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  • Lighter and lovelier Nicos - Well done you!
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Morning Crew - we have lights in the WC and bathroom !!! Not sure who if anyone is coming today but next on the agenda is a little more prep work on the walls and window cills then starting the tiling. Mrs C can hardly move again so I'm waiting to see if she is going to manage to get vertical today or if it's going to be a rest day in bed. She is supposed to be dog sitting Saturday which would release me for a day on the allotment if the weather is dry and possibly let me get the greenhouse erected and the Onion Beds done.
      . .......Man Vs Slug
      Click Here for my Diary and Blog
      Nutters Club Member


      • Morning all, big rain forecast for us today - yuk
        I am working this morning so will get one way or another I expect
        We now have a few days off GG sitting, she is with her Dad this weekend
        Daughter has sent a few photos and it looks very nice in Egypt
        Have a lovely Friday
        Nannys make memories


        • Morning a wet day for us as well NS.
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Another fierce frost last night and now clear blue skies and not a breath of wind, useless for fishing so may spend the day in the garden.


            • Peeing down here. Am glad I had a session at the plots yesterday as there's no point for another week or so with it so wet.

              Time for some light seed sowing. And coffee. Lots of.
     - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


              • Morning! Lashing it down here ... again! Got up early to go to the Beauty Salon, arrived promptly to be reminded that my appointment is tomorrow morning; beautician has to go to a funeral today. Arrrgghh! Doh! Eejit that I am.

                Ah well, what to do today? Maybe plant some more seeds in propagator. Get the grocery, buy some birthday cards. Flick my feather duster. None of these is filling me with excitement and enthusiasm. Grey, grey, grey. Well done on the weight loss Nicos. Every time I see my younger son, there is a little less of him - and that is a good thing! As he says, "I'm happy Mum, don't need to overeat these days." Right - off to do meaningful, useful things - even if they are a bit dull.


                • Mornin all!
                  Thought I'd already said how-do today!

                  Seed sorting, weeding and maybe a swim today.
                  Food all sorted for this evening so I'm feeling very content today!
                  Just worked out my MILs dog is 16 this year! wonder she's arthritic... awwww....
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Afternoon all

                    Wet and cold here. Had a very busy day but I've cracked upon a little beer now and all is well with the world again!

                    Am going to chillax now for the rest of the day. Probably go and watch broadchurch.

                    Where's the IT'S FRIDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY - someone is missing
                    LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


                    • Not much happening here today. Sat down and looked at how much work I have to do. Promptly got so fed up that I decided I'd try and work out a rotation plan for my winter veg patch. But it's beyond me. All the things that will be in the beds x months but what about the following group, when will they have to go in?! Aargh.


                      • Evening Everyone!

                        "Happy Friday" one and all!

                        Exam sat! and not very optimistic if truth be known, even the "Quietly Confident" boys as we sat over a pint at the end said they struggled with the test paper!

                        But it's done! 8 weeks before results are awarded, but hey, what will be will be!

                        Just be glad now to get back to work, put normality back in place, n be able to get some gardening done!
                        "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                        • Good evening/morning, make it what you want, just a quick note tonight as its getting late, its been very cold and dull today, stayed dry for most of the day, decided to cut down some hedges, but gave up as it felt too cold, I must be reaching an age where these things make a difference, can any of the more mature Grapes advise me on this, having read Nicos's post I am now going to look up some medical books to find out why a relationship with an old dog gives you arthritis . Hope your exam results are good Deano, I wish you all the best for them. Well enjoy the weekend , hopefully it will get a bit warmer, I think I will try and share some body heat, but sadly my OH sometimes doesn't realise I am just trying to help her. Goodnight
                          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                          • Flo you out there ? Ummm not like Flo not to be the first poster in the morning !

                            Morning all, have a great day if the weather holds and Mrs C isn't too bad today I may get to erect the greenhouse frame on my second allotment plot.
                            Last edited by Cadalot; 04-03-2017, 05:45 AM.
                            . .......Man Vs Slug
                            Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                            Nutters Club Member


                            • Mornin Cadn'all

                              Tis weekend Cad....Flo is having her well earned rest!

                              Cor-this weekend suddenly appeared!...more seed swap stuff to sort out...lists, posters and leaflets to order, packets of seeds to make ,plants to dig up and pot on...I'm hoping to get it all under my belt my mid week.

                              Didn't manage a swim yesterday but need to go today or tomorrow.
                              Nothing else arranged fir the weekend apart from OH watching the rugby.
                              What's everyone else up to?
                              Kettle's yourselves..
                              Oh, and whoever left the bacon cooking, it's almost ready.
                              (You can almost smell that thought can't you!)

                              Have a great day peeps.
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Morning a dry day so they've changed the forecast since yesterday evening.

                                Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                                Mornin Cadn'all
                                Kettle's yourselves..
                                Oh, and whoever left the bacon cooking, it's almost ready.
                                (You can almost smell that thought can't you!)

                                Have a great day peeps.

                                My bacon an mushroom roll tastes as good as it smells
                                Location....East Midlands.


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