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Chatback #14


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  • Originally posted by craftymarie View Post
    I'll take you up on the coffee, Snoop
    Well timed as I'm about to make a cuppa. Don't normally have coffee at this time of day but it's so cold I've decided I need perking up and a cup of tea just won't cut it.


    • Good evening,

      Dad went for a scan instead today. Everything is fine. They didn't take his bag out today, got to go back tomorrow to get it done. But we are going to make the most of tomorrow and spend some time together and have lunch out.


      • Hi Guys and goodnight, didn't get time for hello's or a Bacon Roll this morning as I was on the Allotment at 7:15 because the youngest daughter was home to keep and eye on Mr's C

        I had a couple of hours of Allotment Therapy and then spent most of the rest of the day in the garden building a replacement cantilever Minty Frame for the wall at my first allotment as something or someone appears to have fallen through an broken the bamboo one that has been there for the last four years

        See Alans Allotment: Runner Bean Gallows Bracket
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • Originally posted by craftymarie View Post
          Day 2 of daughter being away on school trip. Missed her normal loud greeting first thing this morning. Never again will I moan that she talks too much!
          Enjoy the evening everyone
          Yes you will
          Believe me Marie there will come a time when you will look forward to her going for a short holiday, remember daughters are learning to be women and possibly wives
          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


          • OK who reset my body clock? Morning People have a great one whatever you end up doing.

            The electrician is coming to fit a socket for the stair lift today, then I guess I need to get cracking with decorating the stairs and arranging the new carpet. The sub contractor who laid my wet room vinyl also does carpet so I'm going to get him to drop off his samples so Mrs C can choose what she wants.
            Last edited by Cadalot; 20-04-2017, 04:51 AM.
            . .......Man Vs Slug
            Click Here for my Diary and Blog
            Nutters Club Member


            • Mornin Cadn'all

              Must have been me Cad...tis 7am here

              Mixture of domestics, swimming and gardening for me today.
              I really am doing an excellent job of ignoring the ironing pile!

              Have a great day all...hugs to those who need one...or two..
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Good Morning All Raining here. Have a good day
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Morning, been up since 5.50 am, my body clock needs a factory reset!
                  Got to prepare a chicken curry for the slow cooker, which will be cooking whilst I put in a few hours at the charity shop.
                  When I get back, said curry will be ferried to our daughters and we will have a family meal together.
                  On the gardening front, my flower seedlings - all 4 - are no more. Given up and will purchase at the GC.
                  Toms, kale and sprouts are showing their second leaves now and if this weather picks up over night, will soon be in my little blow away.
                  Have a wonderful day folks
                  Nannys make memories


                  • Originally posted by rary View Post
                    Yes you will
                    Believe me Marie there will come a time when you will look forward to her going for a short holiday, remember daughters are learning to be women and possibly wives
                    Ha ha, Rary! Yes maybe if she turns into a really stroppy teenager! I remember my teenage years and cringe now. My poor parents : D

                    Today isn't as bad because now I am thinking it is only tomorrow and she'll be home Plus we got a photo of her last night on the school website - they'd been toasting marshmallows around a fire and I'm pretty sure she would like that. Anything that involves eating lol.

                    Need to crack on with some more repotting but starting to run out of little pots. Only 10 left. I think that might be a sign I've been growing rather too much this year. No idea where they will go either. No room left at the inn so to speak.

                    Have a happy Thursday everyone
                    LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


                    • Morning all. Rained last night - on the plus side I don't need to water the fruit trees, on the minus side I left laundry out.

                      Toms appear to have survived first night in new gh

                      Car at garage today and OH away for a few days with other car. Good job parents visiting or I'd be stuck

                      Not sure what lies ahead today, enjoy whatever you're doing peeps.

                      Toasted hot cross bun with butter for breakfast - yum. 4 left if anyone wants one?
                      Another happy Nutter...


                      • Earthed up and covered over the Dunluces last night in case of frost, but no sign this morning even though it was extremely cold when I went to bed. Perhaps it thawed at some point; either that or it's because I got up later this morning... Anyway, the tatties will benefit from the earthing up. No sign of the Charlottes as yet.

                        I've got plenty of brassicas desperate to get out of their pots and modules and into their final beds. I've even turned down a lunch date with a friend to do some digging. Mr Snoop thinks I'm daft, but it's got to be done. There never seem to be enough hours in the day. Anyway else feel like that?

                        Hope you all have a great day.


                        • Good morning everyone, hope you are all well! Been up for a couple of hours so far. Harry dog went to groomers yesterday and wriggled so much he was tired when he came back so slept from early evening until EARLY this morning. There is a bit of a smirr this morning but not cold at all. Think it has to be dull most of the day. Going to try and get out to replace my phone this morning. Got this rubbish S@msung S 4 mini...dreadful phone, can do nothing on it and it has no memory so hoping to get an all singing and dancing replacement. Anyhoo, off for some breakfast, kettle's on for anyone who fancies a cuppa. Have a lovely day.


                          • Yes please, HH.

                            The farm (next door and behind us, we're rather like an island in their holding and we know they'd buy our house back if ever we moved...) is having a feed delivery. I like our neighbours. I don't mind the smells. I don't mind the milking machine at 5.45am. I admire their work ethic and dedication. I don't even mind the smoke from their industrial wood burner drifting into our house (much).

                            But the teeth-grating loud, low rumble of a feed delivery gets right on my t*ts. *twitch*

                            Was supposed to be doing a dawn shift on the plot, but was instead doing an evening shift in stomach bug hell last night and am now in bed.

                            Mentally planning improbable plot structures to while away the bilious hours....


                            • I sound grumpy. Heh.


                              • Aww, hope you feel better soon 1Bee!


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