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Nosey post! Does anyone on here own horses?


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  • Nosey post! Does anyone on here own horses?

    Hi all,

    I'm being nosey

    I'm horseless at the moment but have owned them for much of my life, are there any horse owners here?

    Id love to read about what you do with them, do you compete? In what discipline?

  • #2
    Hi. SJ I have a beautiful gypsy cob called Bliss. I've had her about 18 months now and she has been at home with me for a year. I'm a very new horsey person, and am learning a lot very quickly. I'm not riding her at the moment. I have a wonderful teacher who I met whilst Bliss was in livery. She teaches a totally new concept of horsemanship, and my ultimate aim with Bliss is to ride her bareback and with only a halter, no reins or bit. I know this may sound strange but it makes perfect sense once you start doing it. I havnt ridden Bliss since October last year, we are trying to unteach her that she must do whatever we ask or get beaten. I am doing some at liberty work with her now, and it's absolutely amazing, that my beautiful horse who would only do anything if she got a tickle or whack with a crop, will now walk to me and stand to put her head collar on without even an audible command. It's an absolutely mind boggling experience, I feel so connected to her. If you are interested google Noora Enqvist and watch her video. I have just been to one of her clinics and watched her with other peoples horses. She is amazing.
    Dogs have masters, cats have slaves, and horses are just wonderful


    • #3
      I have one!
      Fergus is 26 and retired.
      He's a 16.1 TBxIrish Draft.

      We bought him when he was rising 5 and had already done some hunting.
      We never hunted him, just used him as a family horse as my OH and daughter also rode him whilst I was taking my BHSAI exams ( just for fun!).
      We used to enter into Working Hunter but he never managed to get a 1st cos he dished and braided.

      Now he roams the hills of the Lake District with a young logging horse as a companion.

      Batty as a brush...still is a nutter. I miss riding, especially on lovely sunny mornings.

      In my youth I used to work for a breeder at weekends and school holidays...and then went on to work for a horse dealer( much more fun!)
      We used to soft back youngsters straight from Beeston horse sales before she sold them on ready for training.
      I bought my first pony from her for �100... A lovely 14.2 3 yr old Appaloosa I named Spock
      Sadly I had to sell him when I went to first experience ever of breaking my heart...
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        Ah Bal, that's amazing and what you are doing is great.
        You are creating a fabulous bond with Bliss.
        I'm not really into natural horsemanship but I do appreciate that we all do things differently.
        How old is Bliss?
        Aren't horses such fabulous company, I used to love just sitting in the field with my solid coloured gypsy cob (called Doris) just grazing around me x


        • #5
          Originally posted by Nicos View Post
          I have one!
          Fergus is 26 and retired.
          He's a 16.1 TBxIrish Draft.

          We bought him when he was rising 5 and had already done some hunting.
          We never hunted him, just used him as a family horse as my OH and daughter also rode him whilst I was taking my BHSAI exams ( just for fun!).
          We used to enter into Working Hunter but he never managed to get a 1st cos he dished and braided.

          Now he roams the hills of the Lake District with a young logging horse as a companion.

          Batty as a brush...still is a nutter. I miss riding, especially on lovely sunny mornings.

          In my youth I used to work for a breeder at weekends and school holidays...and then went on to work for a horse dealer( much more fun!)
          We used to soft back youngsters straight from Beeston horse sales before she sold them on ready for training.
          I bought my first pony from her for �100... A lovely 14.2 3 yr old Appaloosa I named Spock
          Sadly I had to sell him when I went to first experience ever of breaking my heart...
          Flipping heck Nicos, if I wasn't jealous of your GYO life, I'm now doubly jealous of your horsey life!

          I had my first pony aged 10 and she was a games pony, went to Wembley and won loads, not with me though lol!
          Since then I've had a right old mix, from nutter hunters who would rear and spin around and dump you, to old dobbins that would only walk if they were following a carrot lol!

          Recently I got into showing and have got a couple of horses to Horse of the Year Show.

          I'd love to have another horse but blimey, it's nice not having to look after them!

          It's funny, I often get offered rides, but nothing really appeals to me unless it's mine?


          • #6
            I've never owned one, but have ridden on and off since my early teens. One of the things I am promising myself when I have a job again (am taking some time out) is to have a horse on loan, sort of as a test to see whether I can deal with how much work they are to own. I don't really have any competing aspirations, though a bit of 3-day eventing at a very junior level would be fabulous.
   - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


            • #7
              Hi Nicos, I'm not familiar with the term braided, what does that mean?


              • #8
                Bliss is 11 her birthday is the same day as my sons but just 20 years later
                I know what you mean about just being in the paddock with Bliss is wonderful. She is so nosey, always has to check out the wheelbarrow when I'm poo picking. Have to watch her though, she loves pushing it over. She has a little friend who adores her, she I must say is not so fond of him but they get on fine together. I have to groom Larry the lamb after Bliss, he just stands there very patiently waiting his turn. He has just been shorn finally, his first time bless him.

                Un fortunately this is the only photo I have to hand at the moment. There both tucking into some chaff. Bliss lives for her stomach!
                Attached Files
                Dogs have masters, cats have slaves, and horses are just wonderful


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sparrow100 View Post
                  I've never owned one, but have ridden on and off since my early teens. One of the things I am promising myself when I have a job again (am taking some time out) is to have a horse on loan, sort of as a test to see whether I can deal with how much work they are to own. I don't really have any competing aspirations, though a bit of 3-day eventing at a very junior level would be fabulous.

                  No aspiration and then talking about doing a 3 day event made me laugh! You crazy person!

                  Having a loan horse is a good idea. In the middle of winter 5am mucking out isn't nice, nor is getting home at 10pm after evening grooming and exercising. Whatever the weather.

                  I remember hubby sheltering in a stable while I was exercising our horses in the snow!!

                  I must be older than you, that thought horrors me these days!
                  Last edited by SaraJH; 22-07-2016, 11:38 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SaraJH View Post
                    Hi Nicos, I'm not familiar with the term braided, what does that mean?
                    He places his hind feet in front of each other...gosh I had to check I'd got the correct term!....plaiting or rope walking according to this.....
                    Body Type and Proper Movement
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SaraJH View Post

                      No aspiration and then talking about doing a 3 day event made me laugh! You crazy person!

                      Having a loan horse is a good idea. In the middle of winter 5am mucking out isn't nice, nor is getting home at 10pm after evening grooming and exercising. Whatever the weather.

                      I remember hubby sheltering in a stable while I was exercising our horses in the snow!!

                      I must be older than you, that thought horrors me these days!
                      I didn't say it would be do-able! Last time I was out the horse I was on spooked just as he jumped. We parted ways and I landed on my head. It may have addled me. It certainly addled the hat.

                      As to age and the horrors - think of me as blithely ignorant. The last time I had a horse on loan (the sainted Timmy who ran backwards at the sight of tractors and anything yellow) I was also unemployed, but in my early 20s, and it seemed to be summer forever....*sigh*
             - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                        He places his hind feet in front of each other...gosh I had to check I'd got the correct term!....plaiting or rope walking according to this.....
                        Body Type and Proper Movement
                        Plaiting, that's the term I know :-)

                        I should have guessed really!


                        • #13
                          Plaiting behind and dishing in front, how on earth did he stay upright!

                          Only joking


                          • #14
                            Could one of you horsey people pop over to this thread -

                            I'm after some advice and don't want to clutter this one up!


                            • #15
                              I became acquainted with horses at a very young age and have loved ever since. Back in the 1950s my friends father was an ostler for Shipstones Star brewery and at that time all local deliveries where still done with beautiful white shires and drays. Thanks to my mates dad we could visit the stables any time we liked, which was pretty often

                              At the age of 15 I was going out with a young lady who was a regular rider, on a family holiday on the East coast she arranged to go riding out on the beach, that's when I discovered I cannot ride, if the horse takes more than one hoof off the ground I fall off. First time into a small stream at Gibraltar Point, not only sore but wet through too.

                              Later when in the army (a light cavalry regiment) I tried again and again and again and I still can't bump a saddle, just ain't got the rhythm, it appears my bottom is always going down when the saddles coming up.

                              Still love em though and get pleasure from their company.
                              Potty by name Potty by nature.

                              By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                              We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                              Aesop 620BC-560BC



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