I agree Susie - make up makes me feel presentable, professional and more confident at work.
I suppose then when I'm at home and make up free, in my PJs (Sorry VC) there's a distinction between home and work.
Importantly... I wouldnt go anywhere in PJs in a million years - and its rare that anyone is unexpected at the door... although last night the cat had a fight so I did have to run down the street in my PJs, dressing gown and slippers to rescue him!

I suppose then when I'm at home and make up free, in my PJs (Sorry VC) there's a distinction between home and work.
Importantly... I wouldnt go anywhere in PJs in a million years - and its rare that anyone is unexpected at the door... although last night the cat had a fight so I did have to run down the street in my PJs, dressing gown and slippers to rescue him!
