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  • #76
    Plot 8H

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ID:	2377163

    Plot 8H is a little one, a mere 8' x 8'. By some miracle its almost full of Honesty and a Hop (if its survived the winter!). There's also an apple tree, lemon balm, chives, cerinthe and a blackcurrant bush.
    Last year it was home to some Physalis/cape gooseberries and I'll be interested to see if any grow there this year.
    Today I've sown Hyssop, Hesperis /Sweet Rocket and Heliotrope.

    Tomorrow, its Plot 9I and this one is huge in comparison. Wish me luck and fine weather.


    • #77
      Loving seeing your nutty garden VC
      Nannys make memories


      • #78
        VC if I could detach my trunk for you but as it is will a hat with a muttered 'I wish I could' do you?
        I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

        Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


        • #79
          Plot 9 I

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          This plot is big by my standards - 36' x 8'. It was 2 beds but I've joined them together and included the path between them in the bed.
          It has 2 apple trees (one's an Irish Peach) and a tree that may be a greengage but has never fruited, only flowered.
          Lots of daffs, including, on the right, in front of the stump, are some of the green/yellow daffs that were growing here when I moved in, so many years ago. They had been grazed and trampled by the horses that were here and very few survived. Gradually, they have multiplied and I'm very fond of them.
          The rain stopped play yesterday and I couldn't do much but I did scatter a few packets of flower seeds - Irish Poet/Emilia; Iceland poppies & Iberis/Candytuft.
          I planned to sow some Isatis tinctoria/Woad here but when I read that the roots can be 3-4' long and it is considered an invasive plant, I chickened out. Its hard enough digging out Dock and Hogweed.


          • #80
            Plot 10J

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            10J is a small one, compared to 9I. Its roughly triangular, 10'x10'x8'.
            Has a plum tree with primroses and tulips beneath.
            Couldn't do much here today as, again, it was too wet and I'm a wimp!
            Sowed some Jacob's Ladder /Polemonium Caeruleum on the few bare patches of ground.

            Plot 11K tomorrow - weather permitting.


            • #81
              Plot 11K

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              Plot 11K is about 12' on 3 sides, narrowing to 8' at the front, where there is an apple tree.
              Its mostly flowers, daffs, sedum, bluebells and some little flowers like forgetmenots but they're white and pink as well as blue. Plenty of weeds too and the weather was against me today for doing any weeding.
              I've sprinkled Knautia macedonica and Greater Knapweed seeds on the small bare patches and the rest will have to wait for finer weather.

              Plot 12L is behind this one and is tomorrow's little challenge!

              Have you been playing spot the chickens/pups in these photos?


              • #82
                Can only see 2 chickens........ I think.
                They look very happy.


                • #83
                  Plot 12L

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                  Plot 12L is about 18' x 12', has 2 apple trees, one biggish at the back and a little tiddly one, front left.
                  In the foreground are the Babington perennial Leeks, and a clump of Earth Chestnuts that I've left to establish before tasting them (probably going to be disappointed). There are Welsh Onions and Chives, Lemon Balm, Lysimachia/Loosestrife, geraniums, bluebells and I'm not sure what else!
                  I've scattered a mix of Limnanthes, Linaria, Lobelia and Lavatera.
                  Not the best of days for weeding as the ground is so claggy (that's my excuse anyway!).

                  The observant will spot the dangly sign for Plot 13 - that's tomorrow's little challenge.


                  • #84
                    A sort of sublime madness permeates your gardening endeavors VC - I'm sure Shelly would have been a big fan of yours, if he'd been interested in horticulture at all.

                    Makes all my oddities seem quite pedestrian by comparison - good on 'ya.


                    • #85
                      I had a tortoise called Shelly once and a Rommel and a Muriel. Rommel disappeared one winter and turned up in spring in the next door but one's compost heap.
                      I'm sure your garden is similarly "mad", nick.


                      • #86
                        Plot 13M

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                        Plot 13M is triangular, the 2 long sides are about 23' and its 15' across the front. There's an apple tree by the white stake, a variegated weigela on the left front corner and a George Neal apple tree at the far end, surrounded by thyme.
                        This bed is the retirement home for strawberry plants, is home to Angelica, Lemon Balm, Marjoram, Mint and a small Maple.
                        Also daffs, foxgloves, primroses, Montbretia , Muscari/Grape hyacinths and Myosotis/Forgetmenot.
                        Today, I've scattered Mesembryanthemum, Matthiola bicornis/Night Scented Stock and Mothhawk's Musk Mallow/Malva Moschata. Plenty of Ms there.

                        Half way through the alphabet today.


                        • #87
                          Plot 14N

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                          14N is about 24' x15'. Last year it was 2 beds, P & Q so I'm hoping that some of last year's poppy seeds will germinate this year.
                          Closest to the camera are a few redcurrant bushes, at the far end is a small apple and between them are 2 newly planted Stanley plums. There are 2 hazel stumps which are a pain but its too much effort to dig them out.
                          There are daffs, bluebells, alliums/Purple Sensation and Christophii, a cluster of perennial brassicas which have self seeded outside the plot as well as inside. Also Apple Mint which is starting to spread and Pineapple sage, if it has survived the winter.
                          I've sown Nigella, Nicotiana sylvestris, Nemophila and lots of Nasturtiums.

                          Its been a beautiful sunshiny day - the best this year.


                          • #88
                            Plot 15 O

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                            Plot 15 O is only 12' x 8' but it has 10 fruit trees - 5 apple & 5 pear. Its one of the mini-orchard plots. When this photo was taken on 1st April it had 4 cherry trees and a pear but the cherries have been moved into a netted area and replaced with apples and pears. Some of these are tiny, especially one that Ted ate the top off.

                            Today was too wet to do anything so I'll catch up tomorrow. I'll be scattering Opium and Oriental poppies and transplanting some oregano around the edges. (EDIT poppies and oenothera sown on the 16th)

                            Hoping for a fine day tomorrow for Plot 16P which is to the right of the photo.
                            Last edited by veggiechicken; 16-04-2018, 07:17 PM. Reason: Adding sowings


                            • #89
                              "Some of these are tiny, especially one that Ted ate the top off."

                              One hesitates to make assumptions with you VC, but I'm going to take a guess that Ted isn't human. No Oenothera seeds included in your program BTW ?


                              • #90
                                Ted is the brown dog, son of Bess, the white dog, in 15 O.
                                All longtime readers of the Vine know about Bess (who was from a rescue) and how she surprised me 6 weeks later by having 5 pups. Ted and Spud (who is missing somewhere) became part of the menagerie here.
                                I do have Oenothera so I'll sow them too - just for you.

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ID:	2377272
                                Last edited by veggiechicken; 15-04-2018, 10:26 PM.


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