I know this isn't a new subject, and there aren't really any solutions, but I just need to vent.
In the three years since I've had my plot, I've had a number of things stolen from my shed. The thing is, it's all low-value stuff (I take my fork, shears etc home with me each time). For instance, last year a nearly full 10kg tub of BFB was taken.
The other day, I noticed that a flexible bucket I use when weeding had disappeared (I may also have used it once or twice when caught short!). Then, yesterday, at the end of a lovely productive afternoon, I went to sprinkle some slug pellets, and they'd gone from the cupboard. At that point, I noticed that my Round-up and a nearly full bottle of liquid seaweed feed had also been taken. On going to wash my hands, I discovered that an unopened liquid soap had disappeared. Then, lying in bed this morning thinking about it, I realised that a carton of BFB (again, barely used) had been taken, too.
It's quite clear to me that it's someone on the allotment who's simply helping themselves to my stuff. After all, it's not as if anyone would get much for any of those things at a car-boot sale. And my bucket must have provided a handy container for carrying it all.
Whoever has taken it must have been pretty confident that they wouldn't be found, as it would have taken them a while to rummage around for all those things (for instance, the soap was under a big heap of enviromesh that I'd stuffed in a drawer).
I don't believe it's anyone in the immediate vicinity, as we all get along very well. But nobody else has been targeted this way - it's enough to make a person paranoid! The shed is left unlocked. Everybody else along the row locks their shed.
It all adds up to about �40 worth of stuff, which I can't afford to replace all in one go. I suppose, if nothing else, I'm feeling rather more motivated to make my own liquid feeds and stop using Round-up, so that's probably no bad thing!
In the three years since I've had my plot, I've had a number of things stolen from my shed. The thing is, it's all low-value stuff (I take my fork, shears etc home with me each time). For instance, last year a nearly full 10kg tub of BFB was taken.
The other day, I noticed that a flexible bucket I use when weeding had disappeared (I may also have used it once or twice when caught short!). Then, yesterday, at the end of a lovely productive afternoon, I went to sprinkle some slug pellets, and they'd gone from the cupboard. At that point, I noticed that my Round-up and a nearly full bottle of liquid seaweed feed had also been taken. On going to wash my hands, I discovered that an unopened liquid soap had disappeared. Then, lying in bed this morning thinking about it, I realised that a carton of BFB (again, barely used) had been taken, too.
It's quite clear to me that it's someone on the allotment who's simply helping themselves to my stuff. After all, it's not as if anyone would get much for any of those things at a car-boot sale. And my bucket must have provided a handy container for carrying it all.
Whoever has taken it must have been pretty confident that they wouldn't be found, as it would have taken them a while to rummage around for all those things (for instance, the soap was under a big heap of enviromesh that I'd stuffed in a drawer).
I don't believe it's anyone in the immediate vicinity, as we all get along very well. But nobody else has been targeted this way - it's enough to make a person paranoid! The shed is left unlocked. Everybody else along the row locks their shed.
It all adds up to about �40 worth of stuff, which I can't afford to replace all in one go. I suppose, if nothing else, I'm feeling rather more motivated to make my own liquid feeds and stop using Round-up, so that's probably no bad thing!