Evening all 
Not a good start to day. I went to the Drs for a blood pressure check and the nurse said I also needed my blood taken which I queried because I am a total wuss at being poked with a needle - it's always a trauma as they struggle to find a vein and normally end up jabbing both arms. After suffering feeling faint and sick from the experience, she tells me whoops, I didn't need to take blood after all gRRR!
The positive news was that my blood pressure is now stable thanks to the medication I'm on.
Was very cold and back to wearing coat and gloves. Hoping for better weather tomorrow.
Looking forward to Friday!

Not a good start to day. I went to the Drs for a blood pressure check and the nurse said I also needed my blood taken which I queried because I am a total wuss at being poked with a needle - it's always a trauma as they struggle to find a vein and normally end up jabbing both arms. After suffering feeling faint and sick from the experience, she tells me whoops, I didn't need to take blood after all gRRR!
The positive news was that my blood pressure is now stable thanks to the medication I'm on.
Was very cold and back to wearing coat and gloves. Hoping for better weather tomorrow.
Looking forward to Friday!