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  • Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
    ......Terribly selfish I know but...
    Not selfish at all, realistic.

    When Kerry our black lab died, Meggy our mad collie cross was inconsolable. She was only quite young but desperately in need of the companionship of other dogs. We weren't able to get another because of our circumstances at the time but fortunately had a friend who took her on with her own dogs. We didn't wan't to lose her but it was the right thing to do for her- it was heart wrenching.


    • It's amazing how they depend on one another...we didn't even think he liked Alfie but there you go. Harry is 15½ now and has always been independent but he is losing his hearing and sight which obviously doesn't help...I think maybe Alfie was his eyes and ears. As my OH says, we can't live our lives without going out so unfortunately he is going to have to put up with the odd day where we are out. Longest we go is a couple of hours on a Saturday to go watch ice hockey. It's about all we do now. Wouldn't have it any other way of course.


      • Sorry to read about your friend's funeral, NannySally. I hope you are just relaxing after your difficult day.

        I've just scoffed pancakes all day long. I had 2 for breakfast (in defense I was testing out different flours etc) and I lost count of how many I had for dinner. They were all stuffed with strawberries or pineapple so I don't feel too bad about it

        I really do love my pancakes.

        It's gone back to being freezing cold again and had to make a hottie to warm up this arvo. When's it going to warm up so I can brave doing some planting?

        Enjoy your pancakes this evening, Nicos. And anyone else that is having them
        LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


        • Evening All
          I've had an exciting day - been to the dentist to have a new tooth glued in. Why do dentists make you laugh when you have your mouth open and have to suppress it?
          I was fascinated by the impressions they took of my teeth last time and the cast they'd made of my mouth. I told the dentist they'd look good on the mantlepiece or as massive earrings! Anyway, the dentist wrapped them up and gave them to me as a parting gift. I've been practising my bite, seeing which teeth touch.............I like new toys!
          Just one little worry, do they count as clutter?
          Hope you've all had a good day, especailly you Sally. Saying goodbye to friends can be happy as well as sad. Just remember the good times
          Jay, how does Harry show his anxiety when you leave him?


          • Evening all. The funeral went really well, very sad though.
            Carpet all fitted this morning, looking lovely, furniture coming on Thursday.
            Spent a couple of hours before the funeral cuddling, feeding and winding a gorgeous little baby girl. Very relaxing it was too, like wearing a little baby brooch - ahh
            Now, a week looking after the GG, school, Girl Guides, after school club, world book day, I will be needing a flipping rest lol
            Have a lovely evening and Rary, I'll read your post in the morning
            Nannys make memories


            • VC, when we come back he is barking and has obviously been pacing up and down the door as the floor is usually wet where he has been panting. He doesn't take long to calm down so I'm hoping he is not overly stressed but I can't enjoy myself thinking about him getting worked up. Thankfully the neighbours don't hear him as their main rooms are at the opposite side to ours with the driveway in between. Unfortunately at Christmas we went out for about three hours with friend and when we came back he was sick and had a fit...he fits if he is sick, it's called Vasovagel Syncope, basically he cuts the oxygen off to his brain! Sounds dramatic but he recovers within about 30 secs. Hence the reason I would like to find something which would relax him when we go out.

              Sorry to bore everyone with the trials of my dog!


              • Am glad the funeral went well Sally.

                Feel for you with your dog Jay22, I hope you can find something that works to relax him. I don't have any pets so I can't offer anything but sympathy.

                Just back from watching the Christmas special of Upstart Crow being recorded. It was fascinating and brilliant - and I'm saying nothing about the plot but Liza Tarbuck was especially brilliant. If you watch it in 10 months, some of those belly laughs are mine and Himself's. What was also wonderful was Ben Elton spending his evening talking us through the references, his inspirations and the plot developments in all the breaks. And they were all free tickets too.
                Last edited by sparrow100; 28-02-2017, 10:46 PM.
       - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                • Good morning is it St David's Day today? It's frosty again. Have a good day
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • Happy St David's Day
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Moring Flo and all those to follow, and Happy St David's Day anyone grown leeks to wear ?
                      . .......Man Vs Slug
                      Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                      Nutters Club Member


                      • Morning its frosty here as well Flo.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Morning all,quite bright at the moment, rain to follow
                          The crock pot is on, washing machine is on and it's like the calm before the storm. GG duties are impending this afternoon until Friday evening
                          No Rary late last night? I've missed my morning giggle, hope he's ok
                          Have a lovely day everyone
                          Nannys make memories


                          • Morning everyone, lazy start today, just leaving now. Quick trip to the plot yesterday to check on things following the storm and on the whole it's not bad- no structural damage anyway. Couple of daleks have gone missing which is a bit of a pita but hopefully they will turn up and a bit of weed membrane covering one of my beds has vanished. Have a great day


                            • Mornin n'all n'all

                              Have a great day all....
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Morning cold and frosty but bright this morning! Not a lot on the cards today although I do have a bit of ironing to favourite (not). Hope you all have a great day.

                                Happy St. Davids Day to everyone in Wales!


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