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Things being stolen


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  • Things being stolen

    I know this isn't a new subject, and there aren't really any solutions, but I just need to vent.

    In the three years since I've had my plot, I've had a number of things stolen from my shed. The thing is, it's all low-value stuff (I take my fork, shears etc home with me each time). For instance, last year a nearly full 10kg tub of BFB was taken.

    The other day, I noticed that a flexible bucket I use when weeding had disappeared (I may also have used it once or twice when caught short!). Then, yesterday, at the end of a lovely productive afternoon, I went to sprinkle some slug pellets, and they'd gone from the cupboard. At that point, I noticed that my Round-up and a nearly full bottle of liquid seaweed feed had also been taken. On going to wash my hands, I discovered that an unopened liquid soap had disappeared. Then, lying in bed this morning thinking about it, I realised that a carton of BFB (again, barely used) had been taken, too.

    It's quite clear to me that it's someone on the allotment who's simply helping themselves to my stuff. After all, it's not as if anyone would get much for any of those things at a car-boot sale. And my bucket must have provided a handy container for carrying it all.

    Whoever has taken it must have been pretty confident that they wouldn't be found, as it would have taken them a while to rummage around for all those things (for instance, the soap was under a big heap of enviromesh that I'd stuffed in a drawer).

    I don't believe it's anyone in the immediate vicinity, as we all get along very well. But nobody else has been targeted this way - it's enough to make a person paranoid! The shed is left unlocked. Everybody else along the row locks their shed.

    It all adds up to about �40 worth of stuff, which I can't afford to replace all in one go. I suppose, if nothing else, I'm feeling rather more motivated to make my own liquid feeds and stop using Round-up, so that's probably no bad thing!
    Last edited by Seagull; 12-06-2016, 12:28 PM.

  • #2
    I've just been down to my plot to find someone has stolen part of my hosepipe and left the water running which as flooded 2 of my neighbours greenhouses .
    Don't know why they wouldn't go to the pound shop and buy there own .
    When you have a hammer in your hand everything around you starts looking like a nail.


    • #3
      Have you thought of marking things underneath with a blob of nai lvarnish...then in a few weeks time have a little look around the site?
      You just never know.....
      As you say, it's unlikely to be any of your neighbours...but there's sometimes just one person...
      At least that way you'd know for sure.
      Do they get stuff nicked too?

      And yep, sorry to hear tyhat- it's flippin expensive as it all adds up.
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        Lock your shed?
        Northern England.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Containergardener View Post
          Lock your shed?
          Well that was my thought. Doesn't have to be particularly high security, just enough to deter the casual (or not so casual) pilferer. Write you name or plot number on anything that you can.


          • #6
            Originally posted by WendyC View Post
            Well that was my thought. Doesn't have to be particularly high security, just enough to deter the casual (or not so casual) pilferer. Write you name or plot number on anything that you can.
            I think I'm going to do both those things. I never bothered fitting a lock to the shed, everyone said not to, as it would encourage thieves to think there was something valuable in there. It seems to have backfired in my case!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Nicos View Post
              Have you thought of marking things underneath with a blob of nai lvarnish...then in a few weeks time have a little look around the site?
              You just never know.....
              As you say, it's unlikely to be any of your neighbours...but there's sometimes just one person...
              At least that way you'd know for sure.
              Do they get stuff nicked too?

              And yep, sorry to hear tyhat- it's flippin expensive as it all adds up.
              I may take a little stroll around the site later today and see if anything catches my eye. I know I won't be able to prove its mine if I do see anything, but at least I'll feel as if I'm doing something about it.

              No, none of my neighbours has had this much stuff taken.


              • #8
                Yeah, get a lock for the shed - don't make it so easy for them. Don't leave anything outside that can be used to crack the lock/shed door open.

                I had a few things taken from me when I had an allotment - the big pink bucket that had a distinctive crack down the side of the handle was found at a plot a few plots away. They were there, I saw the bucket and went up and said - "I'll have that back now thank you! Leave my stuff alone or you'll get reported!"

                I proceeded to buy bright pink gloss in a sale in a big department store and I painted everything with that pink gloss, until it looked so awful no one would steal it haha Bottles, handles on forks and spades, plant pots, buckets, you name it. They were all male on that allotment site more or less, and the pink was clearly putting them off. Nothing was stolen after that.


                • #9
                  Do any of the other plot holders have locks on their sheds?
                  I think SarrissUK does have a point on painting all your stuff so its stands out. Try and do it when other plot holders are there and tell them you've had stuff pinched and let them know there is a tea leaf about.
                  If you do have a wander, make it a good one and talk to everyone. Let them know that you are having stuff taken it might un nerve the lifter and tell them you are getting CCTV from Amazon or Maplins. Any evidence you get of the lifter you will hand in to the people who run your site and the police. Might put the wind up them.


                  • #10
                    I would almost suggest it is someone from off the allotment site. Anyone on it risks being seen using what has disappeared from your collection.

                    Someone off the site has possibly just found an easy place to get bits to help them do their garden.

                    Could get a bit sneaky and relocate glyphosphate to a "new" bottle of foliar feed. Which would be my approach. A few drops of green food colouring would aid in any deception.
                    Last edited by Kirk; 12-06-2016, 04:51 PM.


                    • #11
                      As someone else has said mark new items in a subtle way and then report them stolen when they get pinched.

                      Have photo evidence of your marking (eg: empty containers out and put marking inside so it stays)


                      • #12
                        Sorry to hear that. My stuff is from the recycling centre and poundland so wouldn't appeal to a car-booter-thief. Still, I tend to paint the handles of spades and forks in whatever odd colour paint I have ling about.
                        If you're willing to go to a Chinese site like or you can pick up usb powered, night vision, motion detecting cameras for about �20. Prices will continue to come down for that sort of small electric gadgetery and dealing with Chinese amazon-wannabees isn't quite as frustrating as it was a couple of years ago
                        Not personally used these models but coupled with a phone charger battery you could have a mobile portable ccrv system / wildliffe monitor thingamebob!
                        I've got the xiaomi home camera which is an impressive bit of hardware for the notes.
                        Cctv Deals in Consumer Electronics - Free Shipping |
                        cctv - Buy Cheap cctv - From Banggood

                        ... goes without saying that you may need to figure out how to bolt the camera to the shed to stop it getting nicked
                        (hiding / disguising would be another option)
                        1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Kirk View Post
                          I would almost suggest it is someone from off the allotment site. Anyone on it risks being seen using what has disappeared from your collection.

                          Someone off the site has possibly just found an easy place to get bits to help them do their garden.

                          Could get a bit sneaky and relocate glyphosphate to a "new" bottle of foliar feed. Which would be my approach. A few drops of green food colouring would aid in any deception.
                          Re-packaging is a no-no in case someone gets hurt, or even dies.
                          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                          Diversify & prosper


                          • #14
                            I never spotted this thread last night - I've had a similar situation (which I posted about in the 'rant' thread).

                            I went up to the plot on Sunday with a load of broccoli/calabrese to go into a prepared bed - ( the neighbours) someone had stolen my debris netting from my shed.

                            I was a little bit peeved off.
                            .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                            My Youtube Channel -


                            • #15
                              Yep, we have thieves too.
                              Ours steal ALL the fruit on site and last autumn took all the butternut squashes too.

                              And yes, its so frustrating because its just petty theft...nothing that would interest a copper or provoke a response from the council so there's not much to be done!

                              I blimmin HATE thieves


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