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Chatback #13


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  • #31
    Morning the early mist has lifted so now we've got sunshine
    Location....East Midlands.


    • #32
      Mornin n'all n'all!
      Late start for me today

      Lovely sunny morning for us too.
      Hibou managed to get locked in one of the cellars again last night....that's one problem with having a black cat eh?
      ....Te he...I should get some fluorescent dye for her shouldn't I?

      Have a great day peeps...
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #33
        Good morning Folks, raining here this morning,will be staying in for a time as I think I will be painting the bedroom (I need to find where that camera that VC and Nicos are using is). Well no heatwave here, so don't know what I will be doing after, might let OH buy me lunch, will see how things go still some work to do in the greenhouse. Have a good day,and as I am sending you a smile, pass it on to others
        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


        • #34
          Morning all, was up early, but late on The Vine, honest.
          Looking good out there today, washings in the machine, two lots today and that's me done.
          GG is taking her eleven plus today, hope she doesn't find it too difficult. Can't lie, I would love her to go to the grammar school in the next village, but she is loved whatever happens.
          Got to tackle the Esta for the trip to Disneyland, got mine, how come I get to do everybody's ?
          Anyhow, have a great day everyone
          Nannys make memories


          • #35
            Morning all, rain, rain and more rain! I'm starting to get sick of it. Got the gas surveyor coming again to survey for a new boiler. Yes we got it done a few months ago but when I called last week to arrange to have the boiler fitted I was told that survey/estimate was out of date and I have to have it done the same guy! Nothing has changed since April, honest. Other than that it will be domestic duties for me. Hope all you lucky peeps with the sun enjoy it, I'm soooo envious! Have a great day everyone.


            • #36
              Welll, the rain turned up bang on 9 as the met office forecast. No work for me today then, best do something in the house instead. I hate housework
              Another happy Nutter...


              • #37
                Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                VC tiptoes in very quietly and whispers "Nos da".
                Rary is sleeping like a baby, no teeth and thumb in mouth
                Rary sleeping like a Baby
                Attached Files
                Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

                Nutter by Nature


                • #38
                  Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                  while rary, in his stripey nightshirt and tasselled cap sounds, and looks, a bit like a puffing grampus
                  He is larger than life
                  Attached Files
                  Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

                  Nutter by Nature


                  • #39
                    Morning all! I had a surprise visit from my son yesterday afternoon (he lives 3 hours away). He was here all of 20 minutes when he got an unexpected but important work phone call and he had to drive straight back back home as he was told he had to travel to England today which meant 3 trains and a whole day's travel. The train for the first 3.5 hour leg of his journey this morning got cancelled and he's now sat on a (slower) bus travelling to Edinburgh but he wont catch his ongoing train due to the delay. He has a 2 minute window to get off the bus, get his luggage (along with loads of other passengers who are apparently tourists, lol) and get to the right platform. Just isn't going to happen. To say he's not a happy bunny is an understatement. He's a typical A type personality so he's not too good with just going with the flow.......

                    So if anyone is calm today and feels like sending him some calming vibes..........or alternatively sends the bus driver some heavy right foot ones.......

                    Fingers crossed for GG Nannysally. Hope everyone else's day goes as smoothly as possible.


                    • #40
                      Morning all. A dull grey start to the day. Not very uplifting. Have an appointment today so off into toen for a visusl field test (VFT) as I have glaucome in my left eye. Hopefully it will not have detioriated. Have a good day all.

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by bramble View Post
                        .... as I have glaucome in my left eye. Hopefully it will not have detioriated. Have a good day all.
                        Good luck Bramble!

                        Just been for a fast hike around the village (high BP!) and the weatherman was correct - it's very warm. And now I'm in the office doing paid-for stuff whilst I have gardening to do. Tough life, eh!

                        Happy Humpday eve all


                        • #42
                          Fingers crossed Bramble.

                          Just thought I'd let you know - the heavy right foot vibes won. Bus arrived sooner than expected and he got the connecting train ok after all.


                          • #43
                            Afternoon all,marie you did not wake me haha,good luck peeps with medical visits,happy lunch's out,hope postman makes awaited deliveries,love update pic's of the lads in stripes hehe,and thanks for some laughs,oh yes and it's warm again here,could be another snoooozzzzzzzzzzzzz coming on,still thinking of what i need to do,so will carry on in that mode for now and retreat to planet zzzzzzzzzog,at least the ironing is not haunting me for now,hope i not missed anything out,so have a good day whats left of it peeps and keep safe.
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • #44
                              Afternoon all, flippin scorchio here. I am indoors with fan on .....
                              Two lots of washing out and in, now dyeing some shorts for our holidays. They had got a bit faded, the plan is that they will lose their faded look and look brand new ish. One can hope
                              All Orlando related things are now booked and paid for. Coming in at a tad short of �7@@@@. Cough, splutter and choke all at once! Spends is on top of that. I blame Mr Nanny for this lol
                              I am relaxing now and have just to pick salad to go with our 'not having a BBQ dinner, cause it's too hot' supper. Still having the same, just doing it in the oven and grill.
                              Enjoy your evening
                              Nannys make memories


                              • #45
                                Have you been to Orlando before NS?

                                Boiler all ordered and being fitting mid November! Hope it's not cold by then as the present boiler is sooo noisy it wakes the neighbourhood in the morning!

                                Still dull and wet here but very warm...wish we had the sun then we may get some red toms.

                                Hope,everyone has had a nice day...enjoy your snooze lottie!


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