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  • Morning Crew of the good ship Grapevine, Rary you are not alone in having a significant other that believes that men only have two faults, everything they say and everything they do. A frequent reply to my question "are you ok Babe" is "not really your still breathing" and Mrs C has plans for me.

    Once the Bathroom and WC are done, I'm to move all the Christmas clutter back from my eldest daughters old bedroom, into the loft, decant our bedroom into my eldest daughters room. Decorate our bedroom, then move us back into our bedroom, decorate my eldest daughters room so that my youngest daughter can move into it.

    Decorate the youngest daughters room, move my office from the downstairs utility room into it then gut and decorate the kitchen and utility room, followed by the living room and then the hall and stairs.

    She appears to have informed my daughter that she should be in the new bedroom by Christmas does this woman not realise I now have two allotment plots!

    This post helped me with the Fun Just for Fun thread
    Last edited by Cadalot; 26-02-2017, 05:52 AM. Reason: the usual fixing sloppy finger work
    . .......Man Vs Slug
    Click Here for my Diary and Blog
    Nutters Club Member


    • Morning all You're going to be busy Cad. Looking like rain here today. Have a good Sunday
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Morning everyone, grey here, not raining yet
        Rary, I would notice any extras in my back yard as I only have a piece of cardboard awaiting removal.
        We had a frog at the back door earlier this week, he had been hibernating under our lily plant. Hubby was sure he came up to say thank you for the extra cover we gave him.
        Right, back to today. Children coming over for late dinner tonight, got a huge, yellow stickered, leg of pork out of the freezer. We will be eating that all week.
        The dining table was carried out to the garage yesterday as new carpet fitting is impending. It will have to come back in and go out again after dinner lol
        Have a lovely Sunday
        Nannys make memories


        • Morning rain here as well Flo so I'll play with seeds and compost in the GH its about time I made a start.
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Dry here at the moment, but more wintry weather forecast later in the week, so I'll hold off the urge to start planting just yet. I've got Chillies in pots still in the heated propagator, so no room really, Sweet Peas are going really well, slowly hardening some off for planting in the Greenhouse, did this years ago and we had loads of cut flowers weeks before the outdoor ones.


            • Mornin/arthurnoon n'all n'all!

              Late start for me...well it IS Sunday after all.

              burnie...what's the secret to growing sweet peas?....I planted about 20 pots with 8 -10 peas in each pot.
              All seeds at least a year in date.
              6 pots have 3 or 4 which have germinated..the rest have just rotted!
              They were in the kitchen which is always about 20C and deffo not overwatered...cos the chillies are doing exceptionally well, and they are together .

              Maybe it's the compost?????

              Apart from that...hoping to get out and do more weeding today, failing that, another trip to the baths for another 60 lengths!

              Just think...4 weeks today and the clocks go forward!!!!!!
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Nipped out in between the showers and turned over my compost bin, added some shredded paper and some water as it was very dry(in a big plastic bin I got for free from the council).


                • My son brought 2 bags of compost for me so I can make a start tomorrow. I'm planning on growing less this year to keep it manageable and within my physical ability.
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • Afternoon all, well it has been continual heavy rain all day's finally stopped but the garden is like a swimming pool.
                    Hope you have had a lovely day and enjoy your evening.


                    • Another lovely day. Pretending to do paid work, when really all I can think about is seeds. Now have my broad beans bed ready and the pea bed won't take long to knock into shape. Mr Snoop has rotavated the winter brassicas patch as well. Only another 200 metres of beds to go...!


                      • Cadders, wouldn't it be easier to buy a new house?!?

                        I have sown some (120) sweet peas in the greenhouse, come on here and realised they might be too cold. Or wet. And should be indoors. Graaargh.

                        I have the last bag of onions to use up as they're sprouting, flinty cheddar on the turn and some puff pastry of dubious age in the freezer so it's a cheesey onion tart for tea. Am billing it as a 'treat' for Himself who goes all shifty at the thought of leftovers.

                        Nicos - am about to join a gym so I can be of less substance. Will be thrashing about in the pool too.
               - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                        • Good evening, it has been a wet sometime blustery day today, with a temp. of 7c had a lazy morning, went out to the greenhouse to remove the fleece from the seedlings in reboot bed and young plants on the benches lowest overnight temp. 7.5c but I don't know if that because it was quite mild or because I had a fire on last night, the fire is used to take the chill of the greenhouse when I am working in it, it sometime feels warmer in the greenhouse than the house, not that the house has poor central heating its just that there is some time a chilly atmosphere in the house, nd when out in the greenhouse I think on what I have supposed to have done wrong this time, and sadly some time the list is long (husbands and male partners will know what I mean) had the two youngest grandsons down early to go to church with us, after church they had their lunch before their parents collected them, once they went home OH wanted to take me out for lunch, and of course being an obedient husband I obliged, and while we were out OH suggested fitting lights under the wall units, women are so understanding and perceptive, wait till all the walls have been repaired and 're tiled and all the mess cleared up, than ask for something that requires cables to be hidden. I note that Jay has the ideal thing at her back garden for sore backs, a swimming pool, I bet she waits till it dries up then suggests to hubby that it would be a good idea to have a pool out there. Well I am off to bed, I have a busy day tomorrow, I don't know what I will be doing, but if I sit about the words "the porch and hall could be doing with being painted" will come up, I dread those words, . Goodnight
                          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                          • The above should read... the seedlings in the hot bed, this auto correct drives me daft some time, putting words in that's not there, must be female
                            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                            • Mornin n'all n'all

                              Woken to rain bouncing off the window.....think it's time for a cuppa!
                              Kettle's yourselves...
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Morning Nic, nice's quite mild here this morning, birds are twittering away so spring can't be far away. Cut up some spuds last night into 40 chitted pieces for the wormery tower, may put them in today, we'll see.............anyways, have a good one.
                                sigpic“Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,”
                                Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                                Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                                KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


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