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  • Morning according to the forecast we're not getting any rain today That sounds a much better stair lift company Cad. hope this one works out for you both.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Mornin n'alln'all
      Brill news there Cad.
      You going to do a review on Acorn's site?

      OH and daughter playing on the microtractor....creating wildlife areas in the field/garden

      Chook update.... 2 settled in as if they've always been here...the other 2are hiding!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
        Brill news there Cad. You going to do a review on Acorn's site?
        Done one to warn others
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • Flippin' sore today, that Gastroscopy was a bit brutal, I've felt less sore after a game of rugby. Good news is everything looks all right, well it looked all right to me watching the screen behind the surgeon, funny how you look inside.


          • Have they contacted you yet Cad? I always love that its very easy to say that on a review site - and also very easy not to actually bother! Hope Stannah are a big improvment!

            P.s. Hi everyone - hope all are well


            • Good news there burnie! Bit �f a relief it's over with now?
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                Good news there burnie! Bit �f a relief it's over with now?
                Not quite, there's hiatus hernia to fix and a gall bladder to come out, so keyhole surgery next to look forward too!!.


                • Hey up peeps

                  Hope everyone is keeping well..
                  Have been up to my eyes and struggling to get on here...

                  Did my 140km cycle 2 weeks ago and was faced with a strong wind for a lot of it, but enjoyed it nonetheless..So I bought myself a new bike this week

                  Off to see Eddie Vedder tonight, so looking forward to that too and hopefully get some gardening done tomorrow..

                  have a good one all
                  I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                  ...utterly nutterly


                  • Originally posted by vixylix View Post
                    Have they contacted you yet Cad? I always love that its very easy to say that on a review site - and also very easy not to actually bother! Hope Stannah are a big improvment!
                    Nope and I really don't expect them too, but it look as if they care, because they answered so quickly. I may have to update it tomorrow to record the fact that they didn't get in touch mind you why would they I have already spoken to them and told them that I thought they were a shower of Ummm manure but in kind nice language sort of PC version, and that I could not trust them and had given them enough rope to hang themselves with.
                    . .......Man Vs Slug
                    Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                    Nutters Club Member


                    • Afternoon, after a few showers earlier, it's turned out lovely and sunny.
                      Bought a few new Perrenials earlier from BM, so will be putting them out later today.
                      Am picking radishes every day, they are a tad hot mind you
                      Nannys make memories


                      • Hello everyone. Back home after a lovely week away. Visited York for a few days and then Cheltenham also spent some time in Kendal today, all and all it was a great break! Hope everyone is well. Off to catch up on all that's happened. See you all later.


                        • Good evening, glad you enjoyed the holiday Jay, and good to hear from you again Trip, all the best to you burnie, and Cad I hope you get a finish to your saga. Was at the hospital this morning with OH, sitting about waiting for quite a while as they were running about one and a half hours late, but still not as stressful as yesterday, long story cut short, thought I was picking up one of the boy's from school, but his mum had arranged for him to go to a friends, to save his Gran any bother, but didn't tell me, and as the school is used as a polling station lot of folk about, and I didn't see him going with his friend and his mum, very stressful till I found them 35 minutes later, it took quite a time for me to get back onto an even keel, however I don't think it will happen again. Well I think I will have an early night as we have been up since 5 this morning as my wife couldn't sleep for the pain, and I think I will need to be well rested due to all this housework lark, she's making a list of what's needing done and if she is sitting about, just moving the ornaments and furniture to kid on that I've dusted and hoovered want do, not that I would do thatthen she will be looking for me to give her a hand getting a shower, oh the sacrifices we men have to make, remember pass on a smile, I might be too exhausted to do that with a bit of luck. Goodnight
                          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                          • Morning Peopleoids Rary I hope OH improves quickly and you are not rushed off your feet too much.

                            Well surprise surprise Acorn did phone me! She had my file, but didn't know half of what had gone on because it was not recorded and thought I was about to go through the process of getting my money back and had not already had it!

                            I did insist the refund was BACS immediately in the same was as I had paid it, and that I should not have to wait 14 days which they screwed up as they took the sort code down incorrectly and rang be back later in the day when they could not transfer the funds.

                            I explained everything and asked her closed questions along the discussion (Yes No Answers only) regarding if she thought they had acted reasonably?, would she had put up with it if the boot had been in the other foot? etc.

                            She asked me what I wanted out of making the complaint on the TrustPilot system, I explained to warn others especially the more elderly and desperate, because their service or lack of it was truly appalling.

                            I explained that the reason I was being so co operative and helpful answering all her questions when really all the information she was unaware off should be on their computer filing system and I had already spoken to members of staff from the Customer Relations department, was for them to get themselves sorted out and improve the quality of their service, but the bottom line was based on my experience of the company I would recommend that anyone wanting a stair lift should not touch them with a barge pole.

                            Her final gambit was did I want to know the results of and Actions taken after her research into what happened and why? I said yes please contact me via email as my mother had used the company years ago and had never had a problem with her order or the machine but when telling the story of our experience I can always say at the end what actions they state they took following my complaint.

                            Sometime there is a part of me that hates trying to live my life as a fair and reasonable man !
                            Last edited by Cadalot; 10-06-2017, 06:46 AM.
                            . .......Man Vs Slug
                            Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                            Nutters Club Member


                            • Good Morning All You sound very fair and reasonable to me Cad - I hope there's a satisfactory outcome. Raining here and Room Service is late.
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • Morning its wet and windy out so not a good day for Woman's cycling tour that's in Derbyshire today.
                                Location....East Midlands.


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