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Chatback #14


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  • Mornin n'all n'all

    All good here...we have the sunshine!
    Rain due on Tuesday until the weekend so hopefully we'll get the spuds in by then.

    If I walk quickly and turn my head, I hardly notice the huuuge ironing pile!!!!

    Have a great day peeps ....remember, next weekend is another Bank Holiday!
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Good evening,

      Spent most the afternoon at the plot. Enjoying as much as the sun today because weather is saying its raining tomorrow

      Also been to the garden centre and pick up some nice flowers and a chilli plant called vampire. Only got it coz they say they produce black chillies.


      • Feel as if my eyeballs have been Brillo padded. Spent the last 2 days and nights in the hospital supporting a friend and her OH having their baby induced. It didn't work the first 2 times and although it got going the 3rd time she had a long and difficult time. The resulting little boy is absolutely gorgeous.

        I came home expecting to have a long sleep but only managed 3 hours. So I broke my diet and went out for a carvery.

        One of my dogs seems to have something stuck in his throat. He can eat, drink and breath but can't bark and keeps coughing. I'll take him to the vet tomorrow.

        My plants seem to have survived last nights frost. I wasn't at home to take them in.

        Early night for me. Not this early but I'll be back tomorrow peeps.
        "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
        "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


        • Hope your dog is OK, JanieB.

          Odd day here. Another frost. Fig tree leaves are dropping off now. Likely to have frosts all next week.

          Ground rock hard but have watered one bed liberally, so I can remove weeds and give it a bit of a forking over before I leave for UK. Mr Snoop asked if if was really worth doing but was convinced of the need when I told him I'd have to cull a load of sprout plants if I didn't do it.

          Hope you all had a good day.


          • Good evening, a nice sunny day but cool, was in the garden far a time and got some weeding done, also planted more lily bulbs as well as some gladioli just back in from greenhouse where I have put the fire on will need to find some way of keeping the heat all night as by morning time the temp is down to 6c. better than freezing but quite sure it could stay warmer longer will see, well I am off to make the supper to try in get into her good books again, we had been looking at places to stay in the Lake District, and she found a place and asked me what I thought about it, when I told her just to go ahead with it if she wanted, after all henhouse was far better than mine she knew what I meant, I will need to make sure there are no books about when I make remarks like that in future, her aim was good in fact very good and just as well I could turn quickly or I would have problems walking. Well have a good week I hope your plants survive the cold that's forecasted but whatever happens pass on a smile. Goodnight
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Evening all. Lovely sunny day, although fleece at the ready for gh in case things turn cold.

              Took children to a friends house this morning where we all ended up playing table tennis in the kitchen, & as two 7 year old don't have very good aim the whole kitchen turned into a ping pong table my friend and I were in fits of giggles.

              OH back to work tomorrow after a break, not looking forward to it children on inset tomorrow so need to persuade them to play in the garden for large chunks of the day so I can sow seeds etc.

              Youngest got v excited when I planted apple trees, then quite disappointed when they didn't immediately grow apples - need a cute emoji here

              Night night all, & have a good week.
              Another happy Nutter...


              • Morning Crew, welcome to another Monday and the reassuring decline in the temperature that means I'm not really behind on sowing this year, I'm just very cautious.
                . .......Man Vs Slug
                Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                Nutters Club Member


                • Morning Cad'n'any lurkers from a parky but calm Nestland. A bit of fencing is one of the jobs for today, not sure what the others are just yet. Have a good one if you are not in employment.
                  sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                  Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                  Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                  KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                  • Morning All

                    Really hoping we get some rain as well as cold this week, will be off to water things later just in case we dont.

                    Have a fun Monday All


                    • Good morning, a nice sunny morning but cold, have to wait for someone to come and check out my internet, so could be a lazy morning, but most morning's are that now I note that in my last post it said my wife's henhouse was better than mine that should have been her choice was better than mine, tho if we did have he houses hers would be a lot tidyer than mine, well have quite good day, pass on a smile
                      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                      • Morning all, it's lovely and sunny here but there is a chilly wind blowing here and big black clouds floating around the blue sky...fingers crossed the rain stays away today. Haven't seen the forecast so don't know what's to happen.
                        Hope the dog is ok Janie!
                        Henhouses or not, the Lake District is beautiful...haven't been there for a while though. Last time we were there was years ago in the middle of December. We were one of only 3 couple in the hotel...and it was a big hotel. We all had coffee together beside a big roaring fire and decided to have breakfast in our rooms to save the restaurant any problems with setting up. It was only the manager working and he forgot about us so no breakfast, OH put his back out and ended up hobbling around for months, the weather was rotten, it poured the whole time and was freezing cold and nothing was open! Wonder why we haven't been back!
                        Have a great day everyone!


                        • Morning everyone, last week subbed(sp?) out today's work so another short week. Going to catch up on the bits I didn't manage to get done over the weekend.
                          Definitely going to the plot, definitely going to sow seeds, definitely going to do some home gardening, definitely going to run out of time to do everything


                          • Morning everyone, bright but nippy here today.
                            Off to town sometime today for banking and other shopping chores. Hubby has dentist also.
                            It was a gorgeous sunny afternoon yesterday, which I would have liked to partake of after my Marathon watching.
                            Not a chance, our normally peaceful neighbors decided that a BBQ was in order. So that was my washing in the dryer.
                            We have a 90' garden and they BBQ at the very end. They also put their music on full blast at the back door end of the garden. I had to have all windows and doors shut and I could still here it above the TV.
                            The music? was from their home country and sounded like strangled cats wailing.
                            VC, could you put thus bit on the rant thread please. Couldn't find it yesterday.
                            Anyway, have a great day rain or shine
                            Nannys make memories


                            • Morning when I opened the curtains at 7-sh it was nice and sunny a good day to look forward to now its raining and cool.

                              JJ I've deleted your double post.
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Morning all Not at work today. Laid up since early hours of Sunday with what I think is vertigo. Raining here. That happens to me sometimes JJ and I get accused of confusion Have a good day
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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