Good evening,not much garden work done today, had to go shopping this morning, and of course OH had to take me for coffee, intended to get some gardening done, but got a phone call and had to go and collect one of the grandsons from school, I was told that he was the sixth pupil to be taken home, so there must be a bug doing the rounds so possible an other three to collect, did get into the greenhouse this evening and I decided to remove some of the tomato plants there were a number of green tomatoes so decided as I have a number of apples in the garden I will make some chutney so they are all in the house to get made into chutney to discover we have no jars, "we" decided that they were not needed when the kitchen was remitted (some how I missed taking part in that decision
) now I need to find a way to store so bag of tomatoes. Well it's nice to see AP. back, and I can feel a "I told you so) coming from a certain quarter, mind you she might have other concerns with laptops etc. so welcome back Aberdeenplotter and Bal. Oh and NS its nice to see you accept the blame for placing containers in the wrong place
Well bedtime now as we have the grandsons down early tomorrow and I need to get my beauty sleep, so pass on a smile. Goodnight
