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  • Good evening, very quiet on the Vine just now, is every one feeling ok? Was out in the greenhouse for a time tonight lit the fire but started to get smoke blowing backers for some reason so had to close it up, I will investigate the problem I have cap on the top its possible that has slipped down with the high winds, will find out tomorrow, have sown some pansy seeds and Orange Queen tomatoes, just five seeds, also some sweet peppers as I would like to get a crop of peppers this year so sowing early to lengthen the growing season, as in the past the results have been poor when started off in March, well if I don't try I will never know. I wish you all a good night NS I hope you get your housework done (funny how a word can make you feel uncomfortable) so have a good day tomorrow half way to the weekend for those who find that important. Goodnight gym
    Last edited by rary; 24-01-2017, 11:02 PM.
    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


    • Morning peeps, congestion and coughing has woke me up early this morning but at least last night I managed to remain in bed and was not sitting up on the settee all night like the night before.

      Trip out to get some more cough medicine this morning me thinks,
      . .......Man Vs Slug
      Click Here for my Diary and Blog
      Nutters Club Member


      • Good morning Cad and All Sorry for you Cad and hope It clears up soon. Have a good day Oh forgot to say - no frost.
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Mornin Flon'all....

          Not nice Cad...hope you soon improve and it doesn't linger.....

          Wednesday already !.. Burns night!
          Got the haggis defrosted in preparation...anyone out celebrating tonight?

          Quiet day for me apart from swimming later.

          Have to say that my sweet peas aren't germinating long do they usually take?
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • Morning, a bit brighter, mild but windy this morning. Harry dog going to the groomer today, at long last, he stinks to high heaven and doesn't look much better either. It's been nearly three months since the last time he was groomed as he wasn't well and missed his last appointment...hope she is ready for him. I swear it would be easier dealing with a Rottweiler than Harry the Bichon!
            Visit to the supermarket and the usual domestic duties...we lead such an exciting life don't we?!
            Hope you all have a lovely day and hope you feel better Cad...a cup of black tea with honey and lemon will help your throat, at least it worked for me.


            • Morning all. Cold but sunny here today. Housework & shopping this morning, then youngest has vaccinations this afternoon. Will precede if with a visit to the beach (again), & have chocolate buttons at the ready for jabs themselves. Dog booked in for her jabs tomorrow - it's the week for it!

              Feeling super snotty, which ties in nicely with gym induction this evening after previous one was booked on the wrong day.

              Right ho, better get on with tidying. Squash roasting in the oven for dinner tonight.
              Another happy Nutter...


              • Brighter day up here too, might try cutting the lawn later if it dries a bit, with the unseasonal warmer weather it's definitely growing.


                • Mine needs a cut as well - might try on a long setting tomorrow or Friday.
                  Another happy Nutter...


                  • ^^^Is it not a bit early yet, what if you get a frost does it not burn the grass?


                    • That's why I'll do it on the longest possible setting. Grass v long in patches, in others it'll be a light trim & other bits won't even be touched when the mower goes over it.
                      Another happy Nutter...


                      • afternoon all - happy burns night to the scottish grapes!

                        Cold and frosty here again today - my lovely OH defrosted the car for me when he left for work. 30 minutes later when I left for work it was frozen over again

                        There's some lovely sunshine at the moment though, which makes me very happy indeed

                        p.s. mowing grass - I struggle to find the motivation to do that in August, never mind in January!


                        • I need the grass clippings to mulch my raspberries
                          Another happy Nutter...


                          • Well that's the grass cut just before it got dark, I bet it needs doing again before my birthday, don't think I've ever cut grass in January before.
                            Thanks for the Burns wishes Vixylix, not actually Scottish, but any excuse for a dram and I'm in.


                            • Good afternoon/ evening, dull but mild here didn't manage to get to check my lum today as had to do some papering for my son too many windows, doors and electric plugs and switches for him to get it right so muggins here was volunteered by his mum, the least said to that the soonest mended! just now at my daughter's watching the older boys, I see they are getting a haggis supper to night, their dad must have been out hunting at the weekend, I have not managed to get one yet this year, but have attended three suppers this year and the haggis has been different at all three, but all good, well I better go and see if the boy's want anything, so see you later
                              Last edited by rary; 25-01-2017, 03:59 PM.
                              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                              • Originally posted by rary View Post
                                Good afternoon/ evening, dull but mild here didn't manage to get to check my lum today as had to do some papering for my son too many windows, doors and electric plugs and switches for him to get it right so muggins here was volunteered by his mum, the least said to that the soonest mended! just now at my daughter's watching the older boys, I see they are getting a haggis supper to night, their dad must have been out hunting at the weekend, I have not managed to get one yet this year, but have attended three suppers this year and the haggis has been different at all three, but all good, well I better go and see if the boy's want anything, so see you later
                                Out hunting Haggis?
                                Tricky little blighters as they don't run straight due to having 3 legs ya know.


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