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  • Morning all, dull and chilly but feels like a nice day. Think I'm going to take a leaf out of SP's book and have a lazy day today! Catching up on some Midsomer Murders...repeats but I can't remember who dunnit.
    Hope you all have a lovely day whatever you're doing and whatever the weather.


    • Hi Everyone!

      Just having a "Catch Up"

      Been in bed most of what I would call "My Weekend" I have "Man Flu" ............

      Ache all over, eye's n nose streaming, but spare you the details, have work in the morning but once aside have two weeks off, wanted three but coincided with elsewhere, Beggers can't be chooses as they say!

      Seems all are having fun, apart from GG, nearing the end Girl, and yes! Sad "Puppy Dog" eye's turn me over every time, n bless him, we all get ill from time to time!
      "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


      • Originally posted by rary View Post
        Is that all you women do, just blather, I suppose that's one of the differences be between men and women, women blather while men discuss, with giving you that bit of knowledge I think I will retire, have a good sleep tonight Susie and I hope you don't tell your other half the same thing my wife tells me when we are awakened from sleep WILL YOU STOP BREATHING I keep telling my self she means breathing so loud, at least I hope that's what she means
        Rary, she actually does mean 'stop breathing '................!
        A vision of my pillow pressed firmly over his face was very appealing at one point in the night ......

        And, just as the volume and intermittency of the snoring had decreased to an acceptable level .....Toby dog (who sleeps next to us on his bed) decides that he needs to scratch at his ears, lick his paws and shake his head until such time that I have to get up and give his ears a clean out ........

        This was at 2am ..... finally sleep arrives................. 7.30 I turn over in bed to see Toby sitting up staring at me, wagging his tail all lively fashion ~ fixing me with those soft brown velvety eyes....... up I get, quick cuppa and off out across the field............''twas a grand morning though!
        ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
        a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
        - Author Unknown ~~~


        • Evening All - I think its Saturday
          All this talk of sleepless nights has me worried! Why don't I have them? Will I have them when I get old? I know Susie's old 'cos she's just been to a 50 years at work Ball - and rary sleeps well so he must be as young as I am

          Anyway, Deano, hope your man flu is better. Do you have sleepless nights too?


          • Originally posted by SusieG View Post
            finally sleep arrives................. 7.30 I turn over in bed to see Toby sitting up staring at me, wagging his tail all lively fashion ~ fixing me with those soft brown velvety eyes....... up I get, quick cuppa and off out across the field............''twas a grand morning though!
            When I fix my soft blue eyes on my OH, all I get is, get lost go and put the kettle on.
            Yes VC I do think sleepless nights could be in front of us as we get older, but on the other hand we are not thinking of pillows over faces, so it could also be a clear concience that allows us to sleep so well
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Morning all
              Another lovely day for playing in the garden and Cleaning out chickens.
              Have a good day everyone


              • Morning!

                Woke up to some serious condensation on the windows this morning. I have one of those Karcher window cleaning things so it sooked up all the water in a flash so not a big deal but I don't like how it's just another sign of the colder weather coming in.

                I didn't do half of what I was supposed to do yesterday so I will need to shift myself today. I just kinda feel as if I've moved on to the next stage in my life and housework just isn't part of it.

                When I come back down to earth after several cups of tea I suppose I'll start with the washing.

                Have a good one!


                • Morning ladies, suns out, washing is on line, whether it will dry is anyone's guess.
                  Am nearly in the 'if you're taking it on holiday, don't wear it bit'
                  Nothing planned for today, daughters boyfriend is back, so we are totally redundant again lol
                  Have a great day everyone
                  Nannys make memories


                  • Morning another misty dame start but now the suns out a bit of gardening and tidying up the tom and cuc leaves in the GH but that's about all I've got planned today.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • A very good morning all .............and what a stunningly beautiful one it is too ....... just got back in from a most enjoyable walk over the fields. Not a cloud in sight, clear pale-blue sky, birds singing, rabbits dashing around, sun warm on my shoulders .......perfect..!

                      Big son and future DIL coming later for lunch, so I'd better get peeling the spuds..!! The beef joint is simmering nicely in the slow-cooker, coffee being sipped. Will I get chance to get out in the garden today, hmm, probably not. Oh well ~ there's always next weekend ..................!

                      Oh and GG, I've already got to the stage in my life where I think housework is NOT top of my priority list..........and I feel a lot better about things now I've accepted it..!!

                      Enjoy you sunny Sunday all..!
                      Last edited by SusieG; 09-10-2016, 08:49 AM.
                      ~~~ Gardening is medicine that does not need
                      a prescription ... And with no limit on dosage.
                      - Author Unknown ~~~


                      • Sunny, sunny, sunny! Morning all - today is massive (for me) wall flower planting, having made the long border ready first - then garlic planting - then >500 bulbs planting - then G&T - then roasting a chicken if I'm still awake.


                        • Morning all - Off to the plot soon - looks like the sun will be shining again today
                          Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

                          Nutter by Nature


                          • Mornin n'all n'all!

                            Nice gentle start to the day for me this morning.
                            Overslept, then got presented with bacon butties! Mmmmmmm...

                            Glad to hear some of you have the sunshine...we had a nice bit of Mizzle first thing and now the garden smells lovely!
                            The soil is still like powder though and even the shrubs look thirsty.
                            Not quite sure what today might bring- there's loads to do in the garden, seeds to sort and a 2 night bnb to book to celebrate OH's burpday on Thursday.
                            Alfie dog went back to his mommy and daddy last night and Hibou is muchly relieved. So much so she's just brought a mouse in and put it inside my shoe!!!! Glad I spotted that before I put them on...eeeewww...
                            Oh ..hang on...update she's now eating it...bleugh.....

                            (Sounds a bit mean letting her kill them but we'd otherwise be inundated .)
                            Enjoy your lunch.
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • Lovely dunny morning here. Off to church soon and then home to see what needs to be done indoors and outdoors. Nothing planned yet.
                              Have a good day all.

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • Morning all,nice and bright here,phew just finished voting,some really impressive growth this year given the season we had,well done all,going lottie shortly,if nothing else get a break out the walls and a coffee,things still just ticking over here ,have a good afternoon peeps
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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