Sunspots that is.
Scientists report that the sun has been completely blank for four days this month not a single sun spot anywhere. Not a one off this as already happened several times in the last year or so.
The last time solar activity was this low was 1645 the Maunder Minimum a mini ice age when the Thames used to freeze over.
This time they are predicting a mini ice age about 2019/20 so we are going back to the prediction of the 1960s when I first heard a mini ice age was on the way.
Personally I just wish they would make their mind up hot or cold, cacti or pine trees.
Scientists report that the sun has been completely blank for four days this month not a single sun spot anywhere. Not a one off this as already happened several times in the last year or so.
The last time solar activity was this low was 1645 the Maunder Minimum a mini ice age when the Thames used to freeze over.

This time they are predicting a mini ice age about 2019/20 so we are going back to the prediction of the 1960s when I first heard a mini ice age was on the way.
Personally I just wish they would make their mind up hot or cold, cacti or pine trees.
