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Have You Started Planning For 2017.


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  • #16
    Too right I have!

    This year as been a bit of a "Flop" to be honest, again not disheartened, what will be will be!

    Having had heaps of "Asparagus" now in it's 4th year! Loved It!

    Raspberries n strawberries now just comming in to their own! Although a little sunshine would be nice!

    I will just reap the rewards of what I have & don't think I would change much of what I already do, but a little more time being able to do it would have been nice!

    But "Hey Ho"
    "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


    • #17
      This is what I love about this forum - surrounded by the trials of this years weather - yet here we all are planning and looking forward to next years shenanigans. Perfect.
      Nannys make memories


      • #18
        at the moment just got a few firm ideas

        • climbing french beans (Cobra, Lingua di Fuoco, Blue Lake, Pea Bean, Goldfield, Cosse Violette) maybe 2 more varaeties
        • Dwarf french Bean (Purple Teepee, Ying Yang, Tendergreen, Canadian French Wonder, Barlotta Supremo Nano, Capitano)
        • Dwarf Runner Beans Pickwick
        • Broad Beans Sutton Dwarf
        • Overwintered broad beans Aquadulce Claudia

        Peas aren't as certain as I need to see what the harvest is like this year At the moment theres
        • Overwintered Douce Provence
        • Tall pea Lord Leicester
        • Tall pea Champion Of England
        • Tall pea Serpette Guilloteau
        • Tall pea Boddingtons Soup Pea

        Kales & Cabbages :- No heading cabbages
        • Dwarf Green Curly Kale
        • Scarlet kale
        • Possible Jersey Kale
        • Asturian Tree Cabbage
        • Sea Kale
        • Daubertons Kale
        • Taunton Dean

        Currently seeing which squash, courgettes, pumpkins produce and next year I'm not going to be growing as many.

        Yacon - I'll see how this years crop goes and see if I can over winter it
        Skirret - same as the Yacon

        Onions, leeks
        I want to try sowing seeds rather than sets or seedlings next year. I've got Perutile and Walking Onions I want to grow up as well as babbington leeks. I also plan on growing Paris Silverskin for pickled onions

        Will do more elephant garlic. I have corms planted but they may take 2 years to germinate never mind head up.
        I spring planted garlic this year - I'll winter plant for next year

        Fruit Garden
        I'll be under planting the trees with probably strawberries/pineberries
        May look at getting some autumn raspberries - preferably one that can twin crop well. The rest of my fruit is really there

        Root Veg
        • Parsnips
        • Carrots
        • Salsify
        • Scozonera
        • Parsley Hamberg

        I MAY have a couple of bags of tatties, but maybe not

        Everything else is in the aether. I fancy giving Quinoa a go

        New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

        �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
        ― Thomas A. Edison

        �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
        ― Thomas A. Edison

        - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


        • #19

          Broad bean The Sutton
          various salad leaves
          Beetroot - Globe 2
          Cavollo nero kale - haven't tried any yet but they look good
          Spring onions - white lisbon
          Onion sets - sturon and stuggarter seem good. Although might need to restrict to one bed to allow other alliums such as garlic for next year.
          Strawberries have done well in greenhouse but I'll need to find a better solution as they're currently in small pots. Hanging baskets or guttering looks a good possibility.
          Wild strawberries grow like weeds here, need to encourage more to grow. They don't seem to mind the wet weather at all.
          More peppers of different varieties
          radish - Sparkler, been having problems previously with radishes but they've been doing better this year possibly due to topping up with greenwaste compost and keeping slugs away from them.
          Flowers - callendula, cornflowers, borage, nasturtiums, snapdragons, cosmos

          Perpetual spinach (might as well use the beetroot leaves)
          Purslane (too wet here and they get soggy. Might try again in the greenhouse)
          callaloo spinach are really tiny and don't seem to have much taste.

          Not sure
          Red celery (very small, need lots of plants to make it worthwhile)
          Lambs lettuce (very small, although doesn't seem to be bothered by slugs so could still be worthwhile)

          Sow earlier, probably some time in April (I have a greenhouse afterall!):
          french beans
          runner beans

          Additional thoughts
          Allowing certain salad leaves to bolt (rocket, greek cress, broccoli raab and red frills mustard) attracts loads of beneficial insects including parasitic wasps and hoverflies. Ideal when other flowers (eg marigolds and nasturtiums) haven't come out yet.

          Puting lots of sticks in the beds really works for keeping cats out. A lot less hassle than using nets.

          Need to protect the red currant and gooseberry bushes better as they've been decimated by tiny green caterpillars.


          • #20
            My plans for next year include remembering to stake flowers before they collapse in a heap, cutting back the comfrey plants before they spread out and flatten the nearest crops, and building a proper frame for the sweet peas

            I also plan (hope) to get a small polytunnel and try to grow peppers in it

            Plans for veg are :

            Definitely grow sweetcorn for a second year - I bought a tray of half price, half dead seedlings from Hbase this year, doubting that sweetcorn would ever survive in our northern climate.....but they seem to be thriving

            No more red onions, they just bolt.

            Lots more dwarf beans and borlotti beans

            I decided not to grow any winter crops apart from PSB this year, so no parsnips, no leeks, no romanesco or sprouts etc. Beginning to regret it now, so I'll maybe have a rethink next year.


            • #21
              I only got my plot just over 2 weeks ago so I feel like I've barely planned for this year let alone started even contemplating next year.

              I guess my next year plan would be continue trying to improve my soil. Cross my fingers and hope my fruit plants take. Grow more of everything I'm attempting to grow this year but plant it at the start of the season and not the end
              Last edited by katkatkat; 09-07-2016, 07:22 PM.


              • #22
                Plans/ideas as follows:-
                1. Construct shady tunnels over all my beds to protect my veg from that big yellow ball in the sky.
                2. To grow first early potatoes in big compost bags that I have saved.
                3. To get to grips with successional sowing ie to remember to do it every 3 weeks!
                4. Replace my calcium encrusted drip irrigation pipes.
                5. Construct my new fruit garden.
                6. And finally to keep on enjoying my gardening.
                Just think happy thoughts


                • #23
                  Next year I will have built the removable fence/wall beside the espalier fruit trees so I can cover them in clear plastic to avoid canker and peach leaf curl.
                  The strawberry stringers will get put into troughs that I raise up to about hip height, I'm fed up of the slugs and the back breaking tending/picking. Will also slightly reduce the overall quantity.
                  Raspberries, might take out the middle row to give better access to the others.
                  Try one more time to get a pea crop!
                  Increase my Parsnip crop (better position and germination).
                  Get plenty of muck in as soon as I've spread that which I've been composting so that I'll have qaulity stuff for the following year.
                  Otherwise more of the same because we like what we grow.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by ESBkevin View Post
                    The strawberry stringers will get put into troughs
                    Will the runners be treat the same way Kev?...........................
                    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Bigmallly View Post
                      Will the runners be treat the same way Kev?...........................
                      I don't treat runners, it encourages then you know. All them smelly trainers!


                      • #26
                        I have been thinking about next year as well.


                        Potatoes 1st earlies and 2nd earlies. Not Sharps Express as they just disintegrate when I cook them.
                        Runner beans. Love runner beans but has been a rubbish year with them.
                        Broad Beans. Love broad beans.
                        Garlic. First year growing this. Ok so they have ended up smaller than the clove I started off with.
                        Courgettes cause I get loads off one plant.
                        Salad bits lettuce, radish, beetroot
                        Jerusalem Artichokes
                        New Zealand Yams
                        Fennel. First year growing and it seems to be doing ok.


                        Peas never have any luck with them
                        Brassicas they just die on me. Even the ones my mom has given me are looking sick.
                        Tomatoes at this rate. They grow up to a point then nothing.

                        New stuff/ Things I hope to get next year

                        Strawberries. My sister is giving me some of hers
                        Blue berries. Actually more of them as the three I have at the moment are doing really well and its been the first time they have fruited and I've beaten the birds to them.
                        Asparagus. Love the stuff but need to find some where suitable for them.

                        My birthday in August so I hope to get some gift vouchers and hit the local garden centres


                        • #27
                          Next Year:

                          First thing is no planning !!! only corrections ..

                          1. Only sow seeds If there is a space ready. so I wouldn't be weeding while planting/watering/harvesting

                          2. start freezer crops from the mid summer and only grow the enough for cooking before then.

                          3. few/no salad crops at allotment. and use the space at home for them

                          4. No digging for next year

                          5. do not buy seeds.


                          • #28
                            Great idea for a thread BM. I'm having a dismal year with all the rain & slugs and this helps push away the glums. So far for 2016/17 I've thought about:

                            - a second greenhouse up by the end of the year (involves relocating the shed)
                            - build a walk-in fruit frame on #92 for blackcurrants, tayberries and red gooseberries
                            - extend the rhubabarium(™ ) on #92 with another couple of crowns
                            - put in a second saffron bed where I know I currently have onion white rot
                            - finish all the digging
                            - have 3 large daleks full of rotted compost ready for next year.

                            - sweet peppers & podding peas, both a bit meh
                            - outdoor tomatoes unless they are blight resistant (why do I NEVER learn!!)
                            - garlic - my one plot's just too wet, and the other has onion white rot
                            - salad burnet - blech

                            - sugar snap peas
                            - flowers
                            - expensive or difficult to find veg - soft fruit, padron peppers, leaf chicory, salsify, root parsley etc
                            - shallots/onions from seed
                            - climbing beans for drying

                            - winter squash (this hurts, but we just can't/don't eat them all!)
                            - potatoes - it's lovely to have so many, but they are difficult to store
                            - strawberries - they are a right pain, and always seem to get badly slugged
                            - broad beans - unless tomorrow's broad bean felafel are a which case they go in the 'more' section!
                   - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                            • #29
                              Just a thought for anyone wanting to build fruit cages, grab hold of some knock down B&Q greenhouses without the glazing & simply net them, perfect, cheap & hassle free.
                              Last edited by Bigmallly; 15-07-2016, 06:27 AM.
                              sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                              Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                              Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                              KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                              • #30
                                I've never seen any GH offers in bq
                                Northern England.


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