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  • Hello folks. It's only 6:45 and dark outside, and drizzly. Guess who's about to set off to the track for a long rep session.

    I see from the schedule that we're running just the 5 reps, but of 1200m (3 laps of the track) each. Funny how titchy an athletics track looks when you are cheering on Mo Farah from the comfort of your own living room, and how flipping massive it is when you are running round it...


    • Evening all. We've had an evening of fun and games

      Came home to find a baby squirrel scaling my workshop wall opposite my kitchen door. Son#1 spent 30mins trying to coax him to come close with my walnut stash. I told him off because it might decide the kitchen was fair game ..yep you guessed it sat down for dinner with a squirrel in the porch and then two popped out from under my butchers block they are very difficult to catch!

      #note to self...don't leave the kitchen door open unattended!
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Scarlet; 21-09-2016, 09:18 PM.


      • Won the first Chess Club Champion game of the new season tonight so I am currently in First Place.
        Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

        Nutter by Nature


        • What a gorgeous day it turned out to be. Bright, sunny and warm. Twas lovely, and we have a few more to come hopefully
          Night all
          Nannys make memories


          • Originally posted by Sheneval View Post
            Won the first Chess Club Champion game of the new season tonight so I am currently in First Place.
            Woohoo Shen! That's brill


            • Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
              Bye the bye. I have a white line across my screen about an inch gfrom the bottom. I think this may be in line with the bottom of the two banner ads at the side of the screen . ANyone else got this? Anyone got a remedy? It's a real pain in the behookie. Oh. and sometimes when I press the post quick reply button nowt happens. What's that about?
              Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post

              Morning AP and all
              With the bar at the bottom of the page, there should be a "Close" button on the top of the bar. Last time it was an inch or two in from the right. If you run your cursor thingy along the line it should change to a ?hand, then click there.
              You can tell I'm a computer expert from my technical language

              Couldn't find that VC but I did change the setting "GYOv4"at the bottom of the page to "GYOv4-dev2" and the line has magically gone


              • I was a bit too technical for you then, Ap! I'll make it simpler next time
                I'd forgotten about that dev2 thingy 'cos it doesn't seem to make any difference for me.
                Glad you found summat to sort you out


                • Evening All..............and for all you DIYers................

                  Attached Files


                  • Morning All

                    Been up since 4, rubbish nights sleep

                    Amazed how dark it is still at 6, winter is definitely on its way. Have a good day everyone


                    • Good morning Officially Autumn. Have a good day
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • Morning all
                        It's looking like it might be quite a nice outside, so I'm thinking play in the garden today.
                        Have a good day everyone.


                        • Morning everyone.

                          Had a decent night's sleep for once so I'm up sharp today. (Sorry Greenleaves - nothing worse than tossing and turning all night).

                          I'm hoping today will be productive, I've got loads to do that I've been putting off. Garden needs a good tidy up and my car service and MOT needs dealt with so I can't sit on my bum today.

                          Hope you all have a productive day too. Or a relaxing one if that's your preference.


                          • Morning all ......a wet start to the autumn equinox ~ although it didn't feel particularly cold out....

                            Toby had a good night- hoping he's 'turned the corner' now ...... it's just horrible to see them ill they just have no way of letting you know what they've feeling.....(oh, apart from the 'accident' on the floor...!!!)

                            Have a great Thursday!
                            ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
                            a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
                            - Author Unknown ~~~


                            • Morning all drizzly here with solid grey cloud.

                              I could have stayed in bed another few hours this morning...getting up to make sandwiches is a pain.
                              another bloody squirrel has just trundled passed my feet. I may be gone some time this is becoming a nuisance!


                              • Morning Grapes

                                I've heard a rumour that a mini heat wave is going to hit us again next week. Fine but do something about the dark mornings, my body clock wakes me up but I just don't want to get up in the dark.

                                I got one of those new �5 notes yesterday at the post office, I asked the cashier if it was true that they through the washing machine undamaged, she told me it was true, but to be careful as I could be done for money laundering!
                                . .......Man Vs Slug
                                Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                                Nutters Club Member


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