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  • Morning all,
    Fog delayed OH's flight home by an hour, but he's home and snoring away nextdoor. Is fab to have him back, if you'll excuse my mini-gush. Morning coffee's not kicked in yet...

    Another bonus is that in tidying and de-cluttering the bedroom (part the first, not dared to hoik out what lies under the bed!) I have found 53 packets of seed. FIFTY-THREE! Some of them I've been looking for all year!

    Today is for getting the Christmas tree, decorating it and wrapping presents with a small vat of mullered wine. My brother got wind that I'd been ill, and so he & his family aren't coming over till the end of the month now, for fear that I might still be plague-ridden. It'll be a quiet one this year.

    And poinsettias? Mine are plastic and from Ikea. Flick a switch and the centres light up. - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


    • Morning and thanks Hibou xx I love Simon's Cat I've spent the last 10 mins watching him
      Location....East Midlands.


      • Morning everyone. Been up since 6.30, don't know why.
        Fancy finding 53 packets of seeds under the bed Sparroe, bet you were pleased
        My daughter bought me a poinsettia Nicos, it's gracing the dining table. In my jumbled up home, it's lucky to be gracing anywhere
        Have a lovely day
        Nannys make memories


        • Bren...I hadn't seen the catnip one , nor the dog and snowman one funny!
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • Morning all
            Thanks hibou, never seen Simons cat before. I liked it when he hit Santa with the shovel, that was funny .
            I'm with you sparrow getting our Christmas tree today. It's going to be an artificial one but as we've not spent Christmas at home for the last 5 years we haven't got one. Would like a real one but not got the space and getting tight in my old age don't want to shell out for something that's only going to last 2 weeks think I'm turning into the grinch .
            Anyway that's today sorted, over to Oban Christmas tree & Christmas food shopping.
            Have a good day everyone


            • Afternoon everyone... still plowing through our DIY, but on track to be finished for thursday evening (guests arrive thursday lunchtime - eek!). I will mostly be spending friday panicking that I have so far done absolutely nothing christmas related! Always next year though hey

              Hope all are well and enjoying the festive build up!


              • Good afternoon, it has been a damp,cloudy day again but at the moment the sky is clear, the OH had to go to get her nails done today as we won't have any spare time before Christmas as we have the grandsons before and after school all week with the oldest one stopping two days early, he is also off an other two days after the holidays as the school is moving to new premises, anyway my wife got her nails done but what I want to know is will she still be able to wash the dishes? Was over the fields collecting some holly and ivy for her Christmas wreath, I have a feeling that these highly polished nails are going to lead to me doing the work and of course it will be under supervision but why women think they need to supervise every thing we do beats me, well I have to go as one of the boy's want something to eat, no make that two of them
                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                • Himself is already moaning that I am 'supervising' his ferrero rocher consumption too much. There are mutters of 'i'd better buy my OWN chocolate'. But if there were no supervision, there'd be a sticky OH zipping around the flat on a sugar high and a pile of golden wrappers on the floor next to the empty box...
         - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                  • Afternoon all,what a last few days,yup,i done it again,this time it was the tarmack i kissed when the sleeping fuzz triped me up,1 bruised upper lip,a hand,an arm,and a garden bird sitting on me chest,and sorness from the wholap in shoulders and back,i am now feeling a lot better,no broken bones,thank goodness,and my leggs still work well ,had to ring a friend and neighbours,to come and drive the car back home,what a game,this year has really been a{say what you want},roll on new year and lighter nights,that **** fairy seems relentless,come fairy try my poisoned apple,said with a cackle.
                    Glad others are getting on with decor's and family coming home,
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • Aww lottie, hope you are ok! Glad no bones are broken and you're right I will be glad to see the back of this year too. The ****fairy can shove off!

                      Had a nice afternoon in Glasgow with friends. We went to 'a pie, a pint and a panto' in a bar in Partick. It is what it says...pie or quiche, pint or glass of wine and a panto...great fun!

                      Hope you all had a nice day.


                      • It was a lovely bright day here today. Did a quick visit to the supermarket to pick up a few hard to get bits. Made lunch for grandaughter who has a hslf day today due to Christmas exams. Did some laundry and ironed all and put everything away. . Sitting here now and looking out at a lovely pink sky.,4.40 and it isnt dark yet. Not long now to the shortest day.
                        Have a nice evening all.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • Ow, lottie!! Hope you're tucked up with something comforting.
                 - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                          • Hope you recover quickly LD, like you I went down with a thump, leg was that sore I had to put my wallet into the other pocket my leg is still sore but OH thinks its just my normal (saves a lecture) as they say you take longer to heal when you get older, so I suppose I have that to look forward to also. What was the panto you went to Jay, just in case the OH wants to take me out sometime
                            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                            • Rary, its in the Oran Mhor on Byres Road. It was called 'The Princess and the Pie' only lasts an hour...adults only as it's a bit sweary, great fun though!


                              • Oh Lotty, so sorry to hear you had a fall. Hope thats the last of the bad luck. Roll on the new year.

                                Anybody going to watch Last Tango in Halifax. Its on tonight. Just love this kind of programme and love Ann Reid. Shes a natural. Looking forward to it. Second and final part tomorrow night.

                                And when your back stops aching,
                                And your hands begin to harden.
                                You will find yourself a partner,
                                In the glory of the garden.

                                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


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