On our allotment site there is a long, brick building.
At one end is a lean-to with clear plastic roof.
This was filled with rubbish.
At the other end is a flushing toilet...a rare find on London allotments.
Our site rep picks and chooses who he tells about this loo, which is kept locked.
An old timer told me about it, I borrowed a key and got one cut.
In between these two ends are three more locked doors.
My lottie neighbour and I got a few folk together and we spent two whole days clearing the rubbish from the lean-to so we could start seedlings in there.
Our site rep (who had not been to the site for more that six months) saw the photos on faceache and complained to the council who wrote to tell us that we "must leave management of the site to the site rep."
Then I discovered (having been on the site for over a year) that behind one of the locked doors was a room of tool lockers! Still no sign of our site rep so I asked the council to ask him if I could have a locker.
The reply (actually from the council allotments officer) is that there is no spare locker and no waiting list. The site rep has absolute control of the lockers, who gets one and who doesn't..."at his own discretion".
Further investigation proved that the site rep and his friends have ALL the lockers.
The other two doors, it turns out, were a shop.
A decade or more ago it ceased trading when the lady that ran became ill.
But we could make good use of those rooms!
Repeated enquiries to the council have resulted in many different stories. the first being "The roof is caved in"...(we got a ladder...the roof is fine)
and the last one being...
"The site rep has plans for it...you will be told in the spring"
So spring came and went and we continued to ask for details.
Eventually the truth came out.
The council allotment officer agreed with our site rep (and his mate) several years ago, that they could buy their own locks, put them on this council owned shop...and have it for themselves...without any other plotholders knowing...to keep their own stuff in...along with a room full of tool lockers...on an allotment site he hardly goes to.
I have got no idea what to do about this.
It smacks of dodgy deals and maladministration...a nasty tinpot tyrant who gets his plot for free, does no work and is literally given a fifedom and whole buildings while we, mere peasants, pay 200 quid a year for a plot and have to scrabble for a key to the toilet!
Thank you if you've read this far!
I really needed to get that off my chest.
At one end is a lean-to with clear plastic roof.
This was filled with rubbish.
At the other end is a flushing toilet...a rare find on London allotments.
Our site rep picks and chooses who he tells about this loo, which is kept locked.
An old timer told me about it, I borrowed a key and got one cut.
In between these two ends are three more locked doors.
My lottie neighbour and I got a few folk together and we spent two whole days clearing the rubbish from the lean-to so we could start seedlings in there.
Our site rep (who had not been to the site for more that six months) saw the photos on faceache and complained to the council who wrote to tell us that we "must leave management of the site to the site rep."
Then I discovered (having been on the site for over a year) that behind one of the locked doors was a room of tool lockers! Still no sign of our site rep so I asked the council to ask him if I could have a locker.
The reply (actually from the council allotments officer) is that there is no spare locker and no waiting list. The site rep has absolute control of the lockers, who gets one and who doesn't..."at his own discretion".
Further investigation proved that the site rep and his friends have ALL the lockers.
The other two doors, it turns out, were a shop.
A decade or more ago it ceased trading when the lady that ran became ill.
But we could make good use of those rooms!
Repeated enquiries to the council have resulted in many different stories. the first being "The roof is caved in"...(we got a ladder...the roof is fine)
and the last one being...
"The site rep has plans for it...you will be told in the spring"
So spring came and went and we continued to ask for details.
Eventually the truth came out.
The council allotment officer agreed with our site rep (and his mate) several years ago, that they could buy their own locks, put them on this council owned shop...and have it for themselves...without any other plotholders knowing...to keep their own stuff in...along with a room full of tool lockers...on an allotment site he hardly goes to.
I have got no idea what to do about this.
It smacks of dodgy deals and maladministration...a nasty tinpot tyrant who gets his plot for free, does no work and is literally given a fifedom and whole buildings while we, mere peasants, pay 200 quid a year for a plot and have to scrabble for a key to the toilet!

Thank you if you've read this far!
I really needed to get that off my chest.