Thanks everyone, for all your good wishes, much appreciated to have some virtual hugs right now.
Anyway, your combined positive thoughts and wishes have done my mum a power of good. She can get up out of her chair unaided, and walk the length of the ward with a frame by herself.
It actually made a great deal of difference when my bro and I noticed she had the lowest chair in the ward, the seat only about 18" off the floor. Got her one with a seat that was a more normal height, and presto! she could get to her feet unaided. One of those little things, but what a difference it makes.
Saw the ward sister today and she said that medically mum was ready to be discharged, they are just waiting for her to be assessed as to her capabilities for when she gets home, but I can see she's not far away from where she was before the stroke. After all, at 98 you're not going to be quite as agile and quick as you were at 20.

Anyway, your combined positive thoughts and wishes have done my mum a power of good. She can get up out of her chair unaided, and walk the length of the ward with a frame by herself.
It actually made a great deal of difference when my bro and I noticed she had the lowest chair in the ward, the seat only about 18" off the floor. Got her one with a seat that was a more normal height, and presto! she could get to her feet unaided. One of those little things, but what a difference it makes.
Saw the ward sister today and she said that medically mum was ready to be discharged, they are just waiting for her to be assessed as to her capabilities for when she gets home, but I can see she's not far away from where she was before the stroke. After all, at 98 you're not going to be quite as agile and quick as you were at 20.
