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Renting out our field? - Swindon area


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  • Renting out our field? - Swindon area

    Hi all,

    I'm after some advice!

    We have a 1.6acre field next to our house which until recently was rented out to a chap with three ponies for peanuts. His lease was with the previous owner of the field and we inherited him with the field when we bought it a year ago. The ponies are lovely and it's a great arrangement! Sadly, he has chosen not to renew the lease...

    Any suggestions as to what we should do with it? Ideally we would rent it out to some more horses/ponies but I'm not sure what we should be charging? Does anyone here have any experience with horses/renting fields, etc?

    Many thanks,

    Last edited by Stan79; 20-05-2016, 03:25 PM.

  • #2
    Wasn't he paying you rent before? Couldn't you use that amount as a starting point?


    • #3
      Facilities will have a big impact on what you can charge. Does it have the following:

      Any hard standing next to a shelter/ stable?
      Running water
      Is it one paddock or split?
      Local facilities are key as well, is there safe hacking nearby ideally off road


      • #4
        WendyC - He was paying peanuts and from a bit of research it's worth at least as much per month as he was paying a year by the sounds of it. He was supposed to trim the hedges, keep the fencing in good nick, weed treat, poo pick, grass cut and generally keep it in good nick too.

        SarahJH - currently water trough and one big paddock. Can add shelter, store, power and can split into two (or more) paddocks if beneficial! Parking would be ok too both now and in the future.


        • #5
          Hi Stan,

          Obviously different people will have different needs and at 1.6 acres you'll be attracting the pony market as you had before.
          Storage for feed, grooming kit,first aid kit etc and hay you could get away with a 6x4 shed but 6x8 would be better. Field shelters are blooming expensive and will need pp unless you get a mobile one, even more expense!
          If you get power to the shed that would be fantastic.
          Thinking about it, it really depends on who you rent to. Did your previous renter ride the ponies or just cuddle and pat them? You have all that is needed for cuddle and pat, but I would add a storage shed for feed, first aid kit etc.
          Could you attract someone that needs to graze some livestock rather than ponies?
          No need to split the field further, the new renter could do that with electric fencing run on a battery.
          I don't have horses anymore but I'll ask some friends what they would pay for what you have. They are in Reading so not a million miles from you.


          • #6
            Just reading your reply back, if the previous renter didn't poo pick then you really ought to harrow the paddock, that will encourage good even grass growth. Although to be honest I'm not sure when the best time of the year for harrowing is. Poo picking a small paddock such as you have is vital.

            Does the paddock have any natural shelter from sun, rain etc?
            Last edited by SaraJH; 20-05-2016, 08:51 PM.


            • #7
              Up ere they rent to farmers for sheep grazing, sell to folk to grow trees , horses, llamas , even sell and folk put static caravans on and live in
              Sorry not much help.
              Land prices are up, have you asked land selling /renting agents .
              Northern England.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Stan79 View Post
                He was paying peanuts and from a bit of research it's worth at least as much per month as he was paying a year by the sounds of it. .
                There yer go Stan, ask 12 times the previous monthly rate
                He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                • #9
                  I'm sure a friend of mine pays just �40 a month. There isn't anything there, no stable etc. what are. You classing as peanuts?
                  Last edited by Scarlet; 20-05-2016, 09:24 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                    I'm sure a friend of mine pays just �40 a month. There isn't anything there, no stable etc. what are. You classing as peanuts?
                    I'd probably agree with that, �40 to �50 per month. I've asked a few people this evening and one has said �300 per year but they are up in Nottinghamshire.

                    To put it into context, in Reading 3 years ago I was paying �110 per month grass livery and that included 24x7x365 grazing if wanted, a stable, feed storage shed, free hay and straw, tap water, electricity and jumping paddock, lorry parking, and outdoor floodlit school (no extra charge for lights) hacking around the 100 acre farm and off-road hacking direct from the farm.

                    I doubt that it's gone up much since then, granted it was a bit run down but it was cheap!
                    Last edited by SaraJH; 20-05-2016, 09:42 PM.


                    • #11
                      She has water and hay.


                      • #12
                        Does she have leccy Scarlet?


                        • #13
                          No electric. she also keeps chickens on a section of it and uses a battery for an electric fence.


                          • #14
                            For me, no electric would be a huge no no but everyone is different!


                            • #15
                              Do you have allotment waiting lists in your area? you could rent it out as allotments if you had no real future plans for it - just a thought


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