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My thieving dog....


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  • My thieving dog....

    I was prepping some dfb for freezing & put the bowl on the floor. Suddenly I heard a suspicious crunching only to discover my dog eating raw dfb from the bowl
    She then started eating shelled pea pods.

    Anyone else have dogs or other pets stealing their harvest? She's been known to go for raspberries & blackberries as well.
    Another happy Nutter...

  • #2
    Mine love fruit and veg- especially the stuff they pick themselves!
    Favourites at the moment are tomatoes, raspberries and windfall apples. They clear the peapods, cabbage stalks, carrot stumps and I've seen them pulling leaves off the kale to eat. There's not much left for the chooks or the compost bin!

    Here's Bess picking her own raspberries

    and Spud and Ted choosing Jostaberries

    Attached Files
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 09-08-2016, 10:50 PM.


    • #3
      Who can blame them when they look so good! Mine likes carrots, but only the peelings, & only if hand fed.....

      Previous dog used to pick so many blackberries he had purple poo
      Another happy Nutter...


      • #4
        I had a dog who wouldn't walk past the greenhouse on his morning walk without me flicking him a cherry tomato!
        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

        Diversify & prosper


        • #5
          Mine likes to pick brambles when out walking , she picks all the best ones before I can grab them!
          Also picked her own cucumber at my mums ..oooops, was her first one grown
          Northern England.


          • #6
            I used to have a horse who utterly adored wild brambles ( do those count?)

            It was a right pain going for a hack in the autumn ...we had to chose routes where he wouldn't get distracted.
            And as he was an Appoloosa ( white with black spots) he used to look like he was wearing lippy!
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #7
              Seven doesn't eat anything green ( apart from grass, when he wants to throw up ) or anything that used to be green ( tomatoes, soft fruit ). If you offer it to him, he looks at you accusingly like you're trying to poison him. He used to like the occasional grape but he had to play football with it for half hour first. He's to old to play football now so he doesn't eat grapes anymore.
              Seven likes toast, marmite or marmalade he's not fussy!


              • #8
                My friend's cat used to meow like crazy waiting for her melon skins!!!!
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #9
                  Just a warning as I never knew it was a problem til a vet nurse told me several years ago but grapes are meant to be just as bad to dogs as choc.

                  My Great Grandmother had a dog that regularly stole other peeps chicken eggs and didn't break them


                  • #10
                    Stan nicks my walnuts...he did it as a puppy and has carried on...I can't leave my pickings in the hall cupboard anymore
                    He will also take any piece of my clothing he can find of mine and take it to sleep on, usually my best cardigan!

                    # I know that photo has come in on its side but I'm off out and haven't got time to rotate...just turn your head slightly
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Can't have Handsome Stan on his side, Scarlet!

                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Our dogs are omnivores. Two of them will eat just about anything (even the seedy bits of peppers) but will turn their noses up at raw onions, though they like them once fried (who doesn't?).

                        They've all learned it makes me furious when they dig up the potatoes and help themselves. I'm also a bit nervous about the melons this year, as they're just starting to ripen. One year I had 15 all just about ready for picking. Got up the next morning and there was not a one left. At first I suspected boar till I found the skins up by the house...


                        • #13
                          My cat will beg for raw pepper and spring onions. Havent noticed him helping himself in the garden but who knows!!


                          • #14
                            I can't cut a cucumber up without hacking a large chunk off for Toby to munch on....
                            And he knows when I'm prepping carrots and swede- he sits there staring at me wagging his tail, until I throw him some ..... He ignores when I'm peelin potatoes, oddly enough - like he knows he doesn't like them ....

                            And a raw egg ~ he will happily spend a good 10 minutes (outside!!) playing with it, until eventually it'll crack. Then he will everso gently lick it all up, and eat the shell.
                            Last edited by SusieG; 10-08-2016, 11:40 AM.
                            ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
                            a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
                            - Author Unknown ~~~


                            • #15
                              I used to have a big old staffie.
                              We had a big BBQ for my MIL's 60th....meat everywhere, dog going crazy.
                              He made it through the crowd to the food table......and snaffled the fruit platter! Watermelon and strawberries all gone in seconds.....steak left completely untouched

                              One of my current dogs loves raspberries straight from the cane.
                              She's a Rhodesian ridgeback so tall as me on her hind legs so if I can reach them so can she....and she's out in the garden first every morning


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