeks and Welsh Onions and Chives.
                              I'm going to plant a French Lavender there tomorrow. Not sure what else yet.


                              • flowers livingstone daisy, lilac, lupin, larkspur, lobelia
                                Fruit loganberry
                                Herb lovage, lemon mint
                                veg lettuce
                                Bean runner bean lady di
                                Squash squash lady Godiva, courage lungo bianco
                                Root carrot long red Surrey, swede lomond
                                Brassica cabbage langedijk

                                Any inspiration there VC
                                Last edited by Small pumpkin; 13-04-2019, 07:53 AM.


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