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Organ Donation


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  • Organ Donation

    "Everyone should be seen as a potential organ donor on their death unless they expressly request not to be", England's chief medical officer says.
    Sir Liam Donaldson wants a system of "presumed consent" to be introduced in England to tackle organ shortages.

    Apparently 1 person a day dies in the UK due to a lack of donors, however is the above an acceptable practice or should we push the donor card harder.

    Personally, I think that its a great idea, what about you?

  • #2
    In theory, I agree with you but if any of my children or grandchildren died before me I could not bear the thought of a stranger opening them up, or indeed the thought of someone else walking round with their parts. I know I've not explained myself properly but I would be looking for similarities and wondering if any traits had been passed on.
    Derbyshire born Derbyshire bred & I'm not thick int'arm ort'ead!


    • #3
      Ok.....I know I would probably have a different view if my family or myself were personally involved but..... the way I see it natural selection means survival of the fittest, doesn't it?.

      If we start messing with nature and transplants become a common occurance we will eventually weaken the gene pool to such an extent that mankind will cease to exist!

      I know this may come across as callous especially to anyone who has had a transplant or is waiting for one and I can only appologise in advance if my views hurt anyone's feeling!
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #4
        A very complex problem.Were one of my grandchildren dying for want of a liver,kidney ,lung etc.I would be screaming out for a donor.But if (God forbid)anything happened to one of them and someone else wanted their organs?Well,a different thing altogether.
        I suppose the best thing for all concerned would be for doctors to take what they need and say nothing.Nobody counts things once you are dead.
        What say you?


        • #5
          I have 2 beautiful grand daughters and a wonderful daughter, if someone elses life could be enriched by the use of their organs then I would say "Take what you need" I know that my daughter would want her organs donated, as would I.
          A good day is when the s**t hits the fan and I have the time to duck!


          • #6
            I think it is a brilliant idea! 9 out of ten people agree with organ donation but only 2 out of ten are registered. With "Presumed Consent" you still have choice as those with strong views against could carry an "Opt out Card". It would also over come the "I just never got around to it" reason that causes most of us to not register. Yes I do carry a doner card and it has a second card, both laminated in plastic, that states that they can have my body for research or training. They probably wont want my organs as I'm to old and have to much wrong with me.
            It's not the growing old I mind but the growing stupid with it!


            • #7
              "They" can take what they like from me when I've gone.................but

              Lungs 30 fags a day for 40+ years.
              Heart Lots of "fatty foods for most of my life.
              Kidneys/Liver Drank too much?

              Most other parts are too "worn" to be of any use too.

              But I have no problems as long as people can "opt" out.
              The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
              Brian Clough


              • #8
                i think families have to talk about it more. My mother talkd to me when I was a child and I decided to be a donor. Now my husband and I have talked about it and I will talk about it to my 8yo, she thinks of her body as her box that her spirit lives in (Not in a particularly religious way) that she has to look after her box as it's the only one she's got this life. This also teaches her to respect her box and feel owneship and control over it.

                Heaven forbid that anything bad happens to any of us, but I'd like to think that if we could save anybody, we would. After all it's our essence and memories we love, our boxes aren't what we get emotional over at death. We remember hugs not kidneys.



                • #9
                  Both my OH and I agree with this. I think it is a good idea, as, yes, you do have the choice to opt out if you wish. Personally, I quite like the idea of somebody benefitting from something of mine, so, as and when I shuffle off the mortal coil(apologies to Monty Python), dig away, doc's, take what you need!

                  "Raised to a state of heavenly lunacy where I just can't be touched!"


                  • #10
                    I think it's a great idea and they can have anything they like from me and any loved ones I can give consent for. I have donor cards everywhere!

                    Same story, if it were someone I loved waiting I'd be screaming for donors so would absolutely want to do the same for someone else. Kind of gives a bit of meaning as to why we're really here too if someone else can see or breathe or whatever once I'm gone..


                    • #11
                      Strangely enough, my son was asking how I felt about that only yesterday as he's applying for a new driving licence and it's one of the questions on the form.

                      One of his school friends was killed last week in a car accident- and being fit, healthy young men , are exactly the type of donors the hospitals are looking for.

                      You never get to know who has received the organs ( as far as I recall) and I'd prefer it that way- he's going to be cremated anyway when his time is up, so it'd be a real waste not to use his organs.

                      I've spent the last 20 years nurturing him so he'll be prime quality
                      Lets all hope we are never put into the situation where we need to donate.
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                        Ok.....I know I would probably have a different view if my family or myself were personally involved but..... the way I see it natural selection means survival of the fittest, doesn't it?.

                        If we start messing with nature and transplants become a common occurance we will eventually weaken the gene pool to such an extent that mankind will cease to exist!

                        I know this may come across as callous especially to anyone who has had a transplant or is waiting for one and I can only appologise in advance if my views hurt anyone's feeling!
                        I suspect you might be playing Devil's advocate a bit Snadger but I have to disagree with your philosophy! Firstly, in that case we shouldn't have vaccinations, a free health service, chemist etc - 'the strong' would survive anyway! Secondly, few conditions requiring an organ transplant are hereditary. People who have recieved a transplant when young enough and still fit enough overall to go on and have a family are no more likely to produce a child needing a transplant than any other couple.

                        'Messing with nature' isn't the same as 'making progress as a cilvisation'!

                        I'm all for organ donation. Like everyone else I don't want to think about it in relation to my own family but should a terrible event ever happen, I would be glad to give someone else the chance of a better life.

                        I was feeling part of the scenery
                        I walked right out of the machinery
                        My heart going boom boom boom
                        "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                        I've come to take you home."


                        • #13
                          I think it's a great idea, and have already "opted-in" when I registered with my new GP.

                          I disagree with people I've heard say that "We'll have no choice in the matter" - well, firstly, you'd be dead, and secondly, you do have a choice. You have the choice to opt-out of it.

                          Should make some people get off their bottoms and do something (whether it is opting out or not)


                          • #14
                            I 'opted in' when given the chance years ago, being an ex motorbiker and having seen a few injuries and illnesses over the years. I won't know anything about it anyway so what's the harm? Having said that I do sympathise with Snadgers view - the planet is becoming very overcrowded which is one of the things 'natural selection' stops so we also have to advance in other respects to avoid space and food issues in the future.
                            Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                            • #15
                              Excellent idea! If I died and any of my family refused to let 'them' use any of my organs I would come back and haunt them!

                              Admidedly I don't know how I'd feel if I had to make the decision about a loved one's organs - but hopefully I'd be strong-willed enough to be all for it!

                              Life is a spreadsheet


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