Plot 8H
Plot 8H is a little one, a mere 8' x 8'. By some miracle its almost full of Honesty and a Hop (if its survived the winter!). There's also an apple tree, lemon balm, chives, cerinthe and a blackcurrant bush.
Last year it was home to some Physalis/cape gooseberries and I'll be interested to see if any grow there this year.
Today I've sown Hyssop, Hesperis /Sweet Rocket and Heliotrope.
Tomorrow, its Plot 9I and this one is huge in comparison. Wish me luck and fine weather.
Plot 8H is a little one, a mere 8' x 8'. By some miracle its almost full of Honesty and a Hop (if its survived the winter!). There's also an apple tree, lemon balm, chives, cerinthe and a blackcurrant bush.
Last year it was home to some Physalis/cape gooseberries and I'll be interested to see if any grow there this year.
Today I've sown Hyssop, Hesperis /Sweet Rocket and Heliotrope.
Tomorrow, its Plot 9I and this one is huge in comparison. Wish me luck and fine weather.