Originally posted by Containergardener
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Have You Started Planning For 2017.
sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
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KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............
Not bothering with garlic, 2 years of rust, and this year most rotted.
Dig up strawberry bed, raise the soil level, and put in new plants.
Dig out gooseberry bushes, very poor crop, and I don't really like them!
Will replace gooseberry bushes with a couple more blueberry, or maybe another jostaberry
Attempt again to sort out the 'madness' of my raspberries, and blackcurrants in fruit cage.
Try leeks again in different place, hope no rust!
Protect Autumn sown onions against slugs!
Get some proper farm manure in the autumn, and leave to overwinter, the farms often have bags outside, problem is lifting it!
May try overwintering broad beans, instead of planting in Feb.
Otherwise pretty much the same.DottyR
Well, I've made a start.....Finished the Tunnel yesterday......All Peaches, Nectarines & Apricots are in the Tunnel under-planted with about 50 pots of Strawberries....................That's one job lesssigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............
We have a tractor now, so the first thing it so really plough up the ground, stone pick, add plenty of nutritional value to the earth and make some sturdier beds (it turns out tent pegs and twine aren't the best edging for beds).
I was too late planting everything this year, because of when we purchased the house, so my main thing is to get the timing better next year - and we should have a better water supply by then, which means no more lugging bottles of water around to irrigate everything.
Because of the challenges, I'm not ready to write anything off, other than a couple of tomatoes that just aren't that tasty.
So, out will be
Roma and Gardener's Delight tomatoes varieties, to be replaced with others. I'm also considering leaving strawberries out next year, because of how many you need for a decent crop. I'll see if mine last the winter without any care and reassess in the spring.
MORE tomatoes. Definitely Sun Belle and Black Cherry. The rest to be decided. But, more, more, more!
Cucumbers and courgettes - both have been very weedy this year, and haven't had any fruit yet, but hoping for good things here.
Sweet peppers - I have fruit forming on several varieties, so looking forward to seeing how they do.
Santa Claus melons - again, very late, but they are covered in flowers, so fingers crossed for a crop.
Chilli peppers - I have four varieties (ghost pepper, cheyenne, super chilli and topaz) which are all doing really well. Next year, I will add at least cayenne, Bulgarian carrot and padr�n (loads of these), and probably more varieties besides.
French beans - mine are still tiny, and nowhere near fruiting. Get them in earlier and hope for a good crop.
Mange tout (Oregon Sugarpod) - same as the beans. I'll be lucky if they crop this year.
Lettuce, rocket, spring onions.
Mini sweetcorn (Minipop F1) - I don't think I have high enough density for any success this year, but we'll see what happens.
Beetroot (Boltardy) - still waiting, we'll see.... I imagine a lack of water will take its toll here.
I'd love to grow kale, so that will probably be added.
Herbs - my herb garden is more of a flower garden, sadly. Lots of things to go in here.
Fruits - none of my fruits have done anything this year, probably because of becoming distressed moving from Andorra to Spain. We'll see if they survive the winter and make an assessment after that. They include: goji berry, gooseberry, blueberry, loganberry, black raspberry and a 5-in-1 bush, all of unknown varieties.
I'm also going to be creating an orchard, if we get our water situation a bit better than it currently is, which will have a few varieties of peaches, limes, plums, avocado and cherry.
I have more contemplated than plan.
No sure if I will bother with spuds so much next year. Maybe a few pots for them but that's it.
The new plot will be more for fruit, stuff the grandkids will enjoy. I am a big fan of growing cabbages and cauliflowers so have been contemplating which varieties.
My initial plan will most likely go out of the window as I plan to revamp the plot so I may just have to wing it & see.sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............
Out go the strawberrys next year. Just don't like them enough
Got two long, galvanised containers that housed onions and strawberrys this year.
Hubby made them before he retired, so going to put spring bulbs in them next month and follow with bedding plants next summer
Definately change of tomato variety required
Cut back on potatoes and get new Runner seeds
Still doing carrots,spring onions and salad cropsNannys make memories
A few more decisions have been made about next years growing.
Out ( along with parsnips)
Sweet peppers (apart from lamuyo)
Less varieties of courgette
Less beetroot
Less varieties of tomato
Only 1 plant of each variety of chilli.
Grow something I've not tried growing before, don't know what that will be yet.
It looks like sprouts are off the out list. They are doing very well this year.
Originally posted by snowbunny View Post
Fruits - none of my fruits have done anything this year, probably because of becoming distressed moving from Andorra to Spain. We'll see if they survive the winter and make an assessment after that.
Seed cats just ordered - hours of fun ahead as I spot something I might like then play hunt the bargain on the interweb to see if I can it it cheaper.
Shhhhhhhhh..................don't tell the seed companies else they won't send me anymore.I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison
Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.
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