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  • Morning just catching up been out and about since early on enjoying the sunshine, think its time to get the gazebo and recliner out.
    I did intend to make more chutney today but now the suns out i'll be putting it of until later.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Originally posted by gardening_gal View Post
      I have my happy face on today. I managed to do my Day 1 fast yesterday without cheating. Doesn't sound like a big deal does it? For me, who is an overweight all day grazer, this was a massive achievement. I is smug today. Smug I tells ya!
      Well done on day one! If you have a drink of water every time you think that you are hungry, that will make you feel full. And the unintended consequence of having to nip to the loo all the darn time will increase your exercise levels.

      Originally posted by Nicos View Post
      Oh gosh...I've just been reading back and realised I hadn't mentioned Hazel's quilt!!!!

      Good grief lass...that's really, really fantastic- well done, mommy must have been utterly thrilled- I know I would have been.

      Pie?...nice call
      Thanks Nicos, and everyone else for your nice comments. . Funnily enough, Mommy was more fascinated by the blue back with the animals on than the 'pretty' side! The baby expressed no opinion - but I'm ok with that. as the only opinions that 4wk old babies are likely to express will be noisy, messy or smelly (or a combination thereof).

      Realised afterwards that the cottage pie was one of a batch that I made with 'crushed potato' topping rather than creamy mash, so I hope that they won't just think I'm a rubbish cook who can't do a smooth mash!!!!!


      • Right - cracking day here with the sunshine, but before I go to the Hill later to weed leeks, pick runners/ courgettes/rasps and take down peas/broadies, I am on the finishing strait of the Big Cat Deep Clean - the attic room where I do my sewing.

        The clear out prior to the clean falls into categories of 'bookshelves', 'sewing fabrics and associated paraphanalia' and 'stock of bean/pea seeds'. Then removal of bathroom suite (which was going to be fitted, but now is not) to the garage for photo and listing on ebay. THEN cleaning.

        I'm in the right mood for this today. Let's do it.


        • Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
          I'm in the right mood for this today. Let's do it.
          Get in there Hazel !!!

          I'm off up the plot today for a final clearance.
          I was up yesterday evening, and despite most of my stuff being stolen once again - I won't let the b#ggers grind me down.
          .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

          My Youtube Channel -


          • Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post

            Realised afterwards that the cottage pie was one of a batch that I made with 'crushed potato' topping rather than creamy mash, so I hope that they won't just think I'm a rubbish cook who can't do a smooth mash!!!!!
            Not sure why but that last comment about mash made me laugh and it reminded me about one of Mr Pots friends thought the only way to do mashed potatoes was using a mixer and seeing as he didn't own one he couldn't 'do' mash.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Good after noon all,nice here,well done to the young cyclist Trip,and well done the no food for the day GG,i could not do that one,unless forced for medical reasons,i am pleased to say the last 6 months i have lost just over a stone,without trying,my body has took over things,so some good is coming out of being unwell ,got myself some vitamins today,see what they do ,the tomatoes are coming on now so pleased with most of them,and seed saving has started,must go get something to excite the taste budzz,have a good afternoon all

              the crushed potato would be nice with grated cheese on top with a veggie underneith instead of meat mmmm
              Last edited by lottie dolly; 18-09-2016, 01:07 PM. Reason: adding
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • Artnoon All. Sunshiny here.
                Next door are having a family party - lots of kids and laughter and it winds the pups up as they think they have to join in the noise Anyway, the dogs are in the kitchen with me for a bit of peace, suddenly, they go crazy, run at the window barking their heads off. A big blue balloon had floated over the garden wall and come to earth just outside. I open the door and the pups run up to it, very gingerly but with lots of noise.
                I scoop up the balloon and try to throw it back into next door - over a hedge that is at least 8' high.
                Needless to say, the balloon doesn't make it and floats back onto the GH roof, just out of reach. All the kids next door are saying "Where's the balloon?" so I fetch a sweeping brush and try to sweep the balloon towards me. Got it!!
                I throw the balloon up in the air and try, Wimbledon style, to hit it with the sweeping brush. The kids are shouting, "There's the balloon" as it floats up................and falls back - straight onto a bramble in the hedge.
                A loud pop, surprised barks and me saying "Oops, sorry" and running back indoors before the tears start.
                Hope you're all having a sooper sunshiny day - without any balloon interference


                • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                  A loud pop, surprised barks and me saying "Oops, sorry" and running back indoors before the tears start
                  At least your intentions were good
                  Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

                  Nutter by Nature


                  • Arthurnoon all!

                    Had a great time at the Vide Greniers.
                    Managed to spend a total of 3€ on some pre-war picture books ( and an 1840's school book given to young ladies advising them of correct behaviour!)
                    Also a lovely a metal heart cage which could be re sprayed then hold a potpourri sell/ keep .....or better still stuff with moss( got plenty of that!) and hang up in the garden as a decoration!
                    And yep, we probably spent about �15 in petrol!
                    Still, it was nice to get out, chat to some very elderly gentlemen and have a laugh, and the moment we got home the heavens opened!

                    Think I'm going to 'do a Hazel' in our spare bedroom....I can only just see the floor and my mom might come back with us and need to sleep in there
                    Last edited by Nicos; 18-09-2016, 03:03 PM.
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Afternoon all,

                      Just back from a 55k spin and got absolutely soaked
                      Also, some idiot in a jeep decided to turn right at a junction but wanted to do it on the incorrect side and without looking..Cue him driving straight at me and me banging the side of his jeep to alert him to the fact he was about to bring me with him...What an idiot...He hit my shoulder but I'm fine...He was very sheepish when he stopped and looked at the least very hungover...

                      Back home now and cuppa tea to warm me up
                      I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                      ...utterly nutterly


                      • Glad you're safe Trip...not a nice experience.

                        I once got trapped between two buses( on my way to school)...I was overtaking a stationary bus on me bike and was overtaken by another bus.
                        I had a gap of about 3 foot max to try not to wobble through
                        What made it even more unbelievable was that as I got level with the driver of the parked bus he chucked a scalding hot teabag out of his window...and it landed on my thigh!

                        Can you imagine the pain...and trying not to wobble, nor hit the stationary bus on my left nor the moving bus on my right?
                        I don't think I ever recovered

                        Yup...a scalding read it correctly the first time!
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Be careful out there, Trip!

                          Progress so far -
                          General - no. bin bags = 2; no. drawers lined or relined = 2; no. hoarded empty jars recycled = 2; no. hoarded empty wine bottles recycled = 9
                          Books - no. books for charity shop = 17
                          Sewing - no. cross-stitch projects unfinished = 3; no. of knitting projects unfinished = 2; no. of sewing projects unfinished = 1; no. of unstarted cross-stitch kits now destined for the charity shop = 6
                          Bean/pea seeds - no started yet.

                          No. cups of coffee = 3


                          • Oh - I also have found my small embroidery hoop, which had been missing.

                            And I note that I own 2 pairs of fabric cutting scissors, 3 small pairs of scissors, 2 measuring tapes and 2 un-pickers.


                            • I also note that the room looks far more of a mess at this point than it did before I started.....


                              • You can never have too many of those Hazel.... I try to keep 2 separate containers- a small one to keep with what I'm making ( I often sit and hand sew I front of the telephone) and one box up with my main thread box.

                                I have to keep one step ahead....

                                I'm pretty sure I have a family of Borrowers living in our wall space- you can even here them moving around sometimes!
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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