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CCTV. I've come to the end of my tolerance


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  • #16
    Would it not be wise to seek advice from you colleagues on the council?


    • #17
      Any action or complaint needs to be supported by evidence, so keep a diary and get as much video evidence as possible, there are a number of personal spy cameras that can be used that are not obvious, mobile phones video in addition to any formal cctv.

      I have a flash drive memory stick on a lanyard which has a record function for audio that I use when taking meetings and then I have a recording and can transcribe accurate minutes. Useful in any situation where you are in confrontation, or need to review what was said, I used it when I was having problems with regarding my wife's care in hospital and dealing with difficult clients.

      If you watch neighbours from hell, most successful results are obtained by gathering evidence in particular video evidence.
      . .......Man Vs Slug
      Click Here for my Diary and Blog
      Nutters Club Member


      • #18
        Maybe go and talk to the police. You don't have to point fingers at a particular person but just describe the kind of harassment you're having to deal with and ask if someone could come round and give you some advice about CCTV or other protective measures. Just seeing the police on your property might be sufficient deterrent if it is your neighbour. Plus, your problems will already be registered with them.


        • #19
          Thankyou everyone. I've calmed down a little now. I have had the police here a couple of times. The first time it was a very young constable who spoke to me and treated me like a mad old lady. The second time when �600 worth of kit I had hired to clear my garden was stolen. This time they sent CID round who were far more interested in talking about my son.

          The suggestion that they know my stepchildren has crossed my mind too. Someone had told them about my new kitchen and I had an official letter 2 days before Christmas saying I hadn't asked their permission. I don't need to as I have a Consent Order from the court requiring me to do this work. It meant the work stopped and my son said he wouldn't finish it until they backed off which they've now done. This is why I was buying stuff to continue the improvements.
          "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
          "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


          • #20
            Just a reminder that this is a public forum and anything written here can be read by anyone - including your neighbours and family.
            Using the power of the net, its not that difficult to identify some members, especially when their Vine name is their actual name and their posts give details about their homelife.
            Just saying, that's all!


            • #21
              It's good to come here & discuss bad neighbours etc with all of us,get everything off your chest kind of thing. He sounds like someone to really avoid,Baldy has a point & to be careful what you do. You don't want to aggravate him. If you put a camera up is the neighbour then going to comeback with something else,like pointing a camera at your house? It sounds really disturbing what you're having to live like near him,not being able to get away from him,mind you I've got a nasty neighbour nearby,I don't really think about them though I just have a few thoughts in my head when I see them regularly,I don't think someone can bully you if you're not letting them does that make sense? Situations like this,try to imagine there are ALOT of people suffering in life a lot more than this & we should all really be grateful for our stable content lives we have you know,there's worse things that could happen than this. I hope you feel alright,don't let anyone get you down!!
              Location : Essex


              • #22
                I would go to your local cop shop and ask to speak to someone for advice. I would have thought there would be someone who was more neighborhood focused that could tell you the ins and outs of what can be done and what to avoid. Just keep trying, unfortunately some people are more helpful than others. I hope you get somewhere with all this, as you shouldn't be forced to live with all these issues.


                • #23
                  I would have a chat with the environmental department at the council about a neighbour dispute and intimidation and keep a log of what and when things happen we had six years of it at our previous house .
                  CCTV footage was very useful in the end but we had to use covert cameras in the end and catch them in the act .
                  Once the police confronted them with the footage and threat of prosecution it stopped at home . but would get flat tyres on my car ever week they use to follow us a put nails under out tyres . we even had CCTV footage of the following us in the car .

                  We move eventually and they started on the new neighbours . the only disadvantage with opening a official dispute it has to declared it when selling your home . the new buyers were happy with the declaration .
                  the council offered impartial advice provided mediation between the two parties

                  We also had a similar thing with the boiler flue pipe the neighbours old boiler from the neighbours house discharge out from the party wall onto our property directly under the kids bedroom window
                  So we could never had the window open they refuse to move it and the council recommended to block it up . we never did . and it would regularly discharge scolding hot water over the back door .
                  The council had no legal power to force them to move the old boiler .
                  It was only when it was replaced with a new one fitted in the same place did the council asked the company for the compliance certificate . it was condemned the next day and swiched off .
                  They fitted it without asking for permission for access onto our property whilst we were working

                  the council said the boiler could only be removed once It had receive copies of letters asking for permission to access the property and consent by reply this took about a week with no heating or hot water . then the boiler was moved so it discharged over their own property with out causing a nuisance

                  We are a lot happier since moving and now have lovely neighbours

                  We didn't realise what affect it was having on our health and well being .

                  You can't force someone to change their behaviour

                  Have you considered renting it out .

                  Putting a visible camera up will cause them to move onto other thing out of range

                  Have a look a run owl cam starlight they work in the dark without any visible red lights and are small you will need a DVR to record of it and power supply . a 4 channel DVR will run four cameras

                  You can only film your own property with out CCTV signs up don't have the camera pointing into your neighbours garden or in shared access area without permission . think about buy or using small smartphone video camera (CEX cheap secondhand ) and a 32gb SD card have it set to video and leave it running in your pocket this record audio and any low level harassment whist pottering in your garden .
                  You can also cut a hole for the camera lens in the pocket and sew it in make sure it doesn't wobble about .
                  Hope this helps .


                  • #24
                    This is horrible and I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through and how you must be feeling. I agree with what people have said about keeping detailed records and involving the police where appropriate.

                    My only thoughts are that it might be worth speaking to the neighbour and finding out why he is doing what he is doing. I know you might not feel comfortable doing that, but it might just have started as something tiny which has escalated out of control - plus if he knows he can't bully you into moving out he might leave you alone. If nothing else bullies are cowards and he may back off just from being confronted.

                    Just something to think about, but obviously be careful and take someone neutral with you for support. It might be worth speaking to citizen's advice or a solicitor to help you out.

                    Good luck with it all - big hugs!! xx


                    • #25
                      I know why he's doing it, but I can't explain on here as if he reads this site (unlikely as his idea of a garden is concrete and astro turf) or one of his friends I'd be easily identified. The stupid thing is that his reason for doing it is being harder to rectify because of his actions, so they are self defeating.

                      And, VC, I take your point and if I could have changed my name on here I would have done so, but the only way I can do it as far as I can see is to start again.
                      "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                      "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by JanieB View Post
                        Does anyone on here have any knowledge of cctv systems. I've tried looking online, I would say it's all Greek to me but I speak Greek so I'd have to think of another analogy.
                        Originally posted by JanieB View Post
                        And, VC, I take your point and if I could have changed my name on here I would have done so, but the only way I can do it as far as I can see is to start again.
                        The first sentence of your initial post would have been enough for Grapes to advise on CCTV. They don't need the personal information. You might like to edit your posts for self-protection? I'd hate any of this to come back and bite you on the bum


                        • #27
                          G.T. #23 I am so glad you did not block that flue, you would have committed a criminal offence and be subject to prosecution only registered engineers are allowed to touch/alter gas appliance flues.

                          To explain, every one knows you have to be registered to work on appliances, gas pipe etc but what many do not know is there are two 'gas sensitive' areas in gas work, (1) the fuel gas, from the meter to the burner. (2) Flue gas/products of combustion from the burner to atmosphere. Both are subject to the same laws.

                          We have to deal with quite a few complaints of discharge across boundary lines, especially with the new condensing boilers where the flue gas is much more visible. There are strict rules that apply and these are enforceable if you know the correct procedure though some are easier to resolve than others.

                          In your case where the flue was discharging into your bedroom window it would have been particularly easy as it is dangerous. I would have followed the following 'Dangerous Situations' procedure as laid down in law.

                          First I would take a set of measurements to confirm the termination did not comply with manufactures instructions taking evidential photographs as I could be called as a professional witness. Second I would try to contact the house holder to explain the situation and request access to make the situation safe by disconnecting the appliance from the gas supply. At this stage permission is usually refused, usually I am told to (Foxtrot Oscar) not a wise thing when dealing with a grumpy old so and so like me.

                          I would then explain the alternative, that the National Gas Emergency service would cut the supply to the property, this would cost about �300 if they have to excavate payable by the property owner. The gas supply would be reconnected after the situation had been made safe and the account paid. Finally if all the above failed I would phone the NGE service, give them my details and request an 'emergency disconnection' and request their job number. This would set in motion a series of events that would see the gas supply disconnected within four hours. The NGE service cannot/will not query my judgement and must comply, after all should anything bad happen after my phone call and they have raised a work sheet they are the ones who would be going to court.

                          Finally if anyone has problems of a gas related nature ask me and I will do my best to help.
                          Last edited by Potstubsdustbins; 10-06-2016, 03:28 PM.
                          Potty by name Potty by nature.

                          By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                          We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                          Aesop 620BC-560BC



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Potstubsdustbins View Post
                            G.T. #23 I am so glad you did not block that flue, you would have committed a criminal offence and be subject to prosecution only registered engineers are allowed to touch/alter gas appliance flues.

                            To explain, every one knows you have to be registered to work on appliances, gas pipe etc but what many do not know is there are two 'gas sensitive' areas in gas work, (1) the fuel gas, from the meter to the burner. (2) Flue gas/products of combustion from the burner to atmosphere. Both are subject to the same laws.

                            We have to deal with quite a few complaints of discharge across boundary lines, especially with the new condensing boilers where the flue gas is much more visible. There are strict rules that apply and these are enforceable if you know the correct procedure though some are easier to resolve than others.

                            In your case where the flue was discharging into your bedroom window it would have been particularly easy as it is dangerous. I would have followed the following 'Dangerous Situations' procedure as laid down in law.

                            First I would take a set of measurements to confirm the termination did not comply with manufactures instructions taking evidential photographs as I could be called as a professional witness. Second I would try to contact the house holder to explain the situation and request access to make the situation safe by disconnecting the appliance from the gas supply. At this stage permission is usually refused, usually I am told to (Foxtrot Oscar) not a wise thing when dealing with a grumpy old so and so like me.

                            I would then explain the alternative, that the National Gas Emergency service would cut the supply to the property, this would cost about �300 if they have to excavate payable by the property owner. The gas supply would be reconnected after the situation had been made safe and the account paid. Finally if all the above failed I would phone the NGE service, give them my details and request an 'emergency disconnection' and request their job number. This would set in motion a series of events that would see the gas supply disconnected within four hours. The NGE service cannot/will not query my judgement and must comply, after all should anything bad happen after my phone call and they have raised a work sheet they are the ones who would be going to court.

                            Finally if anyone has problems of a gas related nature ask me and I will do my best to help.
                            Could you be a bit more descriptive please Potty??

                            Only messing....
                            And there my friends is why the Vine is such a wonderful place i.e.
                            Potty's post

                            For him to 1) take the time to type up that level of detail to help and 2) his offer of help to others is so generous...
                            I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                            ...utterly nutterly


                            • #29
                              Well said Trip - and of course extra well said, Potty.


                              • #30
                                A CCTV system isn't hugely expensive, but fitting cameras might be a bit tricky as you should get them up high.

                                Allotment got a system for a couple of hundred quid. Came recommended by another plotter and then we upgraded ours to it too.


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