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The 30 Day plan explained!


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  • You're right, SP - I ran out of fingers and toes.


    • My weeding stops if I’ve sowed direct until I recognise the plant I’m growing,I don’t know what anything is It’ll be nice to see everything growing & easy(ish) to remember what’s in each bed from the alphabet styling
      Location : Essex


      • Bed 1A - May

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        This bed has filled up a lot since last month. The plum has flowered during April and I'm hoping for a good crop of plums.
        No sign of any seeds that I sowed last month but there were a lot of nettles to be weeded out. My hands are still prickling.

        One of the old chicken runs (which are now part of bed 1) has a number of seedlings that look like brassicas. My best guess is some sort of kale that I may have thrown into the chooks to feed on. Be interesting to see what they turn into. They'll have to be quick as I have veggie growing plans for that area.

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        In another run, the broad beans and mangetout are looking good. Plenty of BB flowers even though they were knocked down by snow twice. Tough old things.

        April photos at
        Last edited by veggiechicken; 01-05-2018, 08:14 PM.


        • Can't believe how much it's changed! Looking fantastic


          • Bed 2B - May

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            This is the fruit bush bed - jostaberries, black and redcurrants and a few raspberries. These are covered in flowers and I spotted a few green currants. The bees have been very busy on this lot. In the foreground an old pear tree and a young medlar which may be about to flower.
            The lovage is growing taller and there are some seedlings that I don't recognise as weeds. Hope they're something I sowed last month!
            Lots of weeding to do here - dock, nettles, sticky willie and wood avens. Having burrowed in amongst the bushes, unable to stand up because of the overhead branches, I found myself trapped - Ted sitting in front of me stopping me go forwards and 3 chooks behind me gathering up the grubs in the disturbed soil. Its surprising how stubborn animals can be when you want them to move.

            April's post at

            and last year's post at

            It encourages me to see how its changing.


            • Looking very good VC - if you fancy a career as a mass murder, you shouldn't have any problems hiding a few bodies either. :-)


              • Problem is - once the leaves die back, all would be revealed. I usually find my secateurs then too.


                • Plot 3C

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                  This is the quince which is thinking about flowering soon. maybe by next month.
                  I spotted Calendula seedlings (sown last month) amongst the weeds - not the carrots, celery and all the other C seeds though.

                  This is last month's post

                  Note that I still haven't moved the grey trug which is full of water.


                  • Love your photos VC

                    BTW is that the bottom of an old wellington sticking out of the hedge ? (wondering if the rest of the body is concealed by weeds ) :-)


                    • Its probably the neighbour having a rest.


                      • Plot 4D

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                        Suddenly, this patch is full of docks and other deep rooted weeds. Even the woodchip covered area has sprouted dock. Don't believe what they say about a thick mulch will kill perennial weeds - its a fib!

                        I attacked this one on Friday - doesn't look much better though.

                        Last month's post at


                        • Plot 5E (Rhubarb)

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                          This was today's challenge. Again, docks sprouting everywhere amongst the bolting rhubarb!! Its been a bad year for bolting.
                          The remaining giant kale is in flower and the blackcurrants at the far end have little green currants.
                          The Elephant garlic that I planted last month is poking through although I think he chooks may have been digging a bit too frantically in that area.

                          Last month's post at


                          • Plot 6F

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                            I'm ashamed to admit I did nothing on 6F today. Hope to give it some tlc tomorrow.

                            Its filled up a lot since last month and the apple tree is beautiful.


                            • With the rate of growth in your garden VC, it makes gardening in South Wales look very appealing ( and quite frankly easy but that's probably just your skill ).
                              Do you want a neighbor


                              • Weed grow very quickly here. Sp, that's why its so green.
                                You'd be a great neighbour - so yes please, do move down! My newish neighbours 3 doors uphill are building a huge GH this weekend - can't see how wide it is but its 14' long. I'm ridiculously pleased about more neighbours with GHs.


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