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  • Oh yummy! Save me a piece will you HH?


    • Walked this morning and spent the afternoon washing all the glasses and dishes to make sure they look their best for the festive season. Its amazing how dusty they get just siitting in the presses. SOOO, All set for the big day as I am hosting the Christmas dinner this year.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
        Oh yummy! Save me a piece will you HH?
        shall pop it in the post for you
        Another happy Nutter...


        • Morning

          Originally posted by happyhumph View Post
          Just finished making cake for eldests birthday party tomorrow
          If they're not all sick after eating that I won't have done my job properly

          Time for bed now, & tomorrow work out how to transport it by car and then on foot about half a mile down bumpy paths and a steep slope!
          It looks the perfect cake for kids just don't let them eat it in the car
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Too sickly for me but you're right - kids will love it. If will be kept under strictest supervision in the car, with instructions not to touch it until we're at the party, on pain of not being allowed any - & that's just OH

            Thanks for rotating the picture Bren
            Last edited by happyhumph; 04-12-2016, 06:49 AM.
            Another happy Nutter...


            • Morning all
              I will mostly be trying to get the other half to do the jobs I want done yesterday!
              I'd like to put my order in for a slice of cake please, I love sickly, I've not bounced off the walls with a sugar rush for ages.
              Have a good day everyone


              • I shall save a piece for you SP & Bren if she likes as thanks for rotating piccie. After that shall have to put a limit on it as need to give to children.

                It'll certainly give you a sugar rush!
                Another happy Nutter...



                  For breakfast please if you'd be so kind.

                  I am looking forward to getting out and messing around on the plot today. Himself has pinched the car, so I'll be huffing and puffing there on the bike.

                  Coffee first though. And taking out frozen pastry for mince pies later.
         - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                  • Morning All

                    I shall be winging my way to the plots soon, need the frost to lift a bit first though.

                    Have a great day all


                    • Happy Sunnyday
                      Sun#s shining, frost is thawing and its a balmy 2C. Bit of a nippy wind which is blowing the leaves off the oak trees- looks like golden rain (big spots).
                      I'm watching a blackbird pulling at something in the fallen leaves. Must be good as he's been there a while now.
                      Have a great day everyone and enjoy HH's cake



                        For breakfast please if you'd be so kind./QUOTE]

                        Cake - the best way to start the day

                        Looks like I shall have to make another one to share with you lot - everyone will get loads done with all that sugar bouncing around inside!

                        Right, will see you all later as busy day ahead...
                        Another happy Nutter...


                        • Morning all, did pop in just after 6 a.m but you were all asleep, so as it's Sunday,I
                          let you have a lie in.
                          It's now a beautiful sunny day out there.
                          The decorating has now moved into the porch, looking so bright now it's white. Going to put some shelves in an alcove to house my big mixer, Breadmaker and slow cooker. Plus any other gadget I may buy in the future. No longer will hubby say 'you've got nowhere to put it' ha ha
                          Still buying presents and still wrapping, cards are all written though.
                          Have a lovely day everyone
                          Nannys make memories


                          • Morning all

                            Cake for breakfast - I should be so lucky

                            Having a bit of an up and down week really. Went to the doctors for an MOT on Thursday expecting everything to be tickety boo. Good news that my weight, waist measurement and bmi are now all in the normal and healthy range thanks to my diet. So I was really pleased about that.

                            Bad news my blood pressure was sky high. I am now having to do twice daily readings on an nhs machine and then will see what happens. I got the impression that medication is going to be likely. Not pleased about that one but oh well. Just hoping my cholesterol and diabetes tests come back ok. Have to wait on those for a few weeks.

                            Ironically I feel in the best shape / health ever so it is very random. Just trying to not get myself worked up over it.

                            After the mention of mince pies on here, I am very tempted to go and make some!
                            LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


                            • Good morning all. 2deg here but no sun just yet. Off to mass shortly and then daughter and grandaughter are visiting. Looking forward to seeing them both. Thinking I may dtart writing my Christmas cards and get that job off my list. Tempted to put up the tree and decorations but maybe a little too early.
                              Have a good day all.

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • Afternoon all,best of luck Marie,thats the thing about blood preasure,you can feel absolutely rough,and it be fine,do not worry about it,you will not be given them unsless needed,we are so lucky in this day and age to be looked out for by the Medics,cold or not,everytime the sun come out i get,well you know,that want to sow it feeling creeping on,good job it is cold for now,give's more time,for idea's to emerge,and go down on paper,who wants a book to read,when you can look at seed pkts,and think where to put what,enjoy whats left of the day peeps,
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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