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  • You probably don't need to know this but I feel the need to share. When they built my new kitchen I had to empty my chest freezer ready to go down to the shed when that has electricity. I thought I'd done that and it has been sitting in the way in my kitchen being a pain in the butt for over a year. Moving it from where it has been all this time to a less intrusive place meant that I accidentally lifted the lid. The smell was appalling. I missed a bag of fish in the bottom. Even though it's thawed out, it's supposedly in an hermetically sealed bag. Surely that means it's airtight. This was 2 weeks ago and the smell was so bad I've been putting off removing the bag. Until tonight. I thought no ones going to visit at this time of the day and I will be going to bed soon, sooooo I put the bag in a carrier bag and tied it very tightly followed by the landfill bag tied very tight. And put it in the bin outside. We are now 30 mins later and the smell is as strong as ever 2 rooms away with the doors shut.
    "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
    "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


    • Oh Janie...I can smell it from here!! Phew!!


      • Good Morning All Strawbs arrived yesterday so had a pleasant half hour in the garden after work. Have a good day
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Morning all - Allotment reps meeting today to see what the future brings now control of the allotments is being taken over by a contractor for the council. Even less service and higher charges I imagine, but we will see.
          . .......Man Vs Slug
          Click Here for my Diary and Blog
          Nutters Club Member


          • Oh dear, Janie! I hope the smell has wafted away this morning

            Rary - your poem was scary! Ha ha that's about as much rhyming as my little brain can cope with. You should call it the horrors of getting old!

            Looks like it's going to be cold and cloudy today. I got lots of seeds sown yesterday so need to focus on some housework now and boring things.

            Have a good day everyone
            LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


            • Morning All from Not so sunshiny SW!
              I'm up bright and early 'cos I'd promised a friend a lift to the coach park. I knew I'd have to leave here at 6.30 so set the clock alarm for 5.45. Problem was, I'd forgotten how to set the alarm, so when I woke and looked at the clock at 6.05 I panicked, leapt out of bed, threw on some clothes, rushed down stairs etc. Checked the downstairs clock and it was 5.40!
              Instead of setting the alarm, I'd reset the clock - I've no idea how Never mind, I had time for toast before I left!
              Have a good day everyone - whatever you're doing


              • Morning all, very dull here in London, with the promise of a better afternoon. We will see
                Off to the pensioners discount day today as we need compost etc, wonder what else I might buy?
                Have a great day all
                Nannys make memories


                • Morning its dull and wet here so I'll catch up on my seeds sowing in the GH
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • Good morning all. A dull start to the day here.
                    Some house work is on the cards for this morning and then off out to meet some frirnds this sfternoon.
                    We are going to pay the deposit for our holiday and then we will go for sn early dinner and a few drinks.
                    Should be a nice afternoon out.
                    Have a good day all.

                    And when your back stops aching,
                    And your hands begin to harden.
                    You will find yourself a partner,
                    In the glory of the garden.

                    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                    • Morning all. Rained off work today so domestics this morning. Collecting youngest soon, then off to the shop for milk cheese and sausages. Youngest v happy this morning as managed to get the little step, put the little seat on the loo, wee and wipe all while I was in the shower

                      Cake making this afternoon, then biscuit making when eldest is home, so healthy eating not high on the agenda
                      Last edited by happyhumph; 29-03-2017, 09:58 AM.
                      Another happy Nutter...


                      • Originally posted by craftymarie View Post
                        Oh dear, Janie! I hope the smell has wafted away this morning

                        Rary - your poem was scary! Ha ha that's about as much rhyming as my little brain can cope with. You should call it the horrors of getting old!
                        Ah Marie, they are for the more senior Grapes, not really for our age I will need to see if I can make one up about setting clocks and the likes of that, as I was wondering if they could be a problem for us as we get older
                        Janie, try a weak solution of vinegar to spray around the area the smell is coming from.
                        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                        • Afternoon all, wet, wet, not the band, the weather! It's chucking it down so like others it's domestics for me today. Hope it's not as wet where you are!

                          Have a great afternoon.


                          • Good evening, its been showers all day today, and now getting heavy rain, the only good thing is that means no frost (at present) spent some time pricking out flower and veg. seedlings, struggling for space now but think I will install more lights at my lower shelves, I have been using lights with some shelves (warm white 25watt L.E.Ds) and they seem to be suitable. Well time for bed as again will be up early again to go up to my grandsons, so I wish you a good night, now past the half way to the weekend, so here's a wee verse to show effects of time passing
                            When I was young my slippers were red
                            And I could kick my heels up over my head
                            When I got older my slippers were blue
                            But still I could dance the whole night through
                            Now I am old my slippers are black
                            I walk to the store, and puff my way back
                            I get up in the morning and dust off my wits
                            I pick up my paper and read the Obits..
                            If my name is missing I know I'm not dead
                            So I have a good breakfast, and go back to my bed

                            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                            • Good Morning Running late Have a good day
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • Good Morning Sitting down in front of the computer, have a great day
                                Last edited by Cadalot; 30-03-2017, 06:29 AM.
                                . .......Man Vs Slug
                                Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                                Nutters Club Member


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